Green Country Quilters Guild

Board Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Sue Semler. Those in attendance were: Peggy Evans, David Ann Davis, Denise Paglio, Rose Fitzgerald, Janet Martin, Sandra Kazandjian, Mary Beth Zwilling, Susan Shaw, Sandy Horn, Peggy Selman, Alice F. Spears, Dian Doak, Karen Scharf, Judy Helms, Nancy Ashcroft, Patti Luton, Debi Pickens, Paula Klaassen, and Linda Frazier.

March Guild Meeting Attendance: Night-99 including 4 new members and 2 guests, Day- 61 including 1 new member and 1 guest

The minutes from the February 23, 2016, board meeting were presented for approval. Denise Paglio made the motion to correct a point of order under the financial report on a second to the motion to accept the amended 2016 budget. Not being a board member, Judy Helms was withdrawn as the second and Nancy Ashcroft presented her name instead. Janet Martin second, carried.

The financial report was presented by Mary Beth Zwilling and filed.

Today, Karen and Linda met with Justin from Ricky Tims’s organization to view these venues, Hyatt, Cox, Renaissance, Glenpool and Broken Arrow Performing Arts Centers, and Double Tree, for Ricky Tims’s September 15 & 16, 2017 seminar. They signed a contract to have Ricky’s seminar in the Tulsa area. The guild will need to reissue a contract with Ricky as there will be the following changes in the seminar - 2 day vs. 3 day, Friday, noon to 7:00 p.m. and all day Saturday, and Ricky will teach the seminar by himself rather than including Alex Anderson or other instructors. Ricky will not perform a separate concert but will incorporate music in his teaching which will remain the same with a few new classes added. He will continue to use a large screen and instructional book. The seminar will not be as extensive, nor will there be a Bernina dealer included in the seminar. The cost will be reduced for the workshop, and volunteers will receive a credit in his store. Peggy Selman made the motion to approve a new contract with Ricky Tims under the change of terms regarding his seminar. Denise Paglio second, carried. Sue Semler would like to know if 500 people sign up for the seminar, could we request that Alex Anderson still be included in the program. Karen and Linda will ask Justin.

Judy Helms picked up 1500 Quilt Tulsa quilt show bookmarks from Shirley Cooley. Sandra Kazandjian is going to host a Hearts and Hands booth at the One OK Volunteer Fair. She will give out bookmarks, and asked about displaying posters and quilts to advertise the quilt show during the One OK Fair. Judy presented these fun activities that will be available for participants during the Quilt Tulsa 2016 Show: a block hop rather than a shop hop with 13 vendors providing a block pattern (Judy has received 12 so far). Purchasing a red t-shirt with the Quilt Tulsa 2016 medallion on the front will be the passport to participate in the block hop, dollar coupons are ready to be printed, and coloring books. Paula Klaassen designed the cover art for the coloring book which will contain blocks from our raffle quilt, “Lady in Red.” This includes both the appliqué and pieced blocks that Paula used to design the quilt. Zentangle designs by June Nessler will also be included. The cost per book will be $10, with sales helping defray quilt show expenses. Cooley Creek Printing is the contractor for the coloring book project. Judy will locate a new vendor for ribbons since the owner of the business previously used by the guild sold out and the new owner is not doing a good job.

Rose Fitzgerald would like to know where to get the information regarding the Mary Lou Weidman classes offered during the quilt show. Karen said that the application and information are on the website. Rose will pull them from the web page and include these in the newsletter.

Janet Martin has developed a better system to keep track of the quilt racks. Dian Doak requested that one rack be available for the April program.

Alice Spears reported that Saturday’s program with Cathy Miller was wonderful. The Miller’s sent a thank you note to the guild, expressing that they had a delightful time with the Green Country Quilt Guild and enjoyed their stay in Tulsa.

Patti Luton and Debi Pickens are scheduling programs for 2017. Since Ricky Tims’s seminar will no longer take place during the regularly scheduled meeting in September, do they need to schedule a program? It was confirmed that they will need to do so. The free-sew retreat will be scheduled for spring rather than fall in order to more evenly distribute larger programs. Camp Eagan will not allow them to schedule until January 2017. Peggy Selman pointed out that OQSQ has a spring retreat as well.

Dian Doak informed us that Dawn Berry will present a trunk show in April.

Pam Thomas was not in attendance, but did provide night attendance information. Sandy reported morning attendance information, which is listed above.

Sandra Kazandjian informed us that Hearts and Hands attendance has been increasing. Sixteen people attended the first Saturday of this month.

No Sunshine and Shadow report at this time.

Betty Fisher was not present due to surgery.

Karen Scharf had no web update at this time.

There were no other committee reports. There was no old business.

New Business: Sunshine and Shadow chairperson, Jolene Beattie resigned. Rose Fitzgerald will fill the position.

Members have asked Susan Shaw when the new book carts will be ready. She reported that Alice Spears’ husband is working on them and will be available very soon.

There being no further business, Sue adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy J. Evans
