Llangyniew Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held onTuesday18th November2014

at Pontrobert Village Hall

Present: Cllr H Gwalchmai, Cllr B Thomas,Cllr M Watkins, Cllr D Evans, Cllr H Davies,

Cllr GWatkins and Cllr T Isaac.

Apologies.(071) Nil

Chairman welcomed Councillor Teresa Isaac to the Council

Presentation – My nydd Lleust y Graig Project (072)

Mr Ruari Lean of Vattenfall gave a briefing on the Mynydd Lluest Graig Wind Farm Project, details

are attached at Annex A to these minutes

Declaration of Interest. (073)None

Minutes. (074)

The minutes of the meeting of the 21st October 2014 were proposed, seconded and approvedunanimously as a true record.

Matters Arising. (075)

a. 61f – Clustering of Councils for Service Delivery. This subject was discussed in detail by council. It was decided that no decision needed to be made on clustering until after the meeting of Community Councils with Llanfyllin Town Council had taken place in January.

b.066 – Bank Mandate. HSBC will be in touch with signatories for ID and address details.

c.069.b – Highways. Powys CC Highways email was read out for information.

Correspondence. (076)

Powys CC – Concurrent Functions – Recreation Provision – Council agreed that provision be sought for the grass cutting of the village green and well. Action by clerk required at Powys CC by 21 November.

Powys CC – Concurrent Functions – Cemeteries – Agreed by Council to apply for the provision. Clerk to action.

Welsh Government Letter - Trunk Road Limit Review – Noted by Council.

Llangollen International Eisteddfod – Noted by Council

Finance. (077)

The account balances were readout to the council.

Current Account:£7336.37

Deposit Account:£2269.75


Clerks Salary and Expenses (Nov)-£111.83

HMRC PAYE RT (Nov)-£19.20 (paid by bank transfer)

Donation to Community Hall-£800.00

Citizens Advice Bureau-£50.00

Rachel Bumford-£475.00

It was proposed, seconded and approved unanimously, that the invoices and payments be honored.

Budget Committee(078)

The budget for the coming year is now required, to facilitate this, a budget working group consisting of Cllrs H Gwalchmai and G Watkins and the Clerk will sit and bring their recommendations to full council at the next meeting.

Planning. (079)

P2014/1087 Full: Highways upgrades and associated works on land between the A458

and Tirgwynt wind farm to facilitate deliveries of abnormal indivisible loads at land

between A458 and Tirgwynt Wind Farm, Powys. – Noted by Council


a. Road by New Bridge road is very uneven.

b. Pont Factory Bridge damaged.

c. Arrange meeting with Powys CC - Meeting 3 Dec at 1145 am at Village Hall Pontrobert.

The clerk was instructed to email these observations to Powys CC Highways.

Boundary Fence Llangyniew Well (081)

The fence around the well in now in need of being re-fenced off as stock is getting through. A new door is also required for the well. Clerk to contact Mr S Davies.

Members’ Points of Information (082)

a. Cllr Gwalchmaiasked for the election of Vice Chairman to be put onto next month’s agenda.

b. Council was informed that Christmas Carols will be sung around the lighted Christmas tree on

Friday12 December at 6.00pm, followed by a fare in the village hall.

Date of Next Meeting is at 7.00pm onTuesday 16thDecember 2014 and will be held intheOld SchoolHall, Llangyniew.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

These minutes are available in Welsh by request.


Signed...... Dated ......






General outline of Vattenfall structure – Swedish Company with sites in Germany (coal). British commitments to ‘green’ solutions.

Background. Myynydd Fawr planning since 2007 and Rhydd ddn 2nd project since 2009; these are two different projects. They review the 2 schemes and in 2012 withdrew Mynydd Fawr scheme and combined for a larger application.

2013 – Team recruited – environmental, noise etc.

2014 – Approached planning inspectorate – over 20 turbines – 50 mega watts. March scheme registered. Scoping report. Early engagement because of consultation requirements. Submission – Acceptance –(by planning inspectorate) – examination (8-18months) – Decision.

Community consultation – 1st layer of process (low uptake by public!)

Absence of layout – survey still ongoing.

2014 – Non start consultation into 2015



Outcome of enquiry in Welshpool will impact on progression ? grid connection – if no grid structure then no project.

Q & A

Environment Impact – 3D layout at next public consultation with specific site to give 360 degree view. Landscape and visual impact.

Q. How Big is the area.

A. Will get back to us.

Q. Community benefits

A. Local contractors apprenticeships £5,000 per watt, Community £375,000 per year for 25 years

Q If application successful will red line spread.

A. No. Would mean consultation with land owner and cannot see change.

Q. How many turbines is expected

A. 25 to 35 Turbines.

Q Value of property.

A. Cannot answer that at the moment. Should be able to in new year.

Q What would constitute a community area.

A. Look at their website in Scotland.