Hoy es viernes, el 5 de mayo

-  Tarea para hoy: No había tarea para hoy J

Tarea para martes: Finish answering ‘¿Comprendiste?’ Questions 1-9 pg. 215

Daily Objective: (1) Share what we used be like when we were younger and what toys we liked to play with, in the imperfect (past) tense (2) Utilize key vocab to communicate interpersonally w/ classmates about what they were like when they were little. (3) Begin expressing habitual events in the past by using the imperfect tense; recognize different conjugations.


(1)  Warm-up: Short Answer: ¿Como te saludas…?

(2)  Distribute & Review Final Exam Study Guide

(3)  New Notes: Los Buenos Modales págs. 212-213

(4)  Listening Comprehension Exercises 1-2 pg. 213

(5)  VideoHistoria: ‘La fiesta de San Pedro’ pgs. 214-215

(6)  Watch Video, read script as a class, then re-read script in small groups - Pre-read ‘¿Comprendiste?’

(7)  Answer ‘¿Comprendiste?’ Questions 1-9 pg. 215

Key concepts/vocabulary: None

(1)  Warm-up Activity – Short Answer: ¿Como te saludas…? - Warm-ups should be written on same sheet of paper throughout the week, will be collected at the end of the week: For today’s warm-up, # your paper 1-4. For each #, indicate how you greet each of the following groups of people, using the key vocab form your graphic organizer and textbook pgs. 212-213.

-  Por ejemplo: Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus primos? à / Por lo general, nos abrazamos.

-  Por ejemplo: Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus hermanos? à / Por lo general, nos decimos “Hola, ¿qué tal?

1. Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus amigos? à

2. Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus padres? à

3. Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus compañeros de clase? à

4. Generalmente, ¿cómo saludas a tus vecinos (neighbors)? à

(2)  Distribute & Review Final Exam Study Guide

(3)  New Notes: Los Buenos Modales pgs. 212-213: Fill out graphic organizer with new vocabulary.

(4)  Listening Comprehension Exercises 1-2 pg. 213: To be done on a separate sheet of paper, to be submitted by the end of class.

Exercise 1 pg. 213: Number your paper #1-8. Write and Act out the verbal phrase that you hear for each of the following eight descriptions:

-  Exercise 2 pg. 213: Number your paper #1-8. Write the corresponding letter A, B, or C to indicate what happened in each frase:

-  A – durante la fiesta de cumpleaños

-  B – durante la fiesta de aniversario

-  C – durante la celebración del Día de la Independencia

(5)  VideoHistoria: ‘La fiesta de San Pedro’ pgs. 214-215

(6)  Watch Video, read script as a class, then re-read script in small groups - Pre-read ‘¿Comprendiste?’

(7)  Answer ‘¿Comprendiste?’ Questions 1-9 pg. 215

-  Tarea para martes: Finish answering ‘¿Comprendiste?’ Questions 1-9 pg. 215