Notes from Information Commons Task Force

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Middleton 295 Dean’s Conference Room

Attending: Nancy Colyar, Tom Diamond, Andrena Keesee, and Brian Melancon from the Libraries; Christopher Carter, Scott Delaney, Ben Dudley, Stacey Morales, Toni Sparks, Stephanie Suarez of USS ITS; Michael Moore, Zack Morales of NIR ITS.

Handouts from ITS: Proposed IC Timeline; latest floorplan of Middleton 141; Proposed Schedules for Print Desk and Service Desk.

Notes on Timeline:

Give labs access to library databases before removing last 12 PCs from 141 around Oct 28.

141 old furniture removed / moved by Oct 23.

NIR + Facilities + GM Cable - about 1 wk

Switch 131 PCs to print to 109, or move it

SM, SD, TS out of town Mon – Thu Nov 6-9

Soft opening Nov 6 – 10

Grand opening sometime week of Nov 13-17

Before Mac lab, Libraries will have to move Ref stand alone Patents & CD PCs.

Mac lab: 30 stations, 20 of which are IMAC, 10 are hi end, dual monitors.

M 241D will be office, needs some furniture.

Will work with START program to learn the multimedia software, and for Mac. Should be ready by Spring.

Storage of files? Dee & Mike Smith (USS ITS) are working with Xythos. Have STF funding, doing proposal next week. For students at first. Replaces Tigerbytes, Files To Geaux, and Outblaze FTP. Hopes to be available for fac/staff too from non-STF funds.

Working on a PC timeout / logoff.

General public PCs:

Auto logon

With printing

Counter height

Regular image, at least Office

Machines are not shut down overnight.

Other public machines in Middleton – maybe between sessions, Jan 2-13th, OR give Brian to do Music now.

Labstats – program for stats on PCs.

NEXT: Mon Nov 13 9:00 AM (Nancy will confirm meeting room)