Form 1112-5
(May 2001) / UNITED STATES
1. Organization and Location
BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Grand Jct, Colorado / 2. Page ______of______
3. Operation / Task
Weed Management – Herbicide Use / 4. Beginning Date:
8/27/04 / 5. Ending Date:
Indefinite / 6. Date Prepared
7. Prepared by (Name / Duty Position)
Sparky Taber, Natural Resource Specialist—Weed Management
8. Identified Hazards / 9. Assess the Hazards: Initial Risk / 10. Control Measures Developed for Identified Hazards: (Specific measures taken to reduce the probability of a hazard) Include all PPE / 11. Assess the Hazard’s Residual Risk: / 12. How to Implement the Controls: (May Be Filled in By Hand) / 13. Supervisors and Evaluation by: (Continuous Leader Checks, Buddy System, etc.)
(Be Specific) / L / M / H / E / (Be Specific) / L / M / H / E / (Be Specific) / (Be Specific)
Herbicide Mixing and Handling / X / -Follow label direction (label is the law).
-Set containers where they won’t spill.
-Wear appropriate PPE.
-Triple rinse and destroy containers.
-Lock up all herbicides at office in pesticide storage cabinet.
-Keep adequate fresh water for spills and cleaning.
-Clean sprayers in the field, not at the office.
-Use truck tanks for fresh water only.
First Aid: Keep first aid supplies with sprayer, MSDS sheets with sprayer / X / Employees trained via state, BLM, and in-house training. / Supervisor ensures employees are trained and certified
Treatment crew leaders ensure first aid supplies and MSDS up to date.
14. Remaining Risk Level After Control Measures Are Implemented: (CIRCLE HIGHEST REMAINING RISK LEVEL) / LOW
(Line Supervisor) / MEDIUM
(Branch Chief) / HIGH
(District Manager / EXTREMELY HIGH
(Must be State Director/Associate)
15. RISK DECISION AUTHORITY: (Approval/Authority Signature Block) (If Initial Risk Level is Medium, High or Extremely High, Brief Risk Decision Authority at that level on Controls and Control Measures used to reduce risks) (Note: if the person preparing the form signs this block, the signature indicates only that the appropriate risk decision authority was notified of the intial risk level, control measures taken and appropriate resources requested; and that the risk was accepted by the decision authority.)
8. Identified Hazards / 9. Assess the Hazards: Initial Risk / 10. Control Measures Developed for Identified Hazards: (Specific measures taken to reduce the probability of a hazard) Include all PPE / 11. Assess the Hazard’s Residual Risk: / 12. How to Implement the Controls: (May Be Filled in By Hand) / 13. Supervisors and Evaluation by: (Continuous Leader Checks, Buddy System, etc.) /
(Be Specific) / L / M / H / E / (Be Specific) / L / M / H / E / (Be Specific) / (Be Specific) /
Weed Spraying / X / -Orient machine downwind of infestation, pull hose to patch and spray with back to wind working toward sprayer. Back into wind using backpack sprayers.
- Follow label guidelines for soil, water, and weather conditions.
- Wear appropriate PPE as per label
-Check sprayers for leaks, components for proper operation.
-Periodically re-calibrate sprayer for proper application rates.
-Avoid unnecessary damage to non-target plants. / X / Pre-season training / Supervisor ready training package for season start. Periodic field checks during season.
Transporting herbicides / X / -Secure containers in tool boxes away from sharp objects, not in open bed.
-Use DOT approved haz-mat bottles (Nalgene) for smaller quantities of herbicides. Label as to contents.
-Secure backpack sprayers with herbicides away from sharp objects. / X / Pre-season training / Supervisor ensures training as part of pre-season startup.
Herbicide Storage / X / Store all herbicides and adjuvants in Pesticide storage cabinet at office.
-Periodically check cabinet for leaking containers. / X / Same as above / Supervisor/crew leaders ensure compliance.
Herbicide spills at office / X / Utilize spill kit (on top of pesticide cabinet). Notify Haz-mat coordinator and supervisor. / X / Proper handling and storage of containers. / Supervisor/crew leader checks.
Sprayer Storage / X / DO NOT store sprayers with herbicide mix in tank at office. Clean all sprayers in the field prior to storage. / X / Pre season training / Supervisor/crew leader checks.
Sprayer battery charging / X / Use only automatic shut-off chargers. Do not use manual charging.
-Ensure charger has proper contact with terminals before leaving. / X / Pre-season training / Supervisor/crew leader checks.