Physical Science MidTerm Exam Study Guide

1. Name the chemical properties?

2. Density depends on what two things?

3. During physical changes, matter always retains its what?

4. The amount of space taken up by an object is known as the object's what?

5. Which group on the periodic table is the LEAST reactive?

6. Name 4 examples of physical changes.

7. Two substances that undergo a chemical change together are ____ with one another.

8. The melting of butter when it is left out in a warm room is an example of what kind of change?

9. Although the Statue of Liberty is made of copper (originally an orange-brown color), it is green

because the copper has interacted with substances in the air to form new substances with different

properties. This is an example of what kind of change?

10. Flammability, solubility, and reactivity are what type of properties?

11. A sponge and brick that are the same size have the same what?

12. What is the density of a substance that has a mass of 40 g and a volume of 5 cm3?

13. Explain how would you measure the volume of a screw?

14. Boiling points and freezing points are examples of what kind of properties?

15. Describe what happens as the temperature of a gas in a balloon increases?

16. Explain what the particles do when a liquid becomes a gas?

17. The four most familiar states of matter are

18. What phase of matter does not change shape in different containers.

19. The temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid is its what?

20. On Earth, natural ____ are found in lightning and fire.

21. Vegetable soup is a mixture or a compound? Explain…

22. Which of the following substances can be separated into simpler substances only by chemical means?

a. / sodium / c. / water
b. / salt water / d. / gold

23. In which classification of matter are the components chemically combined?

24. What do elements do when they form compounds?

26. What are the three major categories of elements?

27. What are the physical properties?

28. How many protons does an atom with an atomic number of 23 and a mass number of 51 have?

29. List 3 facts about protons.

30. List 3 facts about neutrons?

31. What determines the identity of an element?

32. The smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still be the same

substance is a(n)

33. Atoms are composed of what 3 parts?

34. What particles make up a nucleus?

35. Electrons are located where in an atom and have what kind of charge?

36. The atomic number of an atom is the total number of ____ in the nucleus.

An atom of nickel has an atomic number of 28 and a mass number of 58.

37. How many protons are in this atom of nickel?

38. How many neutrons are in this atom of nickel?

39. Which statement about the periodic table is NOT true?

There are more metals than nonmetals.
The metalloids are located in Groups 13 through 16.
The elements at the far left of the table are nonmetals.
Elements are arranged by increasing atomic number.

40. What is the atomic mass for Mercury?

41. The zigzag line on the periodic table helps you to identify

42. On the periodic table, a row of elements is called a(n)

43. On the periodic table, a column of elements is called

44. What does the law of conservation of matter state----use reactants and products to explain answer?

45. Describe the particles of a liquid.

46. Describe particles of a gas.

47. What changes a liquid to a gas?

48. How is a mixture different from a compound?

49. Which of the following is NOT a compound?

water / gold
ammonia / salt

51. Kinetic energy depends on what two things?

52. Give two examples of a conversion from chemical energy to thermal energy?

53. In every energy conversion, some energy is always converted into what energy?

54. When is your potential energy the greatest when jumping on a trampoline?

55. When one object does work on another, energy is

56. Which vehicle has the LEAST kinetic energy? 18-wheeler, minivan, car, or bike?

57. Explain kinetic and potential energy s a pendulum swings downward.

58. What is our most important energy resource?

59. What energy form is from the sun?

60. When you turn on a light bulb, what three energy forms are transferred?

61. The ____ in the sugars and starches of food fuels all your body functions and movements,

and provides the thermal energy that keeps your body temperature constant.

62. If you were to climb 3 m up a tree and then pause on a branch to enjoy the view, you

would have what kind of energy?

63. What is heat?

64. Name and define the three types of heat transfer and give an example of each.

65. The handle of a metal spoon warms up when it is placed in a hot bowl of soup because of

what heat transfer?

66. One possible cause of tectonic plate motion is the rise of hot material from deep within the Earth while cooler material near the surface sinks. As this process repeats, it is an example of which heat transfer?

67. Farmers grow vegetables in winter using greenhouses, this is an example of which type of heat transfer?

68. Warming up beside a campfire is an example of what heat transfer?

69. What is the formula for kinetic energy?

70. What is the formula for potential energy?

71. Give two examples of chemical energy being converted into mechanical energy?

72. What energy transformation takes place from the sun to a tree?

73. As a pendulum swings, its energy is constantly converted between kinetic energy

and potential energy. At which point in its swing does the pendulum have the

greatest potential energy and the least kinetic energy?

74. At what point is the pendulum’s greatest kinetic energy?

75. A student riding her bicycle on a straight, flat road covers one block every 7 seconds. If each block is

100 m long, she is traveling at

76. What is friction?