
Two Types of Questions:

1. Closed Question Stems…ASK LESS

·  Do you…

·  Can you…

·  Will you…

·  Do you know…

·  Do you have…

·  Are you …

·  Have you …

2. Open Question Stems…ASK MORE

·  What are …

·  In what way …

·  How …

·  Why …

·  What is there about …

·  How do you know …

Questioning Strategies:

Recalling Questions:

**Used for recalling facts, vocabulary, events

·  Where did you find that in the reading?

·  How do you know this is true?

·  Tell me about a situation ou had like the one in the story.

·  Where have you seen this before?

·  Is this like anything else you have seen or read?

Comparing/Contrasting Questions:

**Used to distinguish between 2 ideas, analyzing written works, discovering relationships between 2 ideas, finding relationships, using a process or skill

·  From your readings, what differences are there between ______and ______?

·  What do you mean by______?

·  Where did you find this information?

·  How do you know?

·  Tell me more about______and how is differs from ______.

·  What other information have you found regarding______?

·  From your reading what similarities are there between ______and ______?

·  In what ways are ______and ______different?

Grouping Questions:

** Used to construct concepts subconcepts

·  From what you know about each of these ______, which of them go together and for what reason?

·  Thinking about the items you have put together in a group, what are the reasons for thinking they go together?

·  On what basis did you group these items?

·  Who has grouped their items another way for different reasons?

Labeling Questions

**Used to name groups of concepts or subconcepts

·  What would be an appropriate name for the group?

·  How do you know?

·  Why do you think?

·  What is there about the group that made you name it ______?

Questions to Guide:

Refocusing Questions

**Used to adjust a student’s answer or narrow student’s focus

·  You said ______. I asked you to ______. So, (repeat questions)

·  In you answer you stated ______. I’m not sure how that relates to ______, so let’s rethink your answer in relation to what I asked.

Clarifying Questions

**Used to build vocabulary

·  What do you mean by ______?

·  How can you state that in different words?

·  How do you define ______?

·  What would be another word we could use to describe ______?

Verifying Questions

**Used to validate students in the accuracy of their answers and ideas

·  How do you know ______?

·  What examples can you give for ______?

·  Where did you find that information?

·  Point to ______.

·  Who do you know that supports ______?

·  In what way is ______like ______?

Supporting Questions

**Used to be sure student understand how they arrived at their response

·  What is there about ______that makes you say ______?

·  How did you determine that ______is a ______?

·  On what basis did you decide ______?

·  In what way does ______suggest ______?