2016-17 Verification Specs


Current EDE data will be reviewed except when an assumption is present.

If AC field = R and Opt Doc 26 or 27 is not dated received on Tracking and Tracking Class/Coll ≠ blank print UF ID, Name & Opt docs on a report. Do not run through remaining process.

If Verification AC = D or I (HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE – Blank all Error Fields)

I.  If budget = blank or zero DO NOT RUN THROUGH REMAINING PROCESS. (Cks SNA Budget>0 then Computed SNA Budget>0)

Create A REPORT OF NO-Budget


A. If Verification class or college = blank and Tracking class and college ≠ blank:

1. Move Tracking class/college to Verification class/college.

B. If Verification class or college ≠ Tracking class or college:

1. Move Tracking class/college to Verification class/college.

C. If Tracking ACT STAT ≠ “A” OR ADM STAT ≠ “A” or “P”:


D. If “AC” = I and any included Opt doc on Tracking (13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 30, 34, 35, 36, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 92, 94, 97) isn’t dated processed. (Ignore excluded Opt docs 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 28, 29, 31, 32, 37, 39, 41, 42, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, 62, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 98, 99):

1. Set AC = I.

2. Produce a report of Opt doc 22 (MISS) on tracking if found. FM76MISS


E. If “AC” = I and all included Opt docs on Tracking (13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 30, 34, 35, 36, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 92, 94, 97) are dated processed (Ignore excluded Opt docs)

1. If Opt docs 26 or 27 is dated processed on Tracking and Remark #52 is found on last TN shown on Verification remarks:

Go to Section VII. Comparison of all VERD Income Fields.

2. If Opt doc 13, 18, 68, 87 or 88 is found and double dated

a. If Opt doc 13 Go to III.E.

b. If Opt doc 18 Go to III. H.

c. If Opt doc 68 Go to III. F.

d. If Opt doc 87 Go to III. G.

e. If Opt doc 88 Go to III. C.

3. Otherwise go to VII.

III. Independant Status Check. IF EDE OR VERD DEP = I.

A.  Birthdate = Y

1. If EDE DEP = I and EDE date of birth flag (587,1) = 1 and Tracking DOB < 19930101 and OUR birthdate = SNA birthdate.

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

b. Else Add Remark #69 to the Verification screen: “DICP between EDE & Registrar date of birth”

i. Set print checklist (PC) flag = Y

ii. Set AC = R

iii. Report “Discrepancy with Birthdate on Admissions/Registrar” and GO TO XVI.

B. Married = Y

1. If EDE DEP = I and EDE married flag (588,1) = 1 and SMAR = M or S:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

C. Graduate/Professional = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE grad/prof flag (589,1) = 1

a. And class > 6 or college = LW, MC, MD, DN, VM, CD, PA, PT, ND, or (PD and Track Type = GBC): Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

b. And class ≤ 6 or college ≠ LW, MC, MD, DN, VM,CD, PA, PT, ND, or (PD and Track Type = GBC): Add Remark #62 to the Verification screen: “INDEPENDENT STATUS QUESTIONABLE..”

i. Set checklist print flag.

ii. Add Remark #62 to comments to print on checklist.

iii. Put a “Y” in ERROR DEP field.

iv. Set AC = R

v. Add Opt doc 26 (DICP) to Tracking, if Opt docs 26 or 27 aren’t already there.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE grad/prof flag (589,1) = 1

a. And class > 6 or college = LW, MC, MD, DN, VM, CD, PA, PT, ND, or (PD and Track Type = GBC): Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

b. If Class/College are not graduate or professional set Opt 88 and 26 and add Remark #GS to the Verification screen: “Req’d Graduate Student Status”. Then set Verification AC field = I and IRF print flag = Y. and GO TO III.M.

D. Active Duty = Y

1. If EDE DEP = I and EDE active duty flag (590,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

E. Vets = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and IR# = 5

a. add Remark #67 to Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

F. Children = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE children flag (592,1) = 1:

a. add Remark #67 to Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE children flag (592,1) = 1:

a. And Housing Code on SNA is Off Campus add Remark #67 to Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

b. And Housing Code on SNA is {On Campus or Living with Parents} or Exempt on SNA < 2 Add Opt Doc 68 and add Remark #DC to the Verification screen: “Req’d Dependent Children Status” and GO TO III.M.

G. Dependants Other Than Children or Spouse = Y

1.  If VERD DEP = I and EDE Dependents flag (593 ,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2.  If EDE DEP = I and EDE Dependents flag (593 ,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt 87 and add Remark #OC to the Verification screen: “Req’d Other Dependents Status” and GO TO III.M.

H. Orphan/Ward of Court/Foster Care = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE orphan flag (594,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE orphan flag (594,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.

I. Emanicipated Minor = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE emancipated minor flag (595,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE emancipated minor flag (595,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.

J. Legal Guardianship = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE legal guardianship flag (596,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE legal guardianship flag (596,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.

K. Unaccompined Youth-School = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY1-SCH flag (597,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE UY1-SCH flag (597,1) = 1

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.

L. Unaccompined Youth-HUD = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY2-HUD flag (598,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE UY2-HUD flag (598,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.


M. Unaccompined Youth-At Risk = Y

1. If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY3-RSK flag (599,1) = 1:

a. Add Remark #67 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.” And go to IV.

2. If EDE DEP = I and EDE UY3-RSK flag (599,1) = 1:

a. Set Opt Doc 18 and add Remark #60 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Req’d Certification of Dependency Status” and GO TO III.M.

N. If Opt doc. 13, 18, 68, 87, 88 are present on tracking and not double

dated add Opt doc 26 (DICP) if not already there and no Opt doc 27 (VALP) is present, then set Verification AC field = I and IRF print flag = Y. DO NOT RUN THROUGH REMAINING PROCESS.

O. Dependency Status Conflict between VERD and EDE

1. If VERD DEP = D and EDE DEP = I or VERD DEP = I and EDE DEP = D and IRF print flag = blank:

a. Add Remark #31 to the Verification screen: “Dep Stat on Verd/current doesn’t match. Manually review.”

b. Set checklist print flag.

c. Add Remark #31 to comments to print on checklist.

d. Put a “Y” in ERROR DEP field.

e. Add Opt doc 26 (DICP) to Tracking, if Opt docs 26 or 27 aren’t already there.

IV. NO-Need Verification Selection

A. If current GNEED < 200 and not = blank

1. If Verification IRF Print Flag (PI) = D or blank and no errors were found in any compared item:

a. Set AC = R.

b. Set checklist print flag.

c. Add Remark #NV to the Verification screen and on checklist: "No Need. No Verification Required."

d. Double date Opt docs 26 or 27 on Tracking, whichever exists.

e. Print Verification Checklist.

f. Eliminate duplicate remark numbers.

g. Apply remarks in ascending order to both the Verification screen and on checklist.


2. If GNEED = blank:



V*. Independent V-Flag Selection. Adds V-TRK opt docs and remarks. All V-Sel=Y will set OPT doc 27 (VALP) on tracking if it does not already exist

A.  V-TRK = V1

1. Taxes.

a. If Data Retrieval Tool = 02. Then set Opt Doc 34 and double date with all 9’s.

b. If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ 02 AND 1st byte of tax filing status = 3 (non-filer). Add Opt Doc 21 and set Remark #96.

c. If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ to 02 AND 1st byte tax filing status = 1 (filed), 2 (will file) OR blank. Add Opt Doc 34 and set Remark #96.


a. If SFSB = Y. Add Opt Doc 92 and set Remark #82.

3. Child Support Paid

a. If SCSP > 0. Add Opt Doc 57 and set Remark #BB.

4. Household Size and Number and College (check assumption first)

a. If marital status = M AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 2 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.

b. If marital status = U, S, D or blank AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 1 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.

5. If a remark was set then set AC = I and set IRF flag PI to Y. (overlay whatever is there).

B.  V-TRK = V4

1.  SNAP

a.  If SFSB = Y. Add Opt Doc 92 and set Remark #82.


2.  Child Support Paid

  1. If SCSP > 0. Add Opt Doc 57 and set Remark #BB.
3.  Identity Verification
  1. Add Opt Doc 94 and set Remark #ID.
  2. High School Completion
  3. Add Opt Doc 24 and set Remark #HS.

5. If a remark was set then set AC = I and set IRF flag PI to Y. (overlay whatever is there)..

C.  V-TRK = V5

  1. Taxes.
  2. If Data Retrieval Tool = 02. Then set Opt Doc 34 and double date with all 9’s.
  3. If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ 02 AND 1st byte of tax filing status = 3 (non-filer). Add Opt Doc 21 and set Remark #96.
  4. If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ to 02 AND 1st byte tax filing status = 1 (filed), 2 (will file) OR blank. Add Opt Doc 34 and set Remark #96.
  1. SNAP
  2. If SFSB = Y. Add Opt Doc 92 and set Remark #82.
  1. Child Support Paid
  2. If SCSP > 0. Add Opt Doc 57 and set Remark #BB.
  1. Household Size and Number and College
  2. If marital status = M AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 2 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.
  3. If marital status = U, S, D or blank AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 1 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.

5.  Identity Verification

  1. Add Opt Doc 94 and set Remark #ID.

6. High School Completion

a. Add Opt Doc 24 and set Remark #HS.

7. If a remark was set then set AC = I and set IRF flag PI to Y. (overlay whatever is there)..

D.  V-TRK = V6**

  1. Taxes.
  2. If Data Retrieval Tool = 02. Then set Opt Doc 34 and double date with all 9’s.
  3. If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ 02 AND 1st byte of tax filing status = 3 (non-filer). Add Opt Doc 21 and set Remark #96.

c.  If Data Retrieval Tool ≠ to 02 AND 1st byte tax filing status = 1 (filed), 2 (will file) OR blank. Add Opt Doc 34 and set Remark #96.

2.  SNAP

a.  If SFSB = Y. Add Opt Doc 92 and set Remark #82.

3.  Child Support Paid

  1. If SCSP > 0. Add Opt Doc 57 and set Remark #BB.
  1. Household Size and Number and College
  2. If marital status = M AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 2 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.
  3. If marital status = U, S, D or blank AND [household size assumption or household size] not equal 1 or [number in college assumption or number in college] ≠ 1. Add Opt Doc 50 and Remark #90.

5.  Untaxed Income

  1. Add Opt Doc 81 and set Remark #70.

6.  Family Means of Support