8010 Eclipse Bend Residence: (210) 455-3047

San Antonio, TX 78252 Cell phone: (956) 407-9219



Education: 1998: Ph.D. Education (Comparative Linguistics), LaSalle University (USA)

1996: M.A. German Language, Literature and Culture, University of California, Santa

Barbara (USA)

1969: M.A. English/EFL, Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)

1969: M.B.A. (Diplom-Handelslehrer), Humboldt University, Berlin Germany)

1968: B.A. Ed. in the fields of pedagogy, didactics, psychology, Humboldt University,

Berlin (Germany)

1964: Associate Degree in the field of business administration (Facharbeiter –

Großhandelskaufmann im Bereich Nahrung und Genuss), College of Commerce

(Betriebsberufschule fűr Großhandel, Berlin) (Germany)



August 2014 – present Freelance Instructor of German as a

Foreign Language

July 2014 University of Texas, Brownsville Instructor of German as a

The Language Institute Foreign Language

2001 – June 2014 Simón Rivera High School Teacher of English for

Brownsville Independent School District Speakers of Other Languages

Brownsville, Texas Teacher of German as a

Foreign Language, Teacher

of English

1995 – 2000 Simón Rivera High School Chairperson of the Department

Brownsville Independent School District of English for Speakers of

Brownsville, Texas Other Languages

1996 – 1997 University of Texas, Brownsville Adjunct Professor of German

Department of Modern Languages

1992 – 2012 University of Texas, Brownsville Adjunct Instructor of German

The Language Institute as a Foreign Language and

English as a Second Language

1991 – 1995 Simón Rivera High School Teacher of English

Brownsville Independent School District Teacher of German as a

Foreign Language

1977 – 1983 Magistrat von Berlin, Abteilung Author and co-author of

Volksbildung (Education Agency textbooks of English for

of Berlin) Advanced Placement classes,

grades 3 – 12



1975 – 1991 Ministerium fűr Volksbildung, Language Arts Specialist for the

Abteilung Fremdsprachen development of curricula for English

(Ministry of Education, Department as a Foreign Language – Advanced

of Foreign Languages) Placement, grades 3 – 12)

1975 – 1991 Herder High School Teacher of English

College-bound Advancement Placement - Assistant to the Principal (English as a

Foreign Language Magnet School Foreign Language)

Head of work teams for the

Development of instructional

Material (English, French)

1972 – 1975 Vocational School of the Polygraphic Teacher of English, German,

Industry, Berlin Economics, Keyboarding

1969 – 1972 German Institute for Vocational Education Scientific worker in the field of

(Deutsches Institut fűr Berufsbildung), international comparative studies

Berlin of vocational instructional systems

1967 – 1991 Community College, Berlin (Germany) Instructor of English as a Foreign

(Volkshochschule Berlin) Language at post-baccalaureate



LANGUAGES: German, French, Russian, Spanish


TAUGHT: Grammar and Usage, ENGL 4322

English in the Secondary Schools, ENGL 4319

Introduction to the Study of Language, ENGL 4300

Modern Grammar, ENGL 3330

Business and Professional Writing, ENGL 3341

Exploring Language, ENGL 2319

Book and Beyond, ENGL 2320

English Composition for Nonnative Speakers I, ENGL 1309

English Composition for Nonnative Speakers II, ENGL 1310

High-Intermediate Grammar, AESL 0043

High-Intermediate Writing, AESL 0062

Advanced English Skills, AESL 0040

Advanced Writing Skills, AESL 0053

Elementary German I, GERM 1311

Elementary German II, GERM 1312


1971 - Kunzmann, Margret, and Wolfgang Soldan. “Übersicht űber das Bildungswesen

von England und Wales. “Berufsbildung.” (1971): n.p.

1977 - Johnsen, Ilona, Ruth Näser, and Wolfgang Soldan. English Book Three. Berlin:



Druckerei des Haus des Lehrers, 1977.

1978 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Four. Berlin: Druckerei des

Haus des Lehrers, 1978.

1979 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Five. Eggersdorf: Tastomat,


- Soldan, Wolfgang, Peter Haberzettel, Christine Gralow, and Ilona Johnsen.

“Grundpositionen und Richtlinien fűr die Herausbildung von Sprachtätigkeiten im

im Englischunterricht (Verstehendes Hören – Dialogisches und Monologisches

Sprechen – Verstehendes Lesen – Übersetzen – Schreiben).” Information der

Spezialschule fűr Fremdsprachen, Berlin. (1979): n.p.

- Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. “200 texts for the development of listening

Comprehension, grades 3 – 12.” Information der Spezialschule fűr Fremdsprachen,

Berlin. (1979): n.p.

1980 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Six. Eggersdorf: Tastomat,


- Soldan, Wolfgang. “Untersuchungen der Worthäufigkeit in Englischlehrbűchern

unter den Gesichtspunkten der weiteren Lehrbucherarbeitung sowie der

Bestimmung von Unterrichtsmethoden.” Informationen der Spezialschule fűr

Fremdsprachen, Berlin. (1980): n.p.

1981 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Seven. Eggersdorf: Tastomat,


1982 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Eight. Eggersdorf: Tastomat,


1983 - Soldan, Wolfgang, and Ilona Johnsen. English Book Nine. Eggersdorf: Tastomat,


1985 - Kegel, Elfriede, and Wolfgang Soldan. Rahmenlehrplan fűr den Fremdsprachen-

Unterricht (Englisch), Klassen 3 – 12. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener

Verlag, 1985.

1988 - Gralow, Christine, Ilona Johnsen, Elfriede Kegel, and Wolfgang Soldan. “Zur

Entwicklung von Zieltätigkeiten im Fremdsprachenunterricht der Klassen 3 – 12”.

Fremdsprachenunterricht, (1988): n.p.

1991 - Soldan, Wolfgang. Curriculum Framework – German I. Brownsville (Texas):

Brownsville Independent School District, Department of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction. 1991.

1992 - Autorengemeinschaft. Kooky – Unterrichtswerk fűr den frűhbeginnenden Englisch-

unterricht, Teil 1. Berlin: CornelsenVerlag GmbH & Co., 1992.

1993 - Soldan, Wolfgang. Curriculum Framework – German II. Brownsville (Texas):

Brownsville Independent School District, Department of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction. 1993.

- Soldan, Wolfgang. “A German exchange teacher reflects upon his year.” The

Brownsville Herald 30 May 1993: 7B.

- Autorengemeinschaft. Kooky – Unterrichtswerk fűr den frűhbeginnenden Englisch-

unterricht, Teil 2. Berlin: CornelsenVerlag GmbH & Co., 1993.

1996 - Soldan, Angelika, and Wolfgang Soldan. “’Lotte in Weimar’, oder eine

Zwischenstation Thomas Manns auf dem Wege zu sich”. Orbis Litteratum,

International Review of Literary Studies. Vol. 51, 3 (1996): 178-190.

1997 - Soldan, Wolfgang, Anatoli Varbelow, and Carlan Wolf. Curriculum Frameworks -

German I – IV, Brownsville (Texas): Brownsville Independent School District,

Department of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, 1997.

1998 - Soldan, Angelika, and Wolfgang Soldan. “Im Wahren leben – Franz Kafka

Zwischen Beruf und Berufung.” Mississippi Language Crusador. Vol. 46, 3 (1998):




1998 - Autorengemeinschaft. English H. Highlight. Band 4. Ausgabe A, Berlin:

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co., 1998.

1999 - Autorengemeinschaft. English H. Highlight. Band 5. Ausgabe A, Berlin:

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co., 1999.

2000 - Autorengemeinschaft. English H. Highlight. Band 4. Ausgabe fűr Bayern:

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co., 2000.

- Autorengemeinschaft. English H. Highlight. Band 6. Ausgabe A, Berlin:

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co., 2000.

2002 - Review of Ready to Read Now. Longman, 2002.

2003 - Review of Get Ready to Read . Longman, 2003.

2006 - Soldan, Wolfgang. Curriculum Framework – German I. Brownsville (Texas):

Brownsville Independent School District, Department of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction. 2006.

2007 - Soldan, Wolfgang. Curriculum Framework – German II. Brownsville (Texas):

Brownsville Independent School District, Department of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction. 2007.


1977 - The Woodcraft Folk – a British youth organization to promote understanding and

friendship among children and youngsters from all over the world

- The East German educational system – a descriptive approach

1982 - The British Council – Facilitator for Summer School for foreign teachers of English

1991 - The situation of the people in East Germany before the fall of the Wall

1992 - After the fall of the wall – transitional problems in the new federal states of


1993 - The educational system in Germany; structure, trends and challenges

1999 - Ten years after the fall of the Wall in Germany

2001 - Everyday life in East Germany

2002 - The two German states – before and after the fall of the Wall

- The public school system of Texas and of the Land Berlin – a comparative


2003 - Germany and the European Union

- The introduction of the Euro and its effects on the national economies of the

member states of the European Union

2009 - Twenty years after the fall of the Wall in Germany