Stomatological Faculty
2 course ІV term
Questionnaire for credit test
- How much time do you spend brushing your teeth?
- Have you ever used the dental floss?
- What kind of toothpaste do you prefer?
- Why is toothbrush a strictly personal item?
- How often do you change your toothbrush? And where do you buy it?
- Where do you store your toothbrush?
- When do the deciduous teeth start to erupt?
- What problems are related to teething?
- Why are some parents frightened and nervous when the period of teething starts in their infant?
- How does the infant react to teething?
- What can happen if a tooth is knocked out accidentally or removed because of dentaldisease?
- Is it necessary to use 'space maintainers'? Why? Is it painful?
- Why do most children suck their thumb?
- What happens if the child doesn't stop thumb sucking in time?
- Why is good nutrition essential for oral and dental health in children?
- What are the factors that cause tooth decay?
- When does mineralization of baby teeth occur?
- Can nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy cause serious problems?
- When and why was WHO created?
- How many countries can exchange their knowledge and experience?
- What program has been developed by WHO and what for?
- What levels are identified by the WHO oral health care model?
- What high-risk groups are recognized in the communities?
- What responsibilities should community measures include?
- What is fluoridation?
- What did the studies in the USA,Canada and Britain show?
- When does the maximum protection by fluoridation against tooth decay occur?
- Are any alternatives available except fluoridation of water?
- Does the population in Russia drink fluoridated water from municipal water supplies?
- What was the cause of real improvement in oral health in the UK?
- What did the foundation of NHS result in?
- Why has the amount of time, dentists spend treating NHS patients, dropped?
- What happens when a patient registers with an NHS dentist?
- Can patients receive NHS care and treatment if they are not registered with a dentist?
- Why do you think over 100 different implant companies have formed globally?
- What are the benefits of implants?
- Can everyone use implants successfully? Why?
- Do implants require any maintenance?
- How much do patients pay for their treatment?
- What conditions must dentist consider for implant reconstruction?