Thassos, Greece, 15-20 September 2003
Organised by: the Laboratory of Archaeometry, NCSR "Demokritos", the 18th Ephoreiα of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the French School at Athens and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
Organising Committee
Lab. of Archaeometry
NCSR "Demokritos"
Y. Maniatis
K. Polikreti
18th Ephoreia,
Ministry of Culture
Z. Bonias
S. Papadopoulos
French School
at Athens
T. Kozelj
M. Wurch-Kozelj
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
M. Varti-Mataranga
ASMOSIA Executive Committee
N. Herz (Hon. President)
Y. Maniatis (President)
J. Harrell (Secrt. & Treasr.)
L. Lazzarini
J.J. Herrmman, Jr.
M. Moltesen
D. Peacock
P. Pensabene
M. Schvoerer
B. Turi / 4 July 2003
The posters will be mounted on the special boards provided and they will remain on display for the whole duration of the conference. In addition, there will be two special poster sessions, on Tuesday 16/9/2003 and Wednesday 17/9/2003 for 2 and 1 hours respectively, when authors and participants will be all in the poster room.
The posters should have maximum dimensions of 1.15 m width and 1.60 m height. The face of the poster boards is made of soft wood so the posters can be mounted either by pins or double-sided sticky tape. Please bring your own mounting materials.
Suggestions for preparing a nice poster:
At the top of the poster there should be the title of the paper as a heading, below the names of the authors and below the affiliations, exactly like they appear in the abstract. This facilitates people to locate a specific poster in the poster room.
The poster should contain an introduction, the results and the conclusions.
Avoid too much text and use rather more diagrams, figures and tables. The size of the lettering used for any text, including figure labels and axes labels of diagrams should be such so that a person can read it easily from a distance of 1.5m.
Indicative letter sizes:
Title: Times New Roman 50-80
Author names: Times New Roman 40-70
Affiliations: Times New Roman 30-50
Normal text: 30-40 or larger
Labels: 40-50 or larger
Best Student Poster Awards
The ASMOSIA association will offer two awards for the best two posters prepared by students. The award for the first place would be 300 €/$US and for the second place 200 €/$US. If you want your poster to be considered for the award please notify the Organizing Committee.ASMOSIA VII Conference, Laboratory of Archaeometry, NCSR "Demokritos", 153 10, Ag. Paraskevi, Attiki, Greece, Tel: +30-1-6503389, Fax: +30-1-6053323, e-mail: 1