2016University of Michigan H.S.DebateTournamentInvitation

The 2016University of MichiganHighSchool DebateTournament

Friday,October 28th-Sunday, October 30th,2016

Tournament of Champions (TOC)Octafinals BidTournament

Onbehalf of theUniversity ofMichigan and MichiganDebateProgram,we arepleased toinviteyoutoattend the21stAnnualUniversity ofMichiganHighSchool DebateTournament.Thetournament's preliminary rounds willbeheld at Saline High School (1300 Campus Pkwy, Saline, MI 48176)on Friday and Saturday and the elimination rounds on Sundaywill be held on the Central Campusof theUniversityof Michigan. The tournament willprovidecompetitioninthe Varsity and Novicedivisions oftwoperson(policy)debate. The tournament hasbeencertified as anOCTAFINALSTOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONSQUALIFIERFOR POLICYDEBATE INTHE VARSITYDIVISION.


Teams must register byMonday, September 19th, spacepermitting.Tournament entry and judging fees are also due at this time. Fees should bemailed to2205MichiganUnion,530South StateStreet,AnnArbor,MI 48109. Checks shouldbemade outtoMichiganDebate. Ifforsomereason you can’t paybycheck, weshouldbe ableto accept Visa, AmericanExpress,andMastercardcreditcardpaymentsviaourwebpage payment gateway- Norefundswill beissued afterSeptember 19th.

Wewill accept asmany entries as wehave availablerooms.Ifwehavefilled upbythetime you register, wewill haveawaiting list available. Last yearwereachedcapacity inbothdivisions and had toturnseveralentrants away, particularlythosewhoregistered informally. Please enter earlytoassure yourteams aspot atthe tournament.Allregistration and entries shouldbedone at The exactURLforour tournament registrationcan befoundat

Wewillusemutualpreferencejudgingandrequirejudges toenter theirballotsonline. A digital tournament packet (including campus maps, thefinal schedule, parking information, wireless internet information,etc.)will be available via tabroom.com


Thescheduleis always subject tochangebased onentries.Thevarsity divisionwillconsistof sevenpreliminary debates:twopreset roundson Friday and five additional preliminaryroundsonSaturday. Round3willbe pairedhigh-highand rounds 4-7willbepairedhigh-low.Round 4willbe lag-powered off rounds1and 2. Rounds5-7willbepower-matched.Thetop32teams willcleartoaDoubleOctafinals onSundaymorning.All preliminaryrounds will be held at Saline High School and all eliminationroundswillbeheld ontheCentral Campus.

The novicedivisionwill alsoconsist ofsevenpreliminaryrounds:twopreset rounds onFriday and five additional preliminaryrounds onSaturday. Round 3 will bepaired high-highand rounds 4-7willbepaired high-low. Round 4willbe lag-powered off rounds1 and 2. Rounds5-7willbepower-matched.TheNovice divisioniscurrentlyscheduled tocleartoOctafinals onSundaymorning.

Tomaximize judgepreferences,eachteam entered has a 4roundprelim judging obligation.Alljudges are obligated forthefirst eliminationround. Judgesarefurtherobligatedtojudgeoneround aftertheelimination of theirlastteam.Schools whosejudgesorreplacement judges donotmeet theirobligations canhavetheir teams prevented from competing.


Only debaters in their first year of high school competition may enter the novice division. If a team has previously won the Novice or JV Division of a Tournament of Champions qualifying tournament, they must enter the Varsity division.


Fees forthetournamentare $100.00perteam. Alimited numberofhired judgeswillbe available at $160.00 peruncoveredteam. In otherwords, afulljudgewould cost $280.00 and cover twoteams.


Thetournament hotelisonce againtheHamptonInnAnnArborSouthand theygaveus a rateof$104.00per night. The addressof theHamptonInnis 925VictorsWay, AnnArbor, MI48108 and theirphone numberis734-665-5000. Thebooking link forthehotel is Whenmaking reservations makesuretotell thereceptionist thatyou arewiththeUM Debate 2016. If youarehaving difficultymaking areservation,please ask tospeak withCrystal Lott(734)665-5000, ext:118. Her e-mail address is . There are plenty ofrestaurantslocated nearthetournament hotel, including lotsof fastfoodoptions and afew late night spotslikeBuffaloWildWings, RedRobin, Macaroni Grill, etc.

Thisyear,we’ve securedasecondaryblockof hotel rooms at theCourtyardby Marriott for$124.00pernight. Thisproperty is located rightnext totheHamptonInnAnnArborSouth. Theiraddressand contact informationis3205Boardwalk, AnnArbor, MI 48108, Phone:(734)995-5900. Thebooking linkforthe Courtyard Marriott is reservations makesureto tell thereceptionist thatyou arewithUniversity of MichiganDebate. If you arehaving difficultymaking a reservation,please ask to speak withSales Manager TracyMurley (Extension 6154).This yearwe’vesecured athird blockofrooms at the FairfieldInn, located at3285Boardwalk Dr for $114.00 per night. The booking link is numberis (734)995-5200. If you are having difficulty making a reservation, please ask to speak with Sales Coordinator Jalal Tauhidi (734-995-5200).


I am pleased thatChris Palmer of Lexington (MA) High Schoolhas agreedtobeinchargeof thetabroom again.


We arepleased tobe abletoprovidefreewirelessaccessthisyearforall competitors,judges, and coaches at both Saline High School and the University of Michigan.


AaronKall, Directorof Debate,

TheUniversity ofMichiganDebateTeam, 2205MichiganUnion,530SouthStateStreet,AnnArbor, MI 48109. (734)239-3996-Aaron’s Cell

(734)764-6808- MichiganDebate Office

(734)763-5902- MichiganDebate Office Fax


Monday, September 19th - Registration Deadline and all Tournament Entry and Judging Fees are due. No refunds will provided afterthis date.

Tuesday, September 27th- Courtyardby MarriottHotel Block Expires (Space Permitting).

Wednesday, September 28th- Marriott Fairfield Block Expires(Space Permitting).

Monday, October 10th- Hampton Inn Ann ArborSouthHotel Block Expires(Space Permitting).

Friday,October 28th, 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.- LateRegistration at Saline High School

2016Tournament Schedule

*SUBJECT TOCHANGE* Friday, October 28th:

3:00pm-4:00pm-LateRegistrationat Saline High School

3:30pm- Round1and 2pairings released on Tabroom.com

4:00pm-Round 1(Preset)

6:00pm-Round 2(Preset)

Saturday, October 29th:

7:00 am-Pairingsreleased on Tabroom.com

8:00 am-Round3 (High-High)

10:00 am-Round4 (Lagged Powered andHigh-Low)

12:00pm- LunchBreak

1:00pm- Round 5(High-Low)

4:00pm- Round 6(High-Low)


7:00pm-Round 7(High-Low)

Sunday,October 30th:

7:00 am-Elimination PairingsReleased on Tabroom.com

8:00 am- Varsity DoubleOctafinals and NoviceOctafinals

10:00 am-Awards AssemblyinAuditorium (TBA) immediatelyfollowing Varsity DoubleOctafinals and Novice Octafinals

11:00 am- Varsity Octafinals and Novice Quarterfinals

2:00pm- Varsity Quarterfinals and NoviceSemifinals

5:00pm- Varsity Semifinals and NoviceFinals

8:00p.m.- Varsity Finals