William Fisher Medical Centre PPG

Meeting 16 January 2013 – 7.00pm

In Attendance: Apologies:

PD, Chairman NP




JG, acting secretary BO, Secretary


This meeting was postponed from 5 December 2012 due to bad weather.

1.  The chairman welcomed new member JL and thanked those who had managed to make the meeting.

2.  See above

3.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved with no changes and signed.

4.  Matters arising:-
a) the bank account was still pending. Action: PD
b) virtual group is slow to build, only one new member since last time. Following a discussion, 2 ideas to increase this group emerged.
i) PD would be asking for PPG members to sit in the foyer to promote the PPG and encourage joining the virtual group and completing the survey.
ii) JG to email the patients who already use the repeat prescription facility on the website.
c) New member, JL added to the group’s male membership.
d) No progress had been made on the Facebook page since the last meeting. JG would liaise with MH.
e) PD had not found Burnham surgery PPG very responsive to his approach, but he would try again. JG would find out which of the other local surgeries had PPGs and contact details for their chairman.
f) JG confirmed that last year’s action plan is complete and on the website.

5.  Subjects for discussion:-
a) See 4b.
b) To meet the requirements of the DES, JG reported the group need to devise, distribute, collect, analyse a survey and report back to the group. The group then will need to publish a new action plan for the year.
c) PD had come up with some questions that might be included in the next survey and JG had met with AO to discuss the same. Group members seemed willing to help with the distribution of the survey and it was agreed a s.a.e. made a big difference to the number of returns we received. AM said the surgery would fund this. JL suggested we contacted local youth groups also to help with the distribution and other local groups might be a source of patients to fill out the forms. JG would look into this. A link from the Facebook page to the website should also be considered. JG would meet up with PD in the next week or so to prepare the survey which would then be circulated to the group for approval before sending out.
d) Fundraising ideas were discussed such as raffles and coffee mornings. Further ideas would be sought at future meetings.
e) This was deferred to the next meeting, but a question would be added to the survey to ask patients to vote for what topics they might want further education about.

6.  AOB - nothing raised

7.  Date of the next meeting – Wednesday 13 March 2013 at 7.00pm

The meeting closed at 8.20 pm

JG (acting secretary)

Chairman’s signature………………………………………………….