
Full Name:______

Date: ______

Taareekh F1 – Final Exam (Lessons 6-8)

You are to complete this test at home using your book and other resources including your parents and other elders to answer the questions. This take-home test must be turned in next time along with whatever homework due that day. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher.

  1. Ayesha and Bibi Umme Salma were the wives of the Holy Prophet (saw). Are they considered part of the Ahlul-Bayt? Why or why not?
  2. Why did Ayesha fight Imam Ali (as)? What was her real reason?
  3. When Mu’awiya had control over the river, he didn’t allow any water to Imam Ali (as)’s army, but when the river was taken by Malik-e-Ashtar, Imam Ali (as) let Mu’awiya’s army have access to the water. What does Imam Ali (as)’s action tell us about his character? What should we do as his Shias?
  4. Upon Ammar Yasir’s death, there was great commotion in Mu’awiya’s army. How did Mu’awiya distort the meaning of Prophet Mohammad (saw)’s prophecy regarding Ammar Yasir’s death? What does this tell us about Mu’awiya’s character and how does this character differ from Imam Ali (as)’s in the previous question?
  5. Who was Abu Musa Ashari and why was it a bad idea for him to represent Imam Ali (as)? How did Amr Aas use this to appoint Mu’awiya as Khalifa, leading to Yazid’s Khilafat?
  6. The Kharjites’ belief was stated as “La hukma illa lilla” or “No ruler ship except by Allah (swt) alone.” What does this mean and how does their interpretation of it contrast with Imam Ali (as)’s interpretation? Are they correct to have such a belief based on their interpretation? Why or why not?
  7. Make a timeline of the following events: Jung-e-Ohad, Jung-e-Siffin, Jung-e-Khandaq, Jung-e-Jamal, Jung-e-Khayber, Jung-e-Nehrwaan, Jung-e-Hunayn, Jung-e-Tabuk, Ghadeer-e-Khum, Daawat-e-Zul Asheera, Mubahila, the death of Prophet Mohammad (saw), the Shahaadat of Imam Ali (as), and Ashura.
  8. What is the main difference between the battles described in these 3 chapters (Jung-e-Jamal, Siffin and Nehrwaan) and the battles fought during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (saw), such as Jung-e-Khandaq and Jung-e-Khayber?