CE 321 - SPRING 2016 (15325)


Instructor: Dr. Randy Machemehl

Office: ECJ 6.908

Phone: 471-4541


Office Hours: MW, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., other times by appointment

Teaching Assistant: ______

Office: TBA

E-mail: ______

Office Hours: TBA

Lecture: TTH TTH 2:00 – 3:30, ECJ 7.208

Textbook: Traffic and Highway Engineering, by N.J. Garber and L.A. Hoel, Revised Fourth Edition, Cengage Learning, 2009.

ISBN 0-534-38743-8

Course Supplement: Class Notes Available at Jenn’s Copies at Dean Keeton & Guadalupe and electronically on Canvas at http://canvas.utexas.edu (Optional)

Prerequisites: CE 311S

Academic/Learning Goal for CE 321:

The goal for CE 321 is to provide the students with a fundamental understanding of transportation system planning, design and operations.


Homework problems are normally due the next class meeting after assigned. All problems must be handed in at the beginning of the period in which they are due. After this time, they are considered late; however, all assigned problems must be handed in before the final exam or the instructor will consider the student's work incomplete and will award grades accordingly.


Attendance at all scheduled class meetings is mandatory. Attendance will be used to determine your classroom participation grade, which is part of your final grade. A sign up sheet will be circulated each class period.

Testing and Examination Policy:

Make-up exams will NOT generally be given. If a student is absent from a scheduled exam due to medical or other problems beyond his/her control, the instructor may increase the grade percentage for the other exam, thus avoiding a grade of zero for a scheduled exam. The exam schedule is as follows:

Mid-Term Exam / Thursday / 10 March 2016
Final Exam / Monday 9-12 noon / 16 May 2016

Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on the following:

Item / Date / Percentage
Mid-Term Exam / Thursday, 10 March 2016 / 30
Homework Problems / 25
Classroom Participation, In-class Quizzes / 10
Final Exam / Monday, 16 May 2016,9-12 noon / 35

The plus/minus (+/-) grading system will be used in the final course grade calculation.

Course Instructor Evaluation Plan:

An evaluation of the course and instructor will be conducted at the end of the semester using the approved UT Course/Instructor evaluation forms.

Important Dates:

January 18, 2016 / Monday / Martin Luther King Day (university holiday).
January 22, 2016 / Wednesday / Last day of the official add/drop period; after this date, changes in registration require the approval of the chairman and usually the student's dean.
February 3, 2016 / Wednesday / Twelfth class day. Last day to drop a course for a possible refund.
April 4, 2016 / Monday / Last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean's approval, withdraw from the University or drop a course except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons.
March 14-19, 2016 / Mon-Sat / Spring Break.
May 6, 2016 / Friday / Last class day.
May 16, 2016 / Friday / CE 231 Final Exam, 9:00-12:00 noon.


The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 512-471-6259 or http://www.utexas.edu/diversity/ddce/ssd.

Web-based, password-protected class sites will be associated with all academic courses taught at The University. Syllabi, handouts, assignments and other resources are types of information that may be available within these sites. Site activities could include exchanging email, engaging in class discussions and chats, and exchanging files. In addition, electronic class rosters will be a component of the sites. Students who do not want their names included in these electronic class rosters must restrict their directory information in the Office of the Registrar, Main Building, Room 1. For information on restricting directory information, see the Undergraduate Catalog or go to: http://www.utexas.edu/student/registrar/catalogs/gi00-01/app/appc09.html

College of Engineering Drop Policy:

Undergraduate Students From the 1st through the 12th class day, an undergraduate student can drop a course via the web and receive a refund, if eligible. From the 12th through the university’s academic drop deadline, a student may Q drop a course with approval from the Dean, and departmental advisor.

University Scholastic Dishonesty Policy:

Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For further information, visit the Student Judicial Services web site: http://www.utexas.edu/depts/dos/sjs/.

Accommodations for Religious Holidays:

A student who misses classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day should inform the instructor as far in advance of the absence as possible, so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence.

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CE 321 Topics and Text Reading Assignments – Spring 2015

Lecture / Date / Topics / Text Reference Pages
1 / 19 Jan / Class Organization / Syllabus
2 / 21 Jan / Introduction to Transport Systems / Chapters 1 and 2
3 / 26 Jan / Traffic Operations [vehicle, driver and road] / Chapter 3
4 / 28 Jan / Traffic Flow / Chapter 5
5 / 2 Feb / Intersection Design / Chapter 7
6 / 4 Feb / Intersection Control / Chapter 8
7 / 9 Feb / Intersection Capacity Analysis / Chapter 10
8 / 11 Feb / Freeway Capacity Analysis / 406-423
9 / 16 Feb / Traffic Simulation / Supplement
10 / 18 Feb / Transportation Planning / Chapter 11
11 / 23 Feb / Forecasting Travel Demand, trip generation / 593-602
12 / 25 Feb / Forecasting Travel Demand, trip distribution / 603-612
13 / 1 Mar / Forecasting Travel Demand, mode choice / 613-625
14 / 3 Mar / Forecasting Travel Demand, traffic assignment / 625-633
15 / 8 Mar / Review / All previous
16 / 10 Mar / Midterm Exam
17 / 22 Mar / Factors influencing Facility Design
Design Vehicle and Functional Facility Class / 738-753
18 / 24 Mar / Human Factors and Design / Chapter 3
19 / 29 Mar / Geometric Design of Vertical Alignment / 756-770
20 / 31 Mar / Design of Horizontal Alignment / 770-790
21 / 5 Apr / Cross-sectional Design, Spirals, Super-elevation / 770-790
22 / 7 Apr / Design of Bicycle Facilities / 792-796
23 / 12 Apr / Pavement Design, Bituminous Materials / Chapter 18
24 / 14 Apr / Design of Flexible Pavements / Chapter 19
25 / 19 Apr / Design of Rigid Pavements / Chapter 20
26 / 21 Apr / Pavement Management / Chapter 21
27 / 26 Apr / Summary of Facility Design / All since Mid-Term
28 / 28 Apr / Mass Transit Systems / Supplement
29 / 3 May / Mass Transit Systems / Supplement
30 / 5 May / Review for final. Course evaluation. / All Previous

Final Exam Monday , 16 May, 9-12 noon

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