Liberty High School

Tutorial Support Class


Mr. Mundy M.A.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Tutorial Support at Liberty High School!

The attached letter explains in detail the standards we will be using in Tutorial Support for this school year. I am looking forward to a positive year for your student. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. The most efficient way to contact me is through the school email system.

E-mail address:

School voicemail: 634-3521


Mr. Mundy M.A.

Course Content:

·  Assistance and support in other academic coursework

·  Instruction in literacy, organization, textbook awareness, notetaking, time management, self-awareness, test-taking skills, CAHSEE Prep, and academic instruction.

·  Application of organizational skills through the use assignment sheets, binders, and self-monitoring techniques.

·  Students will be receiving daily participation points.

Grading Policy:

In-class performance and participation: 75% (Includes correct use of Daily Assignment logs)

Teacher/Parent Bi-Weekly Progress Reports: 25%


This program is not designed to enable students but rather to empower them to take responsibility for their learning and develop better organizational skills to help them succeed in school. We feel strongly that those students who are willing to take responsibility for their education should be enrolled in this class. Tutorial support class is a 10-credit course, and not a “glorified” study hall, it will be graded as such. The students will be graded on their performance in class, completed daily assignment logs, and all assigned teacher/parent progress checks.

Each student will be required to have a binder and dividers. It is vital that students bring their binder to every class. Binders are checked daily for assignments and class information, inconsistent use of student daily assignment logs will adversely affect student grades.

Assignment Logs:

·  Students are responsible for filling out assignment logs each day. After each class period they are required to note what was covered in class, and any assignments that are due. They can also note any upcoming test dates.

·  Syllabus mundy 2009.docNote: The tendency is for students to avoid the class/and or assignments and fall further behind in class. Communication between teacher and parent will increase the chances that the students will improve his/her academic performance in that subject area.

Progress Checks:

·  Every two weeks a progress check is required for all students. The progress check is part of the daily assignment log. The incorporation of the progress check into the assignment log will allow parents and teachers the opportunity to verify if students are using their logs correctly. The students are responsible for getting their teachers to fill out and sign their progress checks. A completed progress check and (teacher and parent signatures) needs to be turned in to the Tutorial Support teacher on Monday.

In Class Performance:

·  While the majority of class time will be devoted to supporting assignments from academic classes, students will also receive direct instruction in literacy, organization, time management, study skills, and test-taking strategies. Students may also have daily and long-term projects assigned by the tutorial support teacher. Students are encouraged to work on assignments in which they need assistance and/or clarification.

· If a student is truant from tutorial support class they will receive no daily points.

I have read and understand this syllabus and understand that my student will be held accountable to the policies outlined. Your signatures also give me permission to assign your child detention, if the need arises.

Student Name: (please print)

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Name: (please print)

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent Contact Information:




Return this page signed to Mr. Mundy by Friday, July 31st, 2009