chapter outline1.1

Discovering Computers 2003

Study Guide

Chapter 1

Introduction to Computers

Chapter Overview


his chapter introduces basic computer concepts such as what a computer is, how it works, and what makes it a powerful tool. You also learn about the components of a computer. Next, the chapter discusses computer software, networks, and the Internet. The many different categories of computers and computer users also are presented. This chapter is an overview. Many of the terms and concepts introduced are discussed further in later chapters.

Chapter Objectives

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

chapter outline1.1

Explain the importance of computer literacy

Define the term computer

Identify the components of a computer

Explain why a computer is a powerful tool

Differentiate among the various types of software

Explain the purpose of a network

Discuss the uses of the Internet and the World Wide Web

Describe the categories of computers and their uses

Identify the various types of computer users

Understand how a user can be a Web publisher

chapter outline1.1

Chapter Outline

I.The digital revolution [p. 1.02]
The digital revolution is upon us, as computers extend into more facets of daily living. Being computer literate means ______

II.What is a computer? [p. 1.04]
A computer is______

A.Data and information [p. 1.04]

  • Data is______
  • Information is______

Computers process data to create information.
A user is______

  • Hardware is______
  • Software is______

B.Information processing cycle [p. 1.05]
Input is______
Output is______
Computers process input ( ______) into output ( ______).
Storage is______

The information processing cycle is______

III.The components of a computer [p. 1.05]

A.Input devices [p. 1.05]
An input device is______
Common input devices:______

B.Output devices [p. 1.06]
An output device is______
Common output devices:______

C.System unit [p. 1.06]
The system unit is______
The system unit circuitry usually is part of or is connected to the motherboard. Two main components on the motherboard are the CPU and memory.

  • The central processing unit (CPU) is______
  • Memory is______

D.Storage devices [p. 1.06]
A storage device records and retrieves______
A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer keeps the data, instructions, and information.
Common storage devices:______

E.Communications devices [p. 1.08]
Communications devices enable______
Communications devices:______

IV.Why is a computer so powerful? [p. 1.08]
A computer’s power is derived from its:

A.Speed [p. 1.08]

B.Reliability [p. 1.09]

C.Accuracy [p. 1.09]
The phrase garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) points out______

D.Storage [p. 1.09]

E.Communications [p. 1.09]

V.Computer software [p. 1.10]
A computer program is______
With some programs, you must install the program instructions on the computer’s hard disk. When the computer executes the program, the instructions are loaded from the hard disk into the computer’s memory.

Two types of software are system software and application software.

A.System software [p. 1.12]
System software consists______
Two types of system software are the operating system and utility programs.

  1. Operating system [p. 1.12]
    An operating system (OS) is______
  2. Utility programs [p. 1.12]
    A utility program is______
  3. User interface [p. 1.12]
    The user interface controls how you enter data and instructions and how information displays on the screen.
    With a graphical user interface (GUI) you interact______

B.Application software [p. 1.13]
Application software consists______
Popular application software includes______

Sources of application software:

1.Packaged software [p. 1.13]
Packaged software is______

2.Custom software [p. 1.14]
Custom software is______

3.Freeware, public-domain software, and shareware [p. 1.14]

  • Freeware is______
  • Public-domain software is______
  • Shareware is______

4.Application service provider [p. 1.15]
An application service provider is______

C.Software development [p. 1.15]
A computer programmer is______
A systems analyst designs______

VI.Networks and the Internet [p. 1.16]
A network is______
The Internet is______
People use the Internet to______

VII.Categories of computers [p. 1.19]
Computer categories are based on size, speed, processing capabilities, and price.
The six major categories of computers are:

chapter outline1.1

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

chapter outline1.1

VIII.Personal computers [p. 1.19]
A personal computer is______
Two popular series of personal computers are the PC and the Apple Macintosh.
Major categories of personal computers:

A.Desktop computers [p. 1.20]
A desktop computer is______
A tower model has______
An all-in-one computer is______
A workstation is______

B.Notebook computers [p. 1.22]
A notebook computer is______

IX.Handheld computers [p. 1.23]
A handheld computer is______
A PDA (personal digital assistant) is______

Some handheld computers are Web-enabled. Other Web-enabled devices:

  • A Web-enabled cellular telephone allows______
  • A Web-enabled pager is______

X.Internet appliances [p. 1.24]
An Internet appliance is______

XI.Mid-range servers [p. 1.25]
A mid-range server is______

XII.Mainframes [p. 1.26]
A mainframe is______

XIII.Supercomputers [p. 1.26]
A supercomputer is______

XIV.Elements of an information system [p. 1.27]
An information system is comprised______
For an information system to be successful, all of these elements must be present and work together.

XV.Examples of computer usage [p. 1.28]
Different categories of users rely on computers for a variety of purposes.

A.Home user [p. 1.29]
The digital divide is______

B.Small office/home office user [p. 1.31]
E-commerce is______

C.Mobile user [p. 1.32]

D.Large business user [p. 1.33]
Telecommuting is______

E.Power user [p. 1.35]
Multimedia combines______

XVI.Computer user as a Web publisher [p. 1.36]
In addition to being a recipient of information on the Internet, users can provide information to other connected users around the world.
Publishing a Web page is______

Users publish Web pages for a variety of reasons:

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Photo communities are______


Self Test


1.____input device
2.____output device
3.____system unit
4.____storage device
5.____communications device
6.____packaged software
7.____custom software
9.____public-domain software
10.____shareware / a.copyrighted retail software that meets the needs of a wide variety of users
b.allows a user to enter data and instructions into a computer
c.writes the instructions necessary to process data into information
d.tailor-made programs developed at a user’s request to perform specific functions software donated for public use with no copyright restrictions case that protects a computer’s internal electronic components from damage
g.enables computer users to exchange items with another computer
h.collection of computers connected together via telephone lines, modems, or other means
i.copyrighted software provided by an individual or company at no cost
j.records and retrieves items to and from a medium
k.any component that can convey information to a user
l.copyrighted software distributed free for a trial period


____1.Through computers, society has access to information from all around the globe.

____2.Without software, most hardware is useless; hardware needs instructions from software to process data into information.

____3.A mouse contains keys that allow you to type letters of the alphabet, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and other symbols.

____4.A peripheral is any internal device that resides inside the system unit.

____5.Storage differs from memory in that it holds items only temporarily while the processor interprets and executes them, whereas memory can hold items permanently.

____6.When two or more computers are connected together via communications media and devices, they form a network.

____7.A computer program might load into memory from the hard disk each time you execute the program.

____8.Hardware is the key to productive use of computers.

____9.Most users connect to the Internet in one of two ways: through an Internet service provider or through an online service provider.

____10.Few SOHO (small office/home office) computer users communicate with each other through e-mail.

Multiple Choice

____ /
  1. How does information differ from data?
  2. information is a collection of raw unprocessed facts
  3. information can include words, numbers, images, and sounds
  4. information is organized, meaningful, and useful
  5. information is processed to produce data

____ /
  1. What are examples of input devices?
  2. the keyboard and the mouse
  3. the central processing unit (CPU) and memory
  4. the printer and the monitor
  5. all of the above

____ /
  1. What component is not considered a peripheral?
  2. the keyboard
  3. the CPU
  4. a microphone
  5. a monitor

____ /
  1. Why is a computer so powerful?
  2. because it can perform the information processing cycle operations with amazing speed, reliability, and accuracy
  3. because it can store huge amounts of data
  4. because it can communicate with other computers
  5. all of the above

____ /
  1. Word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation graphics software are what type of software?
  2. system software
  3. operating systems
  4. application software
  5. utility programs

____ /
  1. Instead of installing software on their computer, some people run programs from the Internet and opt to use what for their software needs?
  2. an Internet service provider (ISP)
  3. an online service provider (OSP)
  4. an application service provider (ASP)
  5. an executable service provider (ESP)

____ /
  1. Why do people use the Internet?
  2. to meet or converse with people around the world
  3. to access sources of entertainment and leisure
  4. to shop for goods and services
  5. all of the above

____ /
  1. What is a workstation?
  2. a large, expensive, very powerful computer that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously
  3. a mainframe computer powerful enough to function as a server on a network
  4. an expensive, powerful desktop computer designed for work that requires intense calculations and graphics capabilities
  5. a popular type of handheld computer that often supports personal information management applications

____ /
  1. What is the fastest, most powerful category of computers – and the most expensive?
  2. personal computers
  3. minicomputers
  4. mainframe computers
  5. supercomputers

____ /
  1. A local law practice, accounting firm, travel agency, and florist are examples of what type of computer user?
  2. mobile user
  3. small office/home office user
  4. power user
  5. large business user

Fill in the Blanks

1.A(n) ______is someone that communicates with a computer or employs the information it generates.

2.During processing, a computer processor places instructions to be executed and data needed by those instructions into ______.

3.A graphical user interface uses visual images such as ______that represent programs, instructions, or some other object.

4.You are considered ______when your computer connects to a network.

5.The world’s largest network is the ______, a worldwide collection of networks that links together millions of computers.

6.A(n) ______computer can perform the information processing cycle operations by itself without being connected to a network.

7.A(n) ______is a computer that manages the resources on a network.

8.Users typically access a mid-range server via a(n) ______, which is a device with a monitor and a keyboard.

9.Some Web sites use a(n) ______, which is a video camera with output that can be displayed on a Web page.

10.A(n) ______is a freestanding computer, usually with a touch screen that serves as an input device.

Complete the Table

Categories of Computers

Category / Physical size / Number of simultaneously connected users / General price range
Personal computer
(desktop or notebook) / Fits on a desk or on your lap / ______
______/ ______
______ / Fits in your hand / ______
______/ Several hundred dollars or less
Internet appliance / ______
______/ Usually one / ______
______ / ______
______/ Two to thousands / $5,000 to $850,000
Mainframe / Partial to full room / ______
______/ ______
______ / ______
______/ Hundreds to thousands / Several million dollars and up

Things to Think About

  1. Do the four operations in the information processing cycle (input, process, output, and storage) always have to be performed in order? Why or why not?
  2. Why is each component of a computer system (input devices, system unit, output devices, secondary storage devices) important?
  3. Why is software the key to productive use of computers?
  4. Why do mobile users often have notebook computers equipped with a modem?



All of the words described below appear in the puzzle. Words may be either forward or backward, across, up and down, or diagonal. Circle each word as you find it.


Interprets and carries out instructions

Allows interaction using visual images

Worldwide collection of networks

PC designed to connect to a network

Computer that can perform all information processing activities

Often supports PIM applications

Process data into information

Collection of unorganized facts

Software provided at no cost to a user

Electronic and mechanical equipment

Small image that represents a program

Organized, meaningful, useful data

Data entered into a computer

Freestanding computer, usually with a touch screen

Can handle thousands of connected users

Temporarily holds data and instructions

More powerful than a workstation

Combines text, graphics, sound, video, and other elements

Collection of connected computers

Result of processing data

People who write computer instructions

Manages network resources

Software distributed free for a trial period

Instructions to process data into information

Where data is held for future use

Fastest, most powerful computer

Box-like case housing computer circuitry

Device with a monitor and a keyboard

Communicates with a computer or uses the information it generates

Expensive and powerful desktop computer


Self Test Answers

Matching / True/False / Multiple Choice / Fill in the Blanks
1.b[p. 1.05] / 1.T[p. 1.03] / 1.c[p. 1.04] / 1.user [p. 1.04]
2.memory [p. 1.06]
3.icons [p. 1.12] [p. 1.16]
5.Internet [p. 1.17]
6.stand-alone [p. 1.21]
7.server [p. 1.21]
8.terminal [p. 1.25]
9.Web cam [p. 1.31]
10.kiosk [p. 1.34]
2.k[p. 1.06] / 2.T[p. 1.04] / 2.a[p. 1.05]
3.f[p. 1.06] / 3.F[p. 1.05] / 3.b[p. 1.06]
4.j[p. 1.07] / 4.F[p. 1.06] / 4.d[p. 1.08]
5.g[p. 1.08] / 5.F[p. 1.06] / 5.c[p. 1.13]
6.a[p. 1.13] / 6.T[p. 1.10] / 6.c[p. 1.15]
7.d[p. 1.14] / 7.T[p. 1.10] / 7.d[p. 1.17]
8.i[p. 1.14] / 8.F[p. 1.11] / 8.c[p. 1.21]
9.e[p. 1.14] / 9.T[p. 1.18] / 9.d[p. 1.26]
10.l[p. 1.14] / 10.F[p. 1.31] / 10.b[p. 1.31]

Complete the Table

Categories of Computers

Category / Physical size / Number of simultaneously connected users / General price range
Personal computer
(desktop or notebook) / Fits on a desk or on your lap / Usually one, or many networked______/ Several thousand___
dollars or less_____
Handheld computer / Fits in your hand / Usually one______
______/ Several hundred dollars or less
Internet appliance / Fits on a____
countertop___ / Usually one / Several hundred___
dollars or less_____
Mid-range server_ / Small cabinet
______/ Two to thousands / $5,000 to $850,000
Mainframe / Partial to full room / Hundreds to thousands
______/ $300,000 to several_
million dollars_____
Supercomputer___ / Full room___
______/ Hundreds to thousands / Several million dollars and up

Things to Think About

Answers will vary.

puzzle ANSWER1.1

Puzzle Answer