School Counseling Role in Academic Achievement – Summer 1
School Counseling Role in Academic Achievement
COUN 7013D (1 semester hour)
Instructor: Jake J. Protivnak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Class Time and Place:
Office Hours:
Office Phone: 330-941-1936
Catalog Description: This course provides students with a comprehensive framework for understanding the School Counselors role in the academic achievement of students. The course is designed to promote knowledge and skills related to: learning, pedagogy and differentiated instruction, curriculum design, lesson plan development, classroom management strategies; and interventions/programs that enhance student’s academic development.
Knowledge Base Rationale: The goal of this course is to help students learn aspects of pedagogy as related to school counselor interventions. Skills associated with instruction, classroom management, and strategies for teaching will be covered. This course will also explore the application of research that addresses the effectiveness of school counselors impacting the academic achievement of K-12 students.
Course Objectives:
A. Knowledge - The student will:
· Acquire an applied knowledge of the National Standards of Practice for professional school counselors, and how they apply to prevention and early interventions (CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.1.b)
· Learn how to conduct needs assessments to improve student outcomes (CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.1.a)
· Learn how to implement and evaluate specific strategies that meet program goals and objectives (CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.1.c)
B. Skills - The student will be able to:
· Use, management, analysis, and presentation of data from school- based information (e.g., standardized testing, grades, enrollment, attendance, retention, placement), surveys, interviews, focus groups, and needs assessments to improve student outcomes (CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.1.a)
· Implement and evaluate specific strategies that meet program goals and objectives (CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.1.c)
C. Attitudes, Values, and Dispositions - The student will be able to:
· Value the importance of school counselors role in students academic achievement
D. Diversity - The student will:
· Increase awareness of counselors’ selection of counseling approaches (e.g. programs) in social justice, advocacy and conflict resolution, cultural self-awareness, the nature of biases, prejudices, processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination, and other culturally supported behaviors that are detrimental to the growth of the human spirit, mind, or body (CACREP standard section II 2.d);
· Understand the role of racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage, nationality, socioeconomic status, family structure, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious and spiritual beliefs, occupation, physical and mental status, and equity issues in school counseling and in program selection and development specifically (CACREP School Counseling Standards, A.8.).
E. Technology - The student will:
· Understand the use of technology in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a comprehensive school counseling program (CACREP Standard Section II 1. C; CACREP School Counseling Standards, C.3. d);
· Demonstrate an ability to use internet email through regularly emailing the class instructor with questions or concerns (CACREP Standard Section II 1. C);
· Utilize word processing in writing all of their assignments and papers (CACREP Standard Section II 1. C);
· Utilize the internet as a source of information in researching projects (CACREP Standard Section II 1. C).
Additional Objectives Based Upon 2009 CACREP Standards Revision Draft
K. Knowledge
1. Understands relationship of the school counseling program to the academic mission of the school.
2. Demonstrates knowledge of pedagogy and differentiated instruction as well as student services.
3. Understands the concepts, principles, strategies, programs and practices for helping
students to experience academic success.
4. Understands curriculum design, lesson plan development, classroom management
strategies and instructional strategies for teaching counseling and guidance related
Required Texts:
Slavin, R. E. (2003). Educational psychology: Theory and Practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Recommended Readings:
American School Counselor Association. (2003). The ASCA national model: A framework for school
counseling programs. Alexandria, VA: Author.
Bailey, D., Getch, Y. Q. & Chen-Hayes, S. (2002). Professional school counselors as social and academic advocates. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Transforming the School Counseling Profession. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
Boutwell, D.A., & Myrick, R.D. (1992). The go for it club. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 27, 65-72.
Brannigan, M. (2007). A psychoeducation group model to build academic competence in new middle school students. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 32, 61-70.
Brigman, G., & Campbell, C. (2003). Helping students improve academic achievement and school success behavior. Professional School Counseling, 7, 91-98.
Brown, D. (1999). Proven strategies for improving learning and achievement. Greensboro, NC: ERIC-CASS.
Brown, D., & Trusty, J. (2005). School counselors, comprehensive school counseling programs, and academic achievement: Are school counselors promising more than they can deliver? Professional School Counseling, 9, 1-8.
Butler, S. (2003). Helping urban African American high school students to excel academically: The roles of school counselors. The High School Journal, 87, 51-57.
Campbell, C. A. (1991). Group guidance for academically undermotivated children. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 25, 302-307.
Cheek, J. R., Bradley, L.J., Reynolds, J. & Coy, D. (2002). An intervention for helping elementary students reduce test anxiety. Professional School Counseling, 6, 162-164.
Cook, J. B., & Kaffenberger, C. J. (2003). Solution shop: A solution-focused counseling and study skills program for middle school. Professional School Counseling, 7, 16-124.
Dahir, C. A., & Stone, C. B. (2003). Accountability: A measure of the impact school counselors have on student achievement. Professional School Counseling, 6, 214-222.
Dimmitt, D. (2003). Transforming school counseling practice through collaboration and the use of data: A study of academic failure in high school. Professional School Counseling, 6(5), 340-349.
Edmondson, J. H., & White, J. (1998). A tutorial and counseling program: Helping student at risk of dropping out of school. Professional School Counseling, 1, 43-47.
Fitch, T. J. & Marshall, J. L. (2004). What counselors do in high-achieving schools: A study on the role of the school counselor. Professional School Counseling, 7, 172-177.
Hadley, H.R. (1988). Improving reading scores through a self-esteem prevention program. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 22, 248-252.
Hayes, R.L., Nelson, J., Tabin, M., Pearson, G., & Worthy, C. (2002). Using school-wide data to advocate for student success. Professional School Counseling, 6, 86-95.
Jacques, C. & Brorsen, B. W. (2002). Relationship between types of school district expenditures and student performance. Applied Economics Letters, 9, 997-1002.
Kaplan, L. S. (1999). Hiring the best school counseling candidates to promote students’ achievement. NASSP Bulletin, 83, 34-39.
Kaplan, L. (2000).Maximizing school counselors’ effect on student achievement. TheHigh School Magazine, 5-8.
Lee, R. S. (1993). Effects of classroom guidance on student achievement. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 27, 186-197.
Legum, H., & Hoare, C. (2004). Impact of a career intervention on at-risk middle school students’ career maturity levels, academic achievement, and self-esteem. Professional School Counseling, 8, 148-155.
Milsom, A. (2006). Creating positive school experiences for students with disabilities. Professional School Counseling, 10, 66-72.
Mullis, F. & Otwell, P. (1997). Counselor accountability: A study of counselor effects on academic achievement and student behaviors Georgia School Counselors Association Journal, 1:4, 4-12.
Otwell, P. S., & Mullis, F. (1997). Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 31, 343-348.
Poynton, T. A., Carlson, M. W., Hopper, J. A., & Carey, J. C. (2006). Evaluation of an innovative approach to improving middle school students’ academic achievement. Professional School Counseling, 9, 190-196.
Praport, H. (1993). Reducing high school attrition: Group counseling can help. The School Counselor, 40, 309-311.
Rowell, L. L., & Hong, E. (2002). The role of school counselors in homework interventions. Professional School Counseling, 5, 285-291.
Sink, C. A., & Stroh, H. R. (2003). Raising achievement test scores of early elementary school students through comprehensive school counseling programs. Professional School Counseling, 6, 350-364.
Stanard, R. P., (2003). High school graduation rates in the United States: Implications for the counseling profession. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 217-221.
Stone, C., & Clark, M. (2001).School counselors and principals: Partners in support of academic achievement. National Association of Secondary School Principals
Bulletin, 85, 46-53.
Ware, W. B., & Galassi, J. P. (2006). Using correlational and prediction data to enhance student achievement in K-12: A practical application for school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 9, 344-356.
Webb, L. D. & Brigman, G. A. (2006). Student success skills: Tools and strategies for improved academic and social outcomes. Professional School Counseling, 10, 112-120.
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Class Notes:
All class notes will be posted on WebCT (link located on the YSU homepage). All students are required to be connected to this course in WebCT. Any communication to the class will be broadcast through WebCT. It is each student’s responsibility to resolve any difficulties through the YSU tech desk
Course Topics
Week 1 Introduction and Overview
· Review of syllabus and course expectations, Achievement Testing and OGT
· Slavin – Chapter 1
Week 2 School Counselor Understanding How Students Learn
· Slavin – Chapter 6, 8, & 13
Week 3 School Counselor Constructing Effective Guidance Lessons and
Managing Classroom Behavior
· Slavin – Chapter 7 & 11
· DUE: Philosophy of Education Statement
Week 4 School Counselor Motivating Student to Achieve
· Slavin – Chapter 9 & 10
Week 5 School Counselor Specific Interventions to Help Students Achieve
· DUE: Final Project (Your Choice)
Week 6 – June 26th Final Exam
* This is a tentative schedule of activities/assignments. Contents of the course are subject to change based on the unique characteristics of the class. Any changes will be announced in class or via the university CUE mail system.
Course Requirements
1. Philosophy of Education (10%): Write a one page philosophy of education statement.
2. Participation & Attendance (10%): Class participation and attendance are critical.
3. Final Examination (40%): There will be a comprehensive final examination.
4. Academic Achievement Project (40%): Select ONE of the following
a. Classroom Guidance Activities – Find four classroom guidance units (one unit for each level; K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) that address academic achievement. Units typically have at least three individual lessons.
i. Provide a short description of each classroom guidance unit, the ASCA Academic Standards it addresses, the class/setting you would deliver it in, any materials/cost needed to deliver the lesson, and how you would evaluate student learning at each level. Provide copies of the units/lessons.
b. Closing the Gap in Youngstown City Schools - Create four closing the Gap Action Plans.
i. Select minority students or students from low SES backgrounds in Youngstown City Schools who are in 9-12 grade. Create a closing the Gap Action plan for each of the following
1. Improve SAT scores
2. Improve Standardized Test Scores
3. Increase Placement in AP classes
4. Identify Attitudes and Behaviors leading to successful learning
ii. Provide a full description of the intervention you are suggesting (i.e. if you suggest an SAT prep course, who will teach it, who much will it cost, when will it be offered, how many students can participate, etc.)
iii. Provide research support for the interventions you suggest for the five closing the gap action plans.
c. Journal Article Reviews - Read four of the recommended reading articles.
i. Provide a 1-2 page critical review of each article. Address some of the following in each of the critiques. A summary of the main findings, arguments, or conclusions of the article / study. What is interesting about this information? Discuss the strengths and usefulness of the article / study. How does the article contribute to the field? Discuss the weaknesses, limitations, problems of the article / study or what could improve the article. Discuss what you learned from the article. Make a final judgment on the value of the article if you recommend it to other students. Comment on the future or implications of the research. Provide the APA citation at the top of each critique. Include an APA style cover page stapled to the front of all critiques.
d. Individual Counseling Success Plan – Develop a success plan for an individual student struggling academically. Write this based upon a student you have encountered either through volunteering at a school or are familiar with as a family member or friend.
i. Describe the student’s academic problems, academic history, any additional behavioral problems and the reason you selected this student.
ii. School Context – Provide a brief summary of the school environment and your perception regarding how it supports or does not support the academic achievement of this student.
iii. Provide suggestions for specific interventions to help the student become more successful academically. Provide suggestions for collaboration with parents, teachers, etc., use of outside resources, and school counselor specific interventions. Provide a discussion of the counseling theory you would use with the student. Use ideas from any of the required or recommended texts as well as other sources. Describe what you would do to assist the student improve his/her grades. This should be approx. 5-7 pages. Support your suggested interventions with research.
e. Action Research Project (if you are working in a school environment). Complete a project that will document the impact you have on the academic success of an individual student.
i. Identify a student who needs to improve his/her academic achievement.
ii. Provide interventions to improve the academic achievement of the student.
1. Support your interventions with research.
iii. Discuss how your interventions impacted/did not impact student’ success in learning to learn (academic achievement).
iv. Provide a 5-7 page summary of your project and the results.
Grading Criteria: Grading Scale:
(Project of Your Choice) 40 A = 100 - 91
Final Exam 40 B = 90 - 81
Philosophy of Education 10 C = 80 – 71
Participation /Attendance 10 D = 70 - 61
Total Possible Earned Points: 100 F = 60 - 0
Course Polices
Academic Conduct:
A student caught cheating on exams, submitting work of other students as your own or plagiarism result in a penalties ranging from an “F” on an assignment to expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the offense.