Child Sexual Exploitation
Risk Factor Matrix
Section 4Hb (Staffordshire)
Section D14B (Stoke-on-Trent)
Document status / FinalVersion 5.1 / 11 May2016
Originator / Jan Norton
Review date / 11 May2017
CSE Risk Factor Matrix
This risk tool has been developed to be used by practitioners working with children who are thought to be involved in child sexual exploitation. The use of the term “child” in this document refers to children and young people under the age of 18 as defined in the Children Act 1989.However, it may be used by practitioners working with young people over 18 who have a learning difficulty or where there are competence concerns.
Practitioners should consider consent to sexual activity in accordance with the Sexual Offences Act 2003 Section 74:
“For the purposes of this Part, a person consents if he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.”
The Law and Consent:
1)Choice – a deliberate decision
2)Capacity to consent – Is the person above the legal age of consent? Is they intoxicated by alcohol or affected by drugs?
3)Whether a person makes their choice freely, without manipulation, exploitation or duress
In all cases, the law is clear that it is the responsibilityof the person seeking consent to ensure that the other person agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.
The legal age of consent is 16. A child under 13 is not legally capable of consenting to sexual activity. Any offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 involving a child under 13 is very serious and should be taken to indicate a risk of significant harm to the child.
Boys, as well as girls, can be at risk of or experience CSE. Where boys are thought to be vulnerable and / or demonstrate CSE risk indicators, the CSE Risk Factor Matrix should be used to assess their risk of CSE.
Further information is available in Section 4Ha - Child Sexual Exploitation (Staffordshire)
SectionD14 Safeguarding Children From Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE (Stoke-on-Trent)
This tool should be used in conjunction with completing the Child Sexual Exploitation Risk Factor Matrix Guidance Notes.
Details of the person completing the risk factor matrix
NameJob Title / Role
Agency / Service / Organisation and Address
Office Phone
Details of child
NameDate of Birth
School / other education or training provider
NHS Number
Sexual Orientation
First Language
Other Language(s) Spoken
Disability / Communication Impairment
Preferred method of communication (e.g. signing, hearing loop, Makaton etc)
If a child in care (looked after) who is the Responsible Local Authority?
The Local Authority where the child is living (if not the one above)
Type of plan in place if any, e.g. child in need, child protection, early help - Risk Factor Matrix to be reviewed alongside current plan)
Migrant / Refugee / Seeking Asylum / Trafficked Status through National Referral Mechanism
In unsuitable or inappropriate accommodation
Other agencies known to have contact / to be working with this child
Date Risk Factor Matrix Completed
Checks carried out via other agencies. Please add information has been received / from whom / from which system
Dates reviewed
It issuggested that reviews take place every 4-6 weeks, until the child is safe or the risk is removed; or according to professional judgement if needed more frequently; or at request of Panel Chair
Names and roles of practitioners with whom this has been discussed
Risk Factor Matrix sent to
Name (in CAPITALS)
(this may be electronic)
CSE Risk Indicators – LOW
Risk / Observed/Confirmed? / Believed to be taking place?
Add any third party information to comments
/ Comments
Abuse / Neglect
History of abuse / neglect
Antisocial / Criminal Behaviour
Involvement in petty crime e.g. shoplifting
Current involvement with criminal justice system
Associating with unknown adults / peers
Associating with older peers
Bereavement / Loss
Bereavement / loss
Being bullied
Bullying others
Has a learning disability
Has a disability
Education / Training
Temporary exclusion
Educated at home
Occasionally / intermittently missing from school
Change of school / education / training provider
Relationship breakdown
Parent health problem / disability
Poor communication
Reduced contact with family and friends
Bereavement or loss
Low warmth, high criticism
Gang Association / Involvement
Gang association
History of being in care
Unknown adult visitors to home
Alone at home for significant periods of time
Change of accommodation
Indecent Images
Photographing / filming self and sharing
Mental health and emotional wellbeing needs
Diagnosed depression
Social isolation
Low self esteem
Poor self image
History of going missing
Recent missing episode
Late / missing during the day / leaving early
Physical Injury / Assault
Within family
Pregnancy (and over 16)
Previous pregnancy / termination
Wants baby
Concealed pregnancy
Sexual Activity and Behaviours
Early onset of sexual activity (15 or under)
Sexual Health Risk
Unprotected sex
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
Social Media
Increased time spend using social media. This may include: webcam; skype; Instagram; snapchat; OMEGLE; gaming chat rooms
Seeming to be more involved with social media world than direct contact with family and friends
Engaging in an inappropriate online friendship
Risk / Observed/Confirmed?
/ Believed to be taking place?
Add any third party information to comments
/ Comments
Unaccounted for money, goods, services
Thought to have access to money, goods or services they are unable to afford or account for
Use of phone
Secretive behaviour
Secretive phone use
Excessive use of phone(s)
Use of Alcohol / Drugs / Substances
Experimenting with alcohol / drugs / other substances including “legal highs”
CSE Risk Indicators – MEDIUM
Risk / Observed/Confirmed? / Believed to be taking place?
Add any third party information to comments
/ Comments
Abuse / Neglect
Current experience of abuse or neglect
Antisocial / Criminal Behaviour
Repeat offending (ASBO, ABC)
Escalating anti-social or criminal behaviour
Adult / peer thought to pose risk to children
Associating with children thought at risk of being sexually exploited
New contacts with people not local to the area
Education / Training
Permanent exclusion
Poor attendance at school / education / training provider
Reduced timetable
Disengagement from school / lessons
Exchanging sexual activity for goods, money
Clipping – promising sexual activity for money, goods etc and then running off
Parent(s) not coping with behaviour
Neglect – including associated domestic abuse / alcohol or drug use / mental health problems
Lack of boundaries
Gang Association / Involvement
Gang involvement
Living in a gang neighbourhood
Currently in local authority care
Multiple placement breakdowns
Unknown adult visitors to home
Adult or peer visitors to home Adult or peer visitors to home thought to pose risk to children
Wants to come into care
Private fostering / living with friends
Indecent Images
Being photographed or filmed by someone else
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Needs
Significant self harm requiring medical / psychological attention
Eating disorder
Regularly going out late and / or going missing
Staying out overnight with no plausible explanation
Getting into cars with unknown adults or peers
Reports that child is involved in sexual exploitation / seen in “hot spots”
Physical Injury / Assault
Previous allegation of physical assault / injury withdrawn
Pregnancy (and under 16)
Unwilling to share information about father of expected child
Older “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”
Experiencing controlling behaviours
Detachment from age appropriate activities and friends their own age
New contacts with people not local to the area
Child feels intimidated, coerced, threatened and, as a result, engages in sexual activity
Sexual Behaviours
Inappropriate sexual behaviour – comments, exposure, inappropriate touch
High number of sexual partners / high rates of change of sexual partner / multiple partners
Possession of excessive number of condoms
Sexual Health Risk
Multiple STIs
Frequent attendance at STI clinics
Social Media
High number of contacts on social media including unknown adults / peers
Accessing dating sites
Engaging in an online relationship
Unsafe use of internet – no security, posting personal details, etc
Unusual / Bizarre Behaviour
Secretive behaviour
Multiple phones
Excessive use of mobile phone(s)
Secretive phone use
Displaying a change in behaviour / mood / attitude and or appearance when compared to young person of similar age
Volatile behaviour – mood swings and / or abusive language
Aggression and violence towards family, peers, animals etc
Hostility in relationships with parents / carers and other family members
Use of Alcohol / Drugs
Use of recreational drugs – cannabis; “legal highs”
CSE Risk Indicators – HIGH
Risk / Observed/Confirmed? / Believed to be taking place?
Add any third party information to comments
/ Comments
Thought to have been abducted
Antisocial / Criminal Behaviour
Significant offending
Adult / peer known to pose risk to children
Associating with children known to have been / be experiencing sexual exploitation
Seen entering /leaving vehicles with adults known to exploit or abuse children
Seen frequenting locations with adults known to exploit or abuse children
Having the keys to properties unknown to parents / carers
Removal from “red light district” by professionals
Exchanging sexual activity for goods, money
Having money, good and services with no plausible explanation
Receiving gifts through the post from someone not known to them
Parent(s) and/or carers colluding with inappropriate / sexualised behaviour / relationships
Family unable to keep child safe
Gang Association / Involvement
Evidence of problematic gang involvement
Adult or peer visitors to home / known to pose risk to children
Being imprisoned, including psychologically being unable to leave
Indecent Images
Being photographed or filmed by someone known to pose risk to children
Threats made to child / family / home
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Needs
Has suicidal thoughts / intentions
Suicide attempt
Serious self harm requiring hospital admission and with lasting damage
Very low self esteem
Weight loss
Eating disorder
Missing episodes escalating in terms of length of time and / or frequency
Persistently missing, staying out overnight or returning late with no plausible explanations
Returning after being missing looking well cared for, despite having no home base
Returning after being missing looking dirty, dishevelled, tired, hungry, thirsty
Returning after being missing but sharing no information about where they have been or with whom
Disappearing with no contact and no support in place
Physical Injury / Assault
Within “relationship”
Marks / tattoos / tags
Multiple pregnancies, terminations or miscarriages
Experiencing threatening, intimidating or violent behaviours
Sexual Behaviours
Child under 13 engaging in sexual activity
Sex with more than one person at one time
Meeting different adults for sex
Sexual Bullying
Experiencing sexual bullying
Sexual Health
Multiple STIs
Sexual Orientation
Unsure of or fluid sexual orientation
Unable to disclose sexual orientation to family, friends
Accessing LGBTQ websites and meeting people they have met online
Sexual Violence
Allegation of sexual assault
Previous allegation of rape or sexual assault withdrawn
Thought to have been moved for the purpose of sexual exploitation
Unusual Behaviour
Apparent use of mobile phone by offender to control or monitor
Use of Alcohol / Drugs
Long term prolific alcohol and / or drug use
Use of Class A drugs (heroin, cocaine)
Dependence on alcohol and / or drugs
Use of “legal highs”
Experiencing sexual exploitation
Taken to clubs / hotels / B&Bs / other locations for sexual activity
Exchanging sexual activity for money, goods or services
Exchanging images for money, goods or services
Offender Behaviour
Taking part in sexually offending behaviour
Receiving a payment or reward for introducing or recruiting others to exploitative / abusive situations / relationships / peers or adults known to exploit or abuse
Summary of additional concerns
Explore the child/young person’s potential level of involvement in CSE, referring to the indicators above.
Please include details in respect of any additional:
- vulnerabilities (aspects of a child’s historical or current circumstances which may make them more susceptible to being targeted and groomed for sexual exploitation)
- any additional risks (signs or ‘symptoms’ which might alert you that a young person could be experiencing sexual exploitation)
- strengths (what’s working well) and protective factors (parenting capacity; supportive family and environmental factors; positive social networks; developmental needs being met)
Please include details of potential risks to other children or vulnerable adults; links with other children, associates, perpetrators and locations the child /young person frequents. Please provide names (including nick names), descriptions of possible adult / peer perpetrators and any gang association.
Potential risks to other children or vulnerable adults
Links with other children, associates, perpetrators and locations
Where risks are identified, what actions have been undertaken to mitigate those risks?
Experiencing / at risk of significant harm /Level of risk / High
Not thought to be
at risk of CSE
Type of offending
Category / Lone offending1Group offending2