Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements – August 2011
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August 6-7 - Three Announcements
Life Front: Weekly Prayer & Teaching on Life Issues, Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson. Tired of abortion? Want to advance the Culture of Life? Join us to pray, learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage in the pro-life cause. We convene in the St. Joseph Room and close with Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. We feature monthly guest speakers, films, and small group discussion. Light refreshments served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632, or .
Gabriel Angel Training/ Entrenamiento Gabriel, August 20
Announcement in English
Gabriel Angel Training, August 20, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., at St. Jude Catholic Church, 1515 N. Greenville Ave., Allen 75002. Learn how to mentor a mother facing a crisis pregnancy. In addition to learning about Project Gabriel, several representatives from the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will spotlight other ministries and explain how you might get involved in your parish. The training includes a trip by bus to the new Birth Choice Counseling Center in Dallas. Continental breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. All meals and materials are provided. Contact Jessie Anne Nobles, 972-291-2384 or . Attendance at the August 27th follow-up session and Angel Commissioning is required.
Announcement in Spanish
Entrenamiento Gabriel, 20 de agosto, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., en la Iglesia Católica San Judas, 1515 N. Greenville Ave., Allen 75002. Desayuno Continental será servido a las 8:00 a.m. Aprenda como ser mentor de una madre enfrentando un embarazo en crisis. Todas las comidas y materiales serán proveídos. Para más información contacte a Aurora Tinajero al 972-262-5137 x23 o a . Asistencia a la sesión de seguimiento y Comisiones de Ángel será requerida el 27 de Agosto. Debe ser Bilingüe.
40 Days for Life-Dallas/40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, September 28-November 7
Announcement in English
40 Days for Life-Dallas, September 28-November 6: 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. Dallas will once again join with hundreds of cities nationwide in this life-saving campaign. The ecumenical prayer vigil will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week outside the Southwestern late-term abortion center, 8616 Greenville Ave., Dallas 75243 (NE corner of Royal & Greenville). Interested in learning more about the 40 Days for Life experience and how to participate? Join us for the Cast the Vision Meeting on September 8th at 7 PM (location to be announced). More info also available at www.prolifedallas.org/40days or contact , 972-267-5433 (daytime) or 469-767-5785 (evening).
Announcement in Spanish
40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, 28 de septiembre-6 de noviembre: 40 Días Por la Vida es un esfuerzo contra el aborto que consiste en enfocar 40 días de rezo y ayuno, 40 días de vigilia pacífica, y 40 días de participación de la comunidad. Rezamos que, con la ayuda de Dios, este esfuerzo ayudará a traer el final al aborto no sólo en nuestra ciudad, pero en todas partes de América. La vigilia será 7 días de la semana, 24 horas por día en centro de abortos tardíos Southwestern, 8616 Avenida Greenville, Dallas 75243 (esquina NE de Royal y Greenville). Para aprender más, reserve un día para su iglesia, o avísenos como usted se siente llamado servir a Dios en este esfuerzo, por favor visite el sitio Web en www.providadedallas.org, o llame a Aurora Tinajero al 972-639-0259 o .
August 13-14 – Three Announcements
Life Front: Weekly Prayer & Teaching on Life Issues, Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson. Tired of abortion? Want to advance the Culture of Life? Join us to pray, learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage in the pro-life cause. We convene in the St. Joseph Room and close with Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. We feature monthly guest speakers, films, and small group discussion. Light refreshments served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632, or .
Gabriel Angel Training/Entrenamiento Gabriel, August 20
Announcement in English
Gabriel Angel Training, August 20, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., at St. Jude Catholic Church, 1515 N. Greenville Ave., Allen 75002. Learn how to mentor a mother facing a crisis pregnancy. In addition to learning about Project Gabriel, several representatives from the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will spotlight other ministries and explain how you might get involved in your parish. The training includes a trip by bus to the new Birth Choice Counseling Center in Dallas. Continental breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. All meals and materials are provided. Contact Jessie Anne Nobles, 972-291-2384 or . Attendance at the August 27th follow-up session and Angel Commissioning is required.
Announcement in Spanish
Entrenamiento Gabriel, 20 de agosto, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., en la Iglesia Católica San Judas, 1515 N. Greenville Ave., Allen 75002. Desayuno Continental será servido a las 8:00 a.m. Aprenda como ser mentor de una madre enfrentando un embarazo en crisis. Todas las comidas y materiales serán proveídos. Para más información contacte a Aurora Tinajero al 972-262-5137 x23 o a . Asistencia a la sesión de seguimiento y Comisiones de Ángel será requerida el 27 de Agosto. Debe ser Bilingüe.
40 Days for Life-Dallas/40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, September 28-November 7
Announcement in English
40 Days for Life-Dallas, September 28-November 6: 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. Dallas will once again join with hundreds of cities nationwide in this life-saving campaign. The ecumenical prayer vigil will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week outside the Southwestern late-term abortion center, 8616 Greenville Ave., Dallas 75243 (NE corner of Royal & Greenville). Interested in learning more about the 40 Days for Life experience and how to participate? Join us for the Cast the Vision Meeting on September 8th at 7 PM (location to be announced). More info also available at www.prolifedallas.org/40days or contact , 972-267-5433 (daytime) or 469-767-5785 (evening).
Announcement in Spanish
40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, 28 de septiembre-6 de noviembre: 40 Días Por la Vida es un esfuerzo contra el aborto que consiste en enfocar 40 días de rezo y ayuno, 40 días de vigilia pacífica, y 40 días de participación de la comunidad. Rezamos que, con la ayuda de Dios, este esfuerzo ayudará a traer el final al aborto no sólo en nuestra ciudad, pero en todas partes de América. La vigilia será 7 días de la semana, 24 horas por día en centro de abortos tardíos Southwestern, 8616 Avenida Greenville, Dallas 75243 (esquina NE de Royal y Greenville). Para aprender más, reserve un día para su iglesia, o avísenos como usted se siente llamado servir a Dios en este esfuerzo, por favor visite el sitio Web en www.providadedallas.org, o llame a Aurora Tinajero al 972-639-0259 o .
August 20-21 – Three Announcements
Life Front: Weekly Prayer & Teaching on Life Issues, Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson. Tired of abortion? Want to advance the Culture of Life? Join us to pray, learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage in the pro-life cause. We convene in the St. Joseph Room and close with Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. We feature monthly guest speakers, films, and small group discussion. Light refreshments served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632, or .
Speakers Bureau Training Workshop, September 17, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at St. Monica Catholic Church, 9933 Midway Rd., Dallas 75220, in Room 109 of the Family Center. Learn how to effectively share your pro-life beliefs with others. The CPLC Speakers Bureau will train youtospread the pro-life message to both youth groupsand adults.For more info and to register, contact Jan Storey, 972-986-5463 or .
40 Days for Life-Dallas/40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, September 28-November 7
Announcement in English
40 Days for Life-Dallas, September 28-November 6: 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. Dallas will once again join with hundreds of cities nationwide in this life-saving campaign. The ecumenical prayer vigil will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week outside the Southwestern late-term abortion center, 8616 Greenville Ave., Dallas 75243 (NE corner of Royal & Greenville). Interested in learning more about the 40 Days for Life experience and how to participate? Join us for the Cast the Vision Meeting on September 8th at 7 PM (location to be announced). More info also available at www.prolifedallas.org/40days or contact , 972-267-5433 (daytime) or 469-767-5785 (evening).
Announcement in Spanish
40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, 28 de septiembre-6 de noviembre: 40 Días Por la Vida es un esfuerzo contra el aborto que consiste en enfocar 40 días de rezo y ayuno, 40 días de vigilia pacífica, y 40 días de participación de la comunidad. Rezamos que, con la ayuda de Dios, este esfuerzo ayudará a traer el final al aborto no sólo en nuestra ciudad, pero en todas partes de América. La vigilia será 7 días de la semana, 24 horas por día en centro de abortos tardíos Southwestern, 8616 Avenida Greenville, Dallas 75243 (esquina NE de Royal y Greenville). Para aprender más, reserve un día para su iglesia, o avísenos como usted se siente llamado servir a Dios en este esfuerzo, por favor visite el sitio Web en www.providadedallas.org, o llame a Aurora Tinajero al 972-639-0259 o .
August 27-28 – Three Announcements
Life Front: Weekly Prayer & Teaching on Life Issues, Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson. Tired of abortion? Want to advance the Culture of Life? Join us to pray, learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage in the pro-life cause. We convene in the St. Joseph Room and close with Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. We feature monthly guest speakers, films, and small group discussion. Light refreshments served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632, or .
Speakers Bureau Training Workshop, September 17, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at St. Monica Catholic Church, 9933 Midway Rd., Dallas 75220, in Room 109 of the Family Center. Learn how to effectively share your pro-life beliefs with others. The CPLC Speakers Bureau will train youtospread the pro-life message to both youth groupsand adults.For more info and to register, contact Jan Storey, 972-986-5463 or .
40 Days for Life-Dallas/40 Días Por Vida-Dallas, September 28-November 7 and
40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally/40 Días Por Vida-Dallas Reunión de Inicio, September 27
Announcement in English
40 Days for Life-Dallas – September 28-November 6: 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. Dallas will once again join with hundreds of cities nationwide in this life-saving campaign. The ecumenical prayer vigil will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week outside the Southwestern late-term abortion center, 8616 Greenville Ave., Dallas 75243 (NE corner of Royal & Greenville). Learn more about the 40 Days for Life experience and how to participate at the Cast the Vision Meeting on September 8th at 7 PM (location to be announced). More info also available at www.prolifedallas.org/40days or contact , 972-267-5433 (daytime) or 469-767-5785 (evening).
And be sure to join us for the 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally on September 27th, beginning with Praise and Worship at 6:30 p.m., at Harry S. Moss Park, 8000 Greenville Ave., Dallas 75231 (SE corner of Royal & Greenville).
Announcement in Spanish
40 Días Por Vida-Dallas – 28 de septiembre-6 de noviembre: 40 Días Por la Vida es un esfuerzo contra el aborto que consiste en enfocar 40 días de rezo y ayuno, 40 días de vigilia pacífica, y 40 días de participación de la comunidad. Rezamos que, con la ayuda de Dios, este esfuerzo ayudará a traer el final al aborto no sólo en nuestra ciudad, pero en todas partes de América. La vigilia será 7 días de la semana, 24 horas por día en Southwestern, 8616 Avenida Greenville, Dallas 75243 (esquina NE de Royal y Greenville). Acompañenos para la Reunión de Inicio de la campaña el 27 de septiembre, empezando con Alabanza y Oración a las 6:30 p.m., en el Parque Harry S. Moss, 8000 Ave. Greenville, Dallas, 75231 (esquina SE de Royal y Greenville).
Para aprender más, reserve un día para su iglesia, o avísenos como usted se siente llamado servir a Dios en este esfuerzo, por favor visite el sitio Web en www.providadedallas.org, o llame a Aurora Tinajero al 972-639-0259 o .
September 3-4 – Three Announcements
Life Front: Weekly Prayer & Teaching on Life Issues, Every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 600 S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson. Tired of abortion? Want to advance the Culture of Life? Join us to pray, learn the Church’s teaching on life issues, and actively engage in the pro-life cause. We convene in the St. Joseph Room and close with Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. We feature monthly guest speakers, films, and small group discussion. Light refreshments served. For more info, contact Tom Grossman, 972-352-7632, or .