Wednesday 10th March 2010
Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury, Berkshire
Sponsors: The Horse Trust, Veterinary Dental Products Europe, Equine Blades Direct Ltd, Kruuse UK Ltd, Equine Dental Supplies (please include sponsors logos)
Top left corner: Interactive Case-based Discussions. Submit your questions, images and cases to the panel in advance.
Description: BEVA’s highly popular case-based interactive Clinical Workshops make a welcome return to the CPD programme in 2010 and what better topic for our first Clinical Workshop of 2010 than dentistry? This is a full day of case-based discussion led by our panel of experts and will cover four key topics in equine dentistry. The sessions will provide a unique opportunity for delegates to ask questions, contribute to discussion and see how the experts work through problems. We will be using electronic voting throughout to facilitate participation and maximise feedback. To ensure delegates get real value from the day, the cases that will be discussed will be available on the BEVA website in advance of the workshop to enable you to review the case material. Once registered, you will be able to submit your own questions, images and cases to the panel (either in advance or on the day) so that we can tailor the workshop to your own areas of interest and also help you by having the panel discuss your cases.
Mr Henry Tremaine BVetMed MPhil CertES DipECVS MRCVS Bristol
Mr Peter Ramzan BVSc (Syd) MRCVS Newmarket
Mr Chris Pearce BVSc CertEM (IntMed) BAEDT MRCVS Gloucester
Dr Lieven Vlaminck DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVS Ghent
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.30 Workshop Session 1: Diagnostic Imaging.
How to: Examine using a mirror or endoscope C Pearce
How to: Obtain diagnostic dental radiographs L Vlaminck
How to: The role of CT in dental diagnosis P Ramzan
The cases shown in this session will demonstarte how different diagnostic imaging
techniques are vital for diagnosis of dental diseases including apical disease,
periodeontal disease, endodontic disease and trauma. This session will focus on cases such as;
which present a diagnostic imaging challenge .
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Workshop Session 2: Dental overgrowth and wear.
How to: TBC (Mature Athletic Horse) C Pearce
This session will discuss a variety of cases with overgrowth, in particular how to assess overgrowth and plan treatments including discussion of how much rasping should be carried out and the appropriate tools for the job. This session will focus on cases such as; extensive overgrowths, shear mouth, pulp exposureand “How much dental reduction is too much?”
12.45 BEVA EGM
13.05 Lunch
14.00 Workshop Session 3: Apical disease
How to: TBC L Vlaminck
In this session apical disease in different age groups will be discussed and we will look at the range of treatments available from simple medical management, through to surgical treatment, and orthograde root canal treatment. This session will focus on cases such including; management of fractured or infected teeth.
15.15 Tea
15.30 Workshop Session 4. Periodontal disease.
How to: TBC P.Ramzan
This session will focus on cases such as; periodontal disease in the younger performance horse, and examples of the techniques available for management of this disease.
17.00 Final questions and discussion
17.20 Workshop ends
Mr Henry Tremaine BVetMed MPhil Cert ES Dip ECVS MRCVS, Bristol
Henry graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 1989 and subsequently worked in mixed and equine practice for a period before undertaking a residency in equine soft-tissue surgery at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh. Whilst a Edinburgh Henry gained an MPhil and Cert ES(Soft tissue). Henry then worked at Ohio State University and gained his Diploma of the ECVS. He is an RCVS and European specialist in equine surgery and is currently a Senior lecturer in Equine Surgery at Bristol University. Henry’s main area of special interest is equine upper respiratory tract disease and dentistry, and his clinical interests also include laparoscopic surgery and wound management.
Mr Peter Ramzan BVSc (Syd) MRCVS, Suffolk
Pete qualified at Sydney University and subsequently worked in the cattle industry in northern Australia for a year following graduation. Pete then came to the UK and settled into mixed large animal work with Kingston Vets in Sherborne. Pete moved to the specialist equine practice Rossdales in 1998, taking up a racing position. Pete’s main area of special in interest is; horses in training, dental imaging and racehorse stress injuries.
Mr Chris Pearce BVSc CertEM (IntMed) BAEDT MRCVS, Dorset
Chris qualified from Liverpool University in 1990 and subsequently worked in Worcestershire for three years. He then moved to The Barn Equine Surgery in Dorset in 1996 and became a partner in the practice in 1997. In 2001 Chris gained a CertEM (Int Med) and in 2002 was awarded the RCVS Certificate of Internal Medicine by examination. Chris also became the first vet to pass the BEVA/BVDA Equine Dental Technicians examination and is one of two chief examiners for equine dentistry in the UK. Chris now runs the practice equine dentistry referral service, as well also performing most of the soft tissue surgery for first opinion and referral cases.
Prof Lieven Vlaminck, DVM, PhD, Dip ECVS Belgium
Lieven graduated from Ghent University in Belgium and subsequently started working at the department of surgery and anaesthesiology of large animals at the same university. His initial focus was on large animal anaesthesia and bovine surgery. Since 1997, he further specialized in equine surgery with a special interest in URT surgery and equine dentistry. This resulted in completion of a PhD thesis on postextraction changes in the equine dentition and membership of ECVS following an alternate residency program. He currently is an associate lecturer in large animal soft tissue surgery and dentistry at Ghent University. His ongoing research topics are bovine spastic paresis and several equine dentistry subjects including tooth implant development, orthodontics and mastication physiology.
Wednesday 10th March 2010, Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury, Berkshire
For further information, please contact BEVA, Mulberry House, 31 Market Street, Fordham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5LQ Tel: +44 (0) 1638 723 555 Fax: +44 (0) 1638 724 043 Email: Website:
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Cancellation more than 6 weeks prior to the start of the course: A full refund will be made less a 10% administrative charge.
Cancellation less than 6 weeks prior to the start of the course: No refunds can be guaranteed, but BEVA will make every endeavour to resell the place and an administrative fee of 20% will be charged.
Transfer of Delegate: Booked places can be transferred to another person. If the new delegate is not a Member, they will be liable for the difference between the Member and non-Member rate.
Insurance: Venues are normally covered by Third Party Liability Insurance. However, delegates must ensure that they have appropriate insurance.
Data Protection: I understand that BEVA may pass on my details to course organisers or course sponsors and that they may contact me following the course.