The Techie Mentor™2018All Rights Reserved©

Template Instructions

Save A Copy

I recommend before editing this template you save a copy for future reference. Here are the steps:

  • Click File > Save As
  • Select a location
  • Type in the name (add copy or original to the end)
  • Click Save

Remove Disclaimers & Example Text

Select the disclaimers or example text by clicking on the paragraph 3 times or by clicking and dragging across them and hitting the Delete key.

Add Your Brand

Add your company name, logo and colors where appropriate.

Remove or change page borders

If you wish to remove or change the page borders here are the steps. Please note that these instructions are for Word:

  • Click Format > Borders & Shading
  • Click Page Border
  • Click Art > None to remove the border
  • Click Color to change the border color
  • Click OK

Update Headers/Footers

To change the headers and footers here are the steps:

  • Click View > Header & Footer
  • The header window opens at the top and the footer window opens at the bottom. Add or update your information as needed.
  • Click Close.



Client Name Here



One time setup:

  1. Contact Maintenance:
  • Import/format 200 contacts into Excel spreadsheet to prepare for sending to printer and for uploading into online email marketing site for newsletter (recommend Aweber).
  1. Online newsletter setup:
  2. Set up account in Aweber
  3. Upload contacts
  4. Send initial introduction email to all contacts notifying them of upcoming newsletter and giving them an opportunity to opt in to receive it (needed for Spam laws).
  5. Set up any forms
  6. Set up auto reply for opt in
  7. Design newsletter template with 2 redesign/edits

Monthly newsletters:

  1. Monthly online newsletter
  2. Edit articles/content (provided by client)
  3. Format articles and photos in newsletter template (photos provided by client)
  4. Verify any added links
  5. Send newsletter to subscriber list

One time setup fee: $300.00

Monthly fees:

Online and newsletter design:$100.00

Fee to Aweber:$20.00


Proposal Template