AP MACRO 2017-18 / Mr. Lipman

UNIT 1-PART 1 (Basic Economic Concepts) Homework Assignments

Assignment #1: Take the practice quiz on quia.com to make sure you understand how quia.com works. You will get full credit for taking the quiz regardless of your score. Also review the calendar on the Quia web site. This quiz ends on September 11th.

Assignment #2: Read Module 1 (pages 2-9) in the Krugman book. Make sure that you understand the material by doing the questions on pages 8&9. Also do the vocabulary

words in your vocabulary book. You are to write each word and then write the definition in YOUR OWN WORDS. Each new module of vocabulary must start a new page BUT you are to write on both sides of the page. Also do Quia Quiz # 1. This quiz will end on 9/13/2017.

Assignment # 3: Read Module 2 (pages 10-15) in the Krugman book. Also do the vocabulary words in your vocabulary book. Use the internet to find an article that discusses the great recession of 2007-08 and what caused it. Write a 2 paragraph summary of the article making sure to include where the article is from and the internet link. Also do Quia Quiz #2. This quiz will end on 9/15/17.

Assignment # 4: Read Module 3 (pages 16-22 and appendix pages 34-45) and do problems 8&9 on pages 32-33. Your answers must include the diagrams requested in each problem. THIS IS A COMPLICATED MODULE AND YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED TO SPEND TIME ON IT TO FULLY UNDERSTAND IT. Also do your vocabulary book and the Quia quiz for module 3. This quia quiz will end on 9/18/17.

Assignment # 5: Read Module 4 (pages 23-29). Use the internet to locate an article that discusses America’s trade deficit. Write a two page summary of the article and make sure to indicate where the article is from and include the internet link. Also do your vocabulary book and quia quiz 4 which ends on 9/231/17.

Assignment # 6: As a review do problems 3, 5, and 13 on pages 32 and 33 of the Krugman textbook. You do not have to type out the questions, but must type out your answers correctly labelling each question AND the question’s subsection letter. Your total submission cannot exceed 2 typed pages.