
“It's been 22 years since the Revolution.

During this period of time there have been many positive changes which Roma population has also benefited of. After 1989,once with the removal of the communist system in Eastern Europe, Roma populationhas received an increased national and international attention. The European Council has manifested, by its attitude toward the Roma population in Eastern Europe, a case of discrimination against them during the communist period, in the hope that, through this, their social situation will improve substantially. Not recognizing for a long time the Roma ethnic minority was, however, a general situation in Europe. It was notable in some communist countries, such as Romania's case, or recognized in ambiguous forms, in other countries.Either in Western Europe,Romaethnicity did not enjoy of a special and constantattention.As a proof, the lack of the will to support the developement of Roma culture with its authenticvalues (…).

In post Revolution Romania therewere promoted new approaches to policies for the Roma population.Financial resources have been granted to support Roma population, both to the European and national level.

The Roma population, as a group is, however, one particular: a population with a distinct ethnic profile, with a very high poverty, placed at the border of the society. In this context, the object ofthe collective interest is the Roma population,as a population or group, not as persons.

”Present and future prospects in Rome culture in the vision of intellectuals, leaders and Roma’s people of success”

Authors : Elena Zamfir, Cătălin Zamfir,

Salomea Popoviciu, Ioana Popoviciu, Vasile Burtea şi Carmen Bărbat

Brief description of the project

The Project ~Together we are stronger~ is being implemented by the Association for Social Inclusion and Development Gorj and Rotary Club fromNorway.Through this project it is insured the mobility of two representatives of the civil society from Norway, which will be able to identify the needs of Roma communities, but also possible solutions to these problems.

The Project is carried out with the financial support of the NGOs Fund in Romania, being financed by SEE Grants, and allows the determination of international bilateral relations as well as the development of sustainable partnerships.

The main objectives of the Project are strengthening of the present and future collaboration between international partners and the exchange of knowledge, interests and experiences.

Relevant data about the two partners:

Rotary Club Norway, Oslo, is one of the biggest Rotary”s clubs from Norway, having 55 membersHe has over 53 years old. It belongs to the structure of Rotary International, which is the second largest NGO in the world (after Red Cross).

The Rotary Clubmade so many good things in the world through many projects.The largest and which is still in progress is the successful project trying the poliomyelitis’s eradication.This project is being implemented in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Rotary Club’s motto is "Service above self".Members are persons, leaders in local communities.All the work is done in a spirit of voluntary service.There is no personal economic interest in club activities, but only voluntary service.

Association for Social Inclusion and Development Gorjis an NGO which is pleading for independent development of the community,the change of people's mentality concerning Roma population, persons disadvantaged or social excluded , for the support of families in difficulty, for the prevention and combating of exploitation through work or domestic violence. Although it was founded in 2012, the Association has become an active membership in two large structures at the level of the Gorjcounty: the Commission of social inclusion (which was set up by order of the Gorj prefect) and Local Interbranch Team(which was set up by decision of the Council of Gorjcounty)

During 2013, the Association has been successful developedmore than 5 educational projects, 10 prevention campaigns and over 30 specific activities, which have been marked more events : May 15 –Family’s Day, 1 June- Children’sDay, 5 June- international day of violence against children, 12 June -international day against over-exploitation through work, etc..

Project’s duration:


Concrete activities carried out under the project of mobility:

Activity 1 :carried out on 04.05.2014 consisted in visiting two communities of Roma ethnics from Gorj county, one in which the standard of living of people of ethnic minority Rome is extremely low (the community of Polovragi) and another in which the standard of living of persons of Roma ethnics is moderate (the community from Baia de Fier).

Because the persons of Roma ethnics from the Baia de Fier have an obviously superior circumstanceto those of Polovragi, activities from the project have focused upon the Community of Polovragi.

The conclusions expressed after the visit to the community of Roma’s ethnics from Polovragi:

- the Roma ethnic population from Polovragi totalize 462 inhabitants,

-the ancestors of Roma population = RUDARI,

- the basic occupations: carving and netting wood’s material, picking up forest fruits, as well as agricultural activities.

Educational problems of the community: the basic problem at the pre-primary education in the community of Roma population from Polovragi is the geographical segregation. Added to this is the absenteeism’s rate determined by children’s frequently illnesses or financial deficiencies. Poor children’s and young people’s personal hygiene who go to school (are dressed with unwashed and smelly clothes), determine their exclusion from the group of students and can also cause school abandon.

-Medical problems : the great majority of the population is not vaccinated.

-Employment problems: specific traditional handicraft of this community is not a wide range of activities, and also, the fact that they do not have a constant market outlets, proves that the vast majority of the Roma population should be social assisted and only seasonal they get income.

-problems due to geographical location : The community is located in the north-east village of Polovragi, on the Paraului Taraia’s Valley, bounded by hills: Codrisor and Coasta Mare, between which creek generates a small canyon.These geomorphological aspectsrequire the community to settle its households in fleet’s and to extend mainly on north-south, having to the south as borderline the agricultural land of inhabitants, and to the north the village forest.The storing of waste materials and animals, etc, is made in the proximityof the houses. As a result, the creek’s water becomes non-potable.Community members have a high degree of vulnerability because of the water which runs out on slopes during rainy days, and who severely affects buildings safety located in the proximity of mountains area.

Activity 2: carried out on 05.05.2014 - Round Table "Dialog on public policies and Roma population inclusion.

At this event they have been invited to attend leaders of the Roma communities, experts at the local level which have the responsibility in solving the Roma population problems (social assistants from town halls, community nurses within the Romacommunities, sanitary mediators within the Roma communities), the specialists at county level which have the responsibility in solving the Roma population problems (representatives of local public authorities), the specialists at the central level which have the power in solving the Roma population problems ( representatives of public authorities and NGOs.

The objective of this seminar was to identify public/private actors and their role in the intervention in the social risk situations of the Roma ethnics

The event was attended by a number of 44 people in which

- representatives of public institutions: 18 people,

-representatives of NGOs: 24 people,

-Roma leaders: 2 people.

During the event they submitted materials:

  1. Mr. Vasile Văcaru – the Prefect of Gorj County,
  2. Mr. Ciprian Florescu - Vice President of Gorj County Council,
  3. Mr. Torleif Hauge - international leaderRotary Club,
  4. Mr. Gunnar Kvalvaag - international member Rotary Club,
  5. Mr. Bojincă Moise - Rector „Constantin Brâncuşi”University,
  6. Ms. Crăciunescu Claudia - Teacher at Center for Resources and Educational Support,
  7. Ms. Prejbeanu Miruna - Inspector at County Police,
  8. Mr. Purdescu Marius - Inspector at the Territorial Labor Inspectorate,
  9. Mr. Grigore Alexandrescu - Inspector atGorj County School Inspectorate,
  10. Ms. Diaconescu Alina - Inspector at the Public Health Directorate, Gorj County,
  11. Mr. Laurentiu Şoşoi - Managerof the Center for the Prevention, Assessment and Antidrug Counseling,
  12. Ms. Ana Maria Niculescu - Deputy Manager of the County Agency for the Employment, Gorj County,
  13. Mr. Pavel Nelu - County Counselor and leader of the Roma communities,
  14. Ms. Văduva Daniela - Community nurse and member of the DELL Foundation,
  15. Miss. Cărăbineanu Simona - representative of the DELL Foundation,
  16. Mr. Bobu Alin - Adviser on Roma issues in the Prefect Institution of Gorj County,

Activity 3: carried outon 06.05.2014 consisted in the Organization of a workshop which was attended by representatives of the Roma populationfrom the two communities that were visited on the first day, representatives of the public authorities and NGOs.

The objective of this workshop was to identify concrete ways of actions in order to decrease the social risk and to increase their quality of life.

The event was attended by a total of 23 people:

- representants of public institutions: 9 people,

-representants of NGOs: 14 persons.

With the framework of the workshop there were initiatives to develop several activities for Roma community from Polovragi:

-theidentification, by local and county authorities,of the land where it would be possible a relocation of the families living in the area of risk of the Roma community from Polovragi, through:

- the establishment for a local NGO to help the community to attract European funds in order to ensure a good development;

-the establishment of a mobile medical Centre;

- the establishment of a Day Care Center for children from the Roma community;

- the establishment of a Centre of handicrafts that can be a "Living Museum", where people from Roma communities should be able to make different objects using their skills and handicraft traditions.


With the mobility project there has been created a strong public-private partnership, in which each part has expressed the desire to continue to develop together the future projects for a good community development.

Proiectul realizat cu sprijinul financiar al Fondului ONG in Romania( program finantat de Granturile SEE( si administrat de Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile (