PAD 8030
FALL 2006
Grand Pooh-Bah: Peter deLeon Telephone: (303) 556-5978
Time: Tuesday, 4:00 - 6:45 Class: LW 525: 1380 Lawrence Street
email: Office Hours: Tu/W 2-4:00 & by appt.
Course Objectives:
The purpose of the course is to introduce the doctoral student to the background, theory, and practice of the field of public policy, broadly interpreted. The first part of the course examines the historical heritages of the policy sciences as a problem-oriented, multi-disciplinary, and normative-motivated field of inquiry and research approach. The second part of the course focuses on one aspect of policy analysis, namely policy design. The third part of the course will discuss a set of proposed “theories” of the policy process. The fourth and final section will emphasize individual student’s research projects. The student is expected to gain both procedural and substantive knowledge in an issue-area and, more importantly, to developed critical analytic skills in conceptualizing the conduct of a research project.
The course has two basic opportunities for the successful student to shine, as well as a few minor chances. First, there is a critical book review (which accounts for roughly 20% of your grade). Students will select a book from the list (further) below and prepare a thoughtful review essay that will be shared amongst your colleagues. The purpose is two-fold: to sharpen your own critical skills and to improve the knowledge base of your classmates (imagine a multiplier effect!). The main concern of the class will be the individual research paper. It will be worth a honking 80% of the grade.
I have asked the book store to stock a few books for purchase, which represent the required texts for the class. They are:
T Peter deLeon, Advice and Consent: The Development of the Policy Sciences
T Martin Hajer and Hendrik Wagenaar (eds.), Deliberative Policy Analysis
T David Weimer and Aidan Vining, Policy Analysis (4th edition)
T Paul A. Sabatier (ed.), Theories of the Policy Process
T Frank Fischer, Reframing Public Policy
T Anne Schneider and Helen Ingram, Policy Design for Democracy
T David Borow and John Dryzek, Policy Analysis by Design
T Robert D. Putnam, Making Democracy Work
If you have not already treated yourself to Garry D. Brewer and Peter deLeon, The Foundations of Policy Analysis (Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1983), you probably should--it=s a genuine thrill. For reasons unbeknownst to me, it has generally (if inexplicitly) been recognized as a benchmark text (as you will see, in both the positive and negative uses of the phrase) in the field. In addition, it is the key to life, love, and passing your comprehensive examinations.
To return to the theme of the courseBPolicy Design. The substantive research areas will be left to the discretion of the student with the consent of the Grand Pooh-Bah (GP-B). Each student will be responsible for presenting a brief research prospectus by the fourth class meeting. In mid-October, each student is responsible for an oral works-in-progress class presentation. At the end of the semester, each student will give an oral presentation of his/her research and turn in a written paper. All papersBapproximately 25-35 pages in length with the usual formatting guidelinesBmust be turned in by the final class session. There will be no exceptions.
Grades are, admittedly, a pain in the neck. But, hey, they do exist and need to be honored. So, first, let=s understand that this is a doctoral seminar and perform to the appropriate grade level; that is, typically the expected grade level is an A-; the modal grade level is a B+; if you earn a B, it should get your undivided attention and plans for an improvement. Second, the review essay counts for 20% of the grade, and the semester paper is 80%. Your papers should reflect years of careful writing skills and conventions, such that they are a pleasure to read, papers fully cognizant of your sharply honed writing skills and talents. Really. Remember, Wordsworth tells us that good writing has two responsibilities: to inform and delight. To these ends, the GP-B will entertain the option of reading drafts of your term papers. Finally, there is no grade allocation for classroom participation but that=s because this is, after all, a doctoral seminar and everybody is expected to participate; i.e., participation is a requirement, not a variable. By the same token, oral comments should be incisive, not superfluous, always constructive, never destructive.
If a student has a particular grade problem or wishes to obtain some (marginal) extra credit, she or he is invited to consult with the instructor by the end of the second session. Some sort of mutual accommodation can usually be negotiated towards this end. Late lamentations will neither be sympathetically received nor honored.
A final and friendly hint: a successful seminar is one in which all the participants contribute equally to the course, in terms of concepts, constructive criticisms, and substantive examples. In this case, Aall@ refers to both the GP-B and the students. The logic is elegantly straightforward: the more that is offered, the more that is gained; the more that is gained, the better we all are. In the vernacular: no pain, no gain. So I would urge you to participate in the discussions in as vigorous and constructive a manner as an exchange among scholars and colleagues graciously permits.
Are there any questions? Indeed, are there any answers??
As mentioned above, there is a critical book review in every candidate=s future, come due on 31 October. The review should run somewhere from 6-10 pages (not counting any references you might append). You might want to look at a few reviews from policy journals (e.g., Journal of Policy Analysis & Management or Policy Sciences or Public Administration Review) to garner some idea how others have performed this drill. These reviews are basically written for a knowledgeable audience (e.g., the GP-B) but, at the reviewer=s preferences, they can (maybe even should) be shared with your classmates. As such, spend some time rehearsing the principal themes of the book, but spend more time analyzing (possibly criticizing) those themes. Any questions, just ask. Here are some candidate books (in no particular order) to review. Please tell the instructor of your choice no later than 5 September.
! Donald Schön, The Reflective Pracitioneer
! Donald Schön and Martin Rein, Frame Reflection
! Herbert Simon, Sciences of the Articifical
! Paul Diesing, Science and Ideology in the Policy Sciences
! Frank Fischer, Politics, Values, and Public Policy
! F. Fischer and J. Forester, The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis...
! John Forester, Critical Thinking in the Public Policy and Planning Process
! John Forester, The Deliberative Practitioner...
! Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons
! James Q. Wilson, The Moral Sense
! M.E. Hawksworth, Theoretical Issues in Policy Analysis
! Peter deLeon, Democracy and the Policy Sciences
! H.D. Lasswell, A Pre-View of Policy Sciences, and Yehezkel Dror, Deisgn for the Policy Sciences
! John S. Dryzek, Discursive Democracy
! Hank Jenkins-Smith, Democratic Politics and Policy Analysis
! Charles E. Lindblom, Inquiry and Change
! G. Majone, Evidence, Argument, and Persuasion in the Policy Process
! D. Paris and J. Reynolds, The Logic of Policy Inquiry
! Emory Roe, Narrative Policy Analysis or Taking Complexity Seriously
! Dennis Thompson, Political Ethics and Public Office and Abraham Kaplan, American Ethics and Public Policy
! Jane Braaten, Habermas=s Critical Theory of Society
! Roberto Alejandro, Hermeneutics, Citizenship, and the Public Sphere.
! Beryl Radin, Beyond Machiavelli
! Anne Schneider and Helen Ingram (eds.), Deserving and Entitled¼.
As I noted above, this is hardly a definitive list; other possibilities can be considered, but must be approved by the GP-B. Friendly hint (no. 2): make sure you can get your intellectual hands on the book prior to choosing it for your review.
22 Class introductions, overview, meaning of life, etc.
29 deLeon, Advice and Consent
5 Bobrow and Dryzek, Policy Analysis by Design
12 Bobrow and Dryzek, Policy Analysis by Design
19 Weimer and Vining, Policy Analysis (4th Edition)
26 Sabatier (ed.), Theories of the Policy Process
3 Sabatier (ed.) - continued
11 Hajer and Wagenaar (eds.), Deliberative Policy Analysis
17 Paper reviews; Hajer and Wagenaar, con’t.
24 Schneider and Ingram, Policy Design for Democracy
31 Book reviews (class members)
7 F. Fischer, Reframing Policy Analysis
14 R. Putnam, Making Democracy Work
21 Thanksgiving Holiday Week - no class
28 Paper Representation (I)
5 Paper Presentation (II)
12 Class review; wrap up. All Papers (and return envelopes) are Due!