VILLAGE HALL. Website address:
Present In attendance
Cllr B Short Mrs J Ward Clerk
Cllr M Cormack Nick Baker Tree Warden
Cllr T Jackson 2 members of the public
Cllr K Tilley EDDC Cllr S Grundy
Cllr D Horton DCC Cllr P Bowden
Cllr C Smith (Speke-Up notes)
Cllr P Tyldesley
15Minutes Open Forum.- Driveway at 6, Redside Terrace: it has been reported this has been done without planning permission. The Chair asked the Clerk to contact the Enforcement Officer at EDDC.
- Post Box at Pynes Hill:has been removed and will be replaced in due course, however, Cllr Jackson referred to the timing of the collection of the post box at Cowley: 9am is too early for some people and asked the Clerk to contact the Post Office to request a second later collection or for the replaced one at Pynes Hill to accommodate a second later collection.
- Call box in Upton Pyne: Cllr Cormack asked for permission to remove the sign on the noticeboard inside the village hall referring people to the boxfor emergency calls as the telephone has been disconnected. It was agreed that she should remove the sign.
- Potholes:the Clerk has received communications from residents of Thorverton regarding the poor state of the road from Thorverton through Upton Pyne towards Exeter. Cllr Bob Deed from Mid Devon District Council, together with Cllr Peter Bowden from Devon County Council and Cllr Simon Grundy from East Devon District Council were able to provide a great deal of information on the subject. With Thorverton Bridge scheduled to be closed in April and despite the route through the Village not being on the official diversion, drivers with local knowledge are likely to use it as a preferred option to travel to Exeter. There is a possibility that the work on Stoke Canon Bridge and perhaps Cowley Bridge on the A-377 may be carried out at the same time, however, the Parish Council was reassured that Anne Zeally of DCC is aware of all potential issues and County Councillor Margaret Squires is lobbying for a public meeting to be held at Thorverton.. The Chair will liaise with DCC Highways to ensure we are advised of scheduling. Cllr Bowden said in reference to an email to the Clerk, that it would be as well to encourage parishioners to put in claims for damages to vehicles to DCC, together with photos to show safety defects.
30/17 To receive apologies for absence: Cllr J Dalton and Cllr S Wass.
31/17 Minutes: It was proposed and seconded to approvethe minutes of the meeting held on the 13th February 2017 and signed by the Chair.
32/17 Declarations of interests: taken as identified.
33/17Police Report: 30th January 2017 – 5th March 2017: no crimes reported.
34/17 Report by East Devon District Councillor S Grundy:
- School funding is to be cut: Cllr Grundy said that 93% of schools in Devon are reported to be ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’.
- National Grid refurbishment programme:Cllr Grundy reported that this entails re wiring the pylon system through the parish and may add to the problem with road closures, although there will be work on the wiring where the network crosses the A-377 at Cowley Bridge, Cowley. This work is due to take place from 1st April 2017 and may last 6 months.
- Planning applications:Cllr Grundy asked the Council to assist him in making a recommendation regarding a difficult planning application decision. The Parish Council concluded that it could make no recommendation without seeing a formal application, and as yet none has been submitted. It was proposed and seconded that the EDDC link should be sent to the Parish Council.
36/17Updates on Councillors Responsibilities.
Jackmoor Action Group: update from Cllr Horton: the work will be levelled over by the end of March and to report back to the meeting in April.
Footpaths: Cllr Smithreported that he had asked for a grant of £550 from the P3 fund. Cllr Cormack had written to Cllr Smith regarding the poor state of the footpath at Bidwell Barton; he said that he is aware of this.
Play area/equipment:Cllr Tilley said that the playground steering group is to meet in the next two weeks.
Broadband: the Chair said that there had been no agreement with the landowner between Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne.
37/17 Impact Of Cuts to Highways and Verges: it was agreed that the letters from the Clerk and from Cllr Tyldesley regarding insurance implications and difficulties were very pertinent and the Council have decided not to appoint a road warden by a vote of 6 to 1 against the scheme. Cllr Jackson suggested that the monies from the precept for such purposes should be used to hire a contractor who is covered by insurance/public liability insurance. To discuss at the meeting in April how to take this forward.
38/17 Finance: To sanction payment of accounts as follows:
a. Clerk’s wages for March 2017: £202.55 plus £20.00 Home Allowance = £222.55. Approved. NB: NALC recommended pay scales for 2017/18. This increase of £1.29 per month was approved by the Council; it will take effect from April 2017.
b. Training Courses: for councillors and Clerk.
c. DALC: annual fees: £107.66: approved.
Moor Farm, Upton Pyne: update: the Chair reported there has been no reply/update. The Chair asked who the Enforcement Officer is at EDDC. Cllr Grundy will check and advise in due course.
Any other planning issues: received after Agenda posted:none reported.
40/17 Notice Boards: update from the Clerk. Five carpenters were approached to tender quotes. Only one has replied and it was agreed the quote was good and to go ahead with the work to repair the two notice boards at Bernaville Nurseries and Glebe Close. The Clerk will check with the carpenter regarding the ’open-ended’ section of his letter regarding repairs so far unseen and tell him the Council will pay the amount quoted only.
41/17Notices at Upton Pyne Cross: pre-school advertisement: update from the Clerk/Chair. This notice has been removed, however, councillors reported there are more Helmore signs in place.
42/17St Andrews Road: update from the Clerk. The Clerk has been in contact with Highways, (NB: this area as with others, is covered by Highways not ECC), and is waiting for a response to the request to have the width sign moved to a more prominent place at the Exwick end of the road and for its message to be made clearer to drivers.
43/17 Annual Parish Meeting: June 26th 2017: to discuss thoughts and ideas, in particular, the main speaker. The Chair asked everyone to think about this and bring to the meeting in April, also, to once again consider inviting various Village groups to attend.
44/17 Communications/e: mails received for possible action:
The annual Stoke Hill & N Dartmoor Beagles dog show 2017:
on Sunday, 30th April, 2017, 12 noon at Upton Pyne Equestrian Centre.
The Clerk made available all communications received.
45/17 Feedback on last month’s circulations and items for future agendas.
Please submit any items for the next Agenda to the Clerk within the next 7 days.
Dates of the next meetings:10th April 2017
8th May 2017
12th June 2017
APM: 26th June 2017
The meeting was closed at 8.45pm.