PhD in Educational Psychology- School Psychology Specialization Strand Doctoral Program Annual Student Review

Academic Year 2010-11

This progress and information report should be submitted for your file by June 30, 2011. You are required to submit it as an email attachment to Dr. Jones ()

General Information:

Name: ______



Indicate your grade in each of the following courses (leave blank if not yet completed; mark as IP if you are taking the course this summer). If a substitution was approved for a required course, draw a line through the course and type the course number.

Learning Core: (10 +1 credits)

EPY 701 Proseminar in Educational Psychology______

EPY 757 Theory/Philosophy Ed. Psych.______

EPY 767 Learning & Cognition______

EPY 777 Cognitive Development______

(EPY 1-credit Independent Study Supplement to EPY 757)______

Research Core: (15 credits)

EPY 718 Qualitative Methods______

EPY 722 Inferential Statistics______

EPY 723 Human Measurement I______

EPY 730 Advanced Research Methods______

EPY/EPP ______

EPY/EPP ______

EPY/EPP ______

Specialization Strand: (18 credits)

EPP 723 Psychopathology______

EPP 760 Diversity______

EPP 764 School Psychology Seminars (two 1-credit seminars)______

EPP 765 Adv Seminar: Neuropsychology______

EPP 765 Adv Seminar: Technology______

EPP 765 Adv Seminar: Clinic Research______

EPP 764 Teaching Practicum______


EPP 793 Advanced Doctoral Practicum______

Emphasis Area: (12 credits)






Doctoral Internship: (6 credits-1800 hours)______

First milestone:

Have you completed the Benchmark I publication requirement?YESNO

If yes, please indicate title and the conference or journal where it was submitted?

If you have not yet completed the publication requirement, please describe where you are in the process:

After first milestone:

Have you filed your course of study with Graduate College?YESNO

Have you formed your program/dissertation committee?YESNO

Next milestone (during semester when course work is complete):

Have you completed and passed your qualifying exam?YESNO

If so, have you successfully defended your dissertation prospectus?YESNO

If yes, title of proposed dissertation:______

In the space below, please report your current thoughts/plans for your doctoral internship.

In the space below, briefly describe your current research interests

Other Professional Activities in 2009-10

  1. Professional associations to which you belong:
  2. Journals to which you subscribe:
  3. Conferences attended and any papers presented:
  4. Publications or manuscripts prepared for publication:
  5. Graduate Assistantship projects (and for what professor):
  6. Other research experiences:
  1. Teaching experiences:
  1. Awards received (including travel awards):
  2. Service to the profession, department, or broader community:
  1. Grants submitted or received:
  2. Other creative activities such as development of software, media, or curricular materials:
  1. Other comments or reflections. (You may indicate any thoughts or suggestions that you may have on improving the program.)

School Psychology PhD Annual Student Report-2010/1`: Page 1