OASIS Energy Interoperation TC – First Meeting

June 22, 2009

TC Attendees: (Sorted by Name, Organization)

1.  Anto Budiarjo / Clasma Events Inc.
2.  Benoit Lepeuple
3.  Bill Cox / Cox Software Architects
4.  Bob Dolin / Echelon Corp.
5.  Bob Stayton / Individual
6.  Craig Gemmill / Tridium Inc.
7.  David Holmberg / NIST
8.  David Wilson / Trane
9.  Ed Cazalet / The Cazalet Group
10. Ed Koch / Akuacom
11. Ernst Eder / LonMark International
12. Evan Wallace / NIST
13. Jamie Clark / OASIS
14. Jane Snowdon / IBM
15. Jeffrey Kegley / Tridium Inc.
16. Jeremy Roberts / LonMark International
17. Kyle Meadors / Drummond Group Inc.
18. Larry Lackey / Cisco Systems Inc.
19. Laurent Liscia / OASIS
20. Laurent Liscia / OASIS
21. Mary Ann Piette / LBNL
22. Matt Wakefield / EPRI
23. Michel Kohanim / Universal Devices Inc.
24. Mike Truskowski / Cisco Systems Inc.
25. Rish Ghatikar / LBNL
26. Robert Dolan
27. Timothy Bennett / Drummond Group Inc.
28. Toby Considine / University of North Carolina

NOTE: Full attendance is available online if maintained: Go to the event notice (http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/energyinterop/event.php?event_id=24217 ) then click “Track Attendance” at the top (http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/energyinterop/manage/track_attendance.php?day=22&event_id=24217 )

My notes have copy-and-paste from the chat; several people were on that are joining, and attended (Benoit Lepeuple, and perhaps one other).


1. Welcome

2. Roll Call

3. Nominations for Chair / Co-Chairs

4. Election of Chair / Co-Chairs

5. Welcome from OASIS Staff incl. brief overview of TC Process and IPR Policy

6. Work plan

7. Next meeting date(s)

8. Discussion of issues and direction


1. Welcome:

§  Mary Ann – Convener welcome and intro to OpenADR and history. Thanks for your interest in the Open Automated DR standardization efforts. Happy to be kicking off this effort. Started in 2003 where we started to develop internet XML-based communication. Public specification posted in April of this year. Look forward to working with the OASIS process and working to standardize the OpenADR specification. Thanks for helping us move to more standard processes in the industry.

§  Laurent – Welcome from OASIS and introduction. Join Mary Ann in welcoming everyone on the call. Excited this is happening in the OASIS process. Came back from Connectivity Week, an electrifying conference. The Standards folks and the utility and control folks are together to help create the future.

2. Roll Call

§  Jamie – Roll call of TC participating as members and observers that represent company or as individuals. Voting members were identified and we have more than 18 persons as voting members to formally launch EI TC!

§  A lot of process at the first meeting. Head count to make sure everyone is where it will be. If you indicated intent to join, we should have you on the roster. Take a look at morning’s mail.

§  The list of current voting members is available as attachment following these minutes.

§  Benoit Lepeuple - Will join. Need to go to the TC homepage.

3. Nominations for Chair / Co-Chairs

§  Jamie –Current nomination for members are Bill Cox and David Holmberg (Ed and Mary Ann declined).

4. Election of Chair / Co-Chairs

§  Mary Ann – Any objections to Dave and Bill as co-chairs? No objections and David Holmberg of NIST and Bill Cox from Cox Software Architects were selected as co-chairs who will continue the proceedings hence forward.

5. Welcome from OASIS Staff incl. brief overview of TC Process and IPR Policy

§  James – Introduction to OASIS, meeting process, participation information, resources to members.

§  Laurent – Reminder on member section for OASIS-BLUE. An autonomous state within OASIS with own BOD with steering committee. Few EI TC members are already in steering committee. Has certain TC affiliated to it (Governing body for work done within TC). Good place to be a liaison and federate work. Member section to be launched soon (July?). Waiting for BOD approval and will get in touch with steering committee members

§  Jamie – Few pointers to resources to be working with OASIS and standards committee. 3 processes to remember:

1. TC process: Process like Robert’s rules and are technical and fairly informal. More information on TC process is available on OASIS website. Bill Cox is a good resource. OASIS does not tell what to do, they only have guidelines to take it to outside World and approve. TC approves specification. Work on taking this to International SDOs such as IEC. Phone or in-person resources can be used. Mary McRae is on vacation and will be available for EI TC in future.

2. TC Charter: Metadata on TC of what needs to be done. It’s very comprehensive and well designed. TC should read charter for insights.

3. Policies and procedures: IPR is the most important. EI TCs will make available that comes out of this process. Make sure company’s IP division is fine with their contribution to EI TC. OASIS staff is available for support and help. Most of the time, EI TC is lead by voted co-chairs.

§  Jamie – Voting members will receive information (e-mail) about meeting as follow-up. Secretary will follow-up in future.

§  Member status set. Calendar, attendance recorded automatically. Should receive an email indicating status.

§  Mary Ann – In introduction didn't mention UCA. Want to ensure that deadlines coordinate.

§  David H – Agree that the timeline may be sped up given interest and political pressure as well. This timeline or a simplified version may end up in the roadmap. May be a lot of pressure to get consensus.

6. Work plan

§  Bill – Presents slides (sent via e-mail). Slides prepared before meeting and not representative of TC. The charter could be used as a guideline. Final version of OpenADR (Version 1.0) is available to TC to work with.

§  Mary Ann – Need to clarify of parallel OpenADR activity within UCA (SDO) as well.

§  David – Timeline might need to be Federal interests and political pressure. Some tighter timeline might end-up in roadmap (NIST proposal on National Smart Grid Interoperability Standards to DOE).

§  Bill – Voting and meeting: Future meeting times (Monday’s and Friday’s are not good). Members are from all US time zones with European members. Looking for 2-hour time block. Meetings may not extend 2-hours. Voting for date and time (Tue, Wed, and Wed.).

§  Verdict of poll as follows: Meeting Day assuming 8am Pacific

Tally / Choice
9 / Tuesday
15 / Wednesday
9 / Thursday
1 / Abstains

Confirm 2-hour meetings will start at 8 a.m. on Wed, starting July 1, 2009

§  Issues and Direction


Bill – Working with OpenADR on how it is communicated (Messages and protocols)? Not describing markets, just signals to exchange information.

Some issues:

Bill – Think interface, just include communications for semantics. That will be high-level without changing core specification. Alignment with other DR work – UCA relationship would be best.

Range of applications –

Bill – OpenADR includes commercial deployments and pilots. How close we should try to stay to OpenADR 1.0. Bill thinks we should stay as close as possible, unless compelling reason to change it. Pay attention to evolution issues to avoid reimplementation of those who are using OpenADR.

Toby – Link for Interim Roadmap Document for Smart Grid Standards by NIST and EPRI – http://www.nist.gov/smartgrid/InterimSmartGridRoadmapNISTRestructure.pdf

§  Ed – Need to retain backward compatibility.

§  Rish – 60 MW enrolled in CA, need to make sure they can continue participation without modifications to existing implementation. Some recommendation by OpenADR TAG is included in the document for TCs to consider. See future development section of the OpenADR report.

§  Toby Considine – Backwards compatibility is critical, 60 MW odd of current DR in CA

§  Toby – Take successful CA implementations, and examine for US, world environment, eventual forwarding to IEC.

§  Toby – Make OpenADR as standard an ecommerce interaction pattern as possible. Anything non-std is fair game.

§  David Wilson – Please email more detail to us about how to adopt the OpenADR as are starting point for our work.

§  Toby – Must keep in mind that some parts may be tied to CA, we want a worldwide spec when we are done

§  Bill – If the standards are tied too closely to CA markets. Motivation for standardization is to make it a national and global specification.

Signals and semantics and Related work –

§  NAESB: Has standardized business processes that are widely used and required by regulatory commission. Goal is to coordinate and mapped into (not necessarily to NAESB) such activities.

§  Ed – Description of UCA – Utilities’ members groups and deal with utilities infrastructure and requirements. Deal with IEC. OpenADR TF is formed within OpenSG subcommittee. Ed is vice-chair and work within UCA will be applicable for OpenADR.

§  Ed – UCA is utility oriented users group. Vendors. Infrastructure issues, in terms of communication. Not a standards group - TC57 WG of IEC. A task force in UCA, sits under the OpenSG SC. Hope is that the work we do will feed into the work being done by OASIS. Not a standards org, good job on requirements from the utility perspective. Form liaison, work in parallel, and get utility perspective – key player.

§  Jamie – If information and materials within UCA is available public for TCs to use. Information to be conveyed from UCA to OASIS is important. Having liaisons between OASIS and UCA is important and should be on the agenda.

§  Ed – Most of the UCA information should be publicly available.

§  Jane – Since this is North America activity. If Regen Energy from Canada is not available to join, is there representative from Canada to consider?

§  Bill – There is a great need for recruitment for people to get engaged. That’s very important to get engagement from Canadian counterparts.

§  Toby – I am hoping REGEN Energy will join us

§  Jane – That would be good. In looking at the member company list, it did not appear there is Canadian representation.

§  Toby Considine – CABA has liaison status with OASIS - maybe they can beat the bushes for us

§  Jamie – Note, liaisons to be considered by TC Vote, ideally consider including relevant IEC panels and UCA. OASIS staff can assist as needed, and see: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/liaison_policy.php#liaisons

Move to adjourn – no objections.

7. Next meeting date

§  July 1, 2009 at 8 a.m. U.S. PDT.

8. Discussion of issues and direction

§  Toby – Editable version of document.

§  Rish – As mentioned in earlier e-mail, editable version will be sent to TC soon.

§  Bill – Rish will be secretary for EI TC. Technical editor role is open and someone needs to volunteer for this position.

§  Toby – Would like to be “partial” volunteer with some support as co-technical editor.

§  Appoint liaisons to the relevant organizations as discussed, including IEC TC57 and UCA?

Action Items:

§  Rish to send editable version of OpenADR specification version 1.0

§  TC will pursue co-technical editor.


1. EI TC Voting Members and Roster (as of June 21, 2009)

First Name / Last Name / Role / Company
Michel / Kohanim / Voting Member / Universal Devices, Inc.
David / Holmberg / Chair / NIST*
Anto / Budiardjo* / Voting Member / Clasma Events, Inc.*
Kyle / Meadors / Voting Member / Drummond Group Inc.
Mary Ann / Piette / Voting Member / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Pim van der / Eijk / Observer / Sonnenglanz Consulting
David / Wilson / Voting Member / Trane
Jeremy / Roberts / Voting Member / LonMark International*
Francois / Jammes / Observer / Schneider Electric
Craig / Gemmill / Voting Member / Tridium, Inc.
Girish / Ghatikar / Voting Member / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jane / Snowdon / Voting Member / IBM
Jeffrey / Kegley / Observer / Tridium, Inc.
James Bryce / Clark / Observer / OASIS *
Edward / Cazalet / Voting Member / The Cazalet Group
Toby / Considine / Voting Member / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*
Robert / Dolin / Voting Member / Echelon Corporation
William / Cox* / Chair / Cox Software Architects LLC
Robert / Stayton* / Voting Member / Individual
Mike / Truskowski / Voting Member / Cisco Systems, Inc.*
Hans / Aanesen / Member / Individual
Larry / Lackey / Voting Member / TIBCO Software Inc.
Ernst / Eder / Observer / LonMark International*
Rik / Drummond / Member / Drummond Group Inc.
Ed / Koch / Voting Member / Akuacom Inc.
Matt / Wakefield / Voting Member / Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mary / McRae / OASIS Staff Contact / OASIS *
Timothy / Bennett / Voting Member / Drummond Group Inc.

