Port Credit BIA

Board of Directors – Strategic Planning Session
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Spice Lounge / Minutes
Board Members / Ric Cooper, Marion Morewood, Howard Klein,Brenda McGarrell,
Jake Pedler, Peter Whitaker, Brenda Anderson, Mona Abdullahi, Jim Tovey, Claudette Hope-Edwards
Regrets / Theresa Baird, John Bozzo
Staff / Ellen Timms, Beatrice Moreira-Laidlow, Amber Pajtasz / Minutes by: / Amber Pajtasz

Item Description

11:00 am / Welcome – explanation of process – Approval of Agenda Motioned By: Howard Klein and Peter Whitaker
11:10am / Declaration of Pecuniary Interest-None Declared
11:15 am / Presentation – Upcoming local development – Councillor Tovey
11:30 am / Mission and Vision Statements – (See attached)
Action, Executive committee to take the input from PCBIA board and create a definitive Mission and Vision statement that best represents the Port Credit BIA.
11:55am / Conflict of Interests – real or perceived?
Roundtable discussion – issue brought forward to Policy & Procedures Committee.
Noon / Code of Ethics review – staff proposal for consideration
Policy discussion regarding board engagement.
Action: Claudette to call a Policies Committee meeting to review Code of Ethics.
Action: Jim to set up a meeting with City to understand the BIA in the City’s code of ethics and to assist the Port Credit BIA and City of Mississauga create an Memorandum of Understanding.
Action: Policy Committee to create an E-Blast Policy.
Action: PCBIA staff would like to review Associate Member Policy.
1:00 pm / Strategic Plan Review and Visioning (See Revised Strategic Plan Attached)
Communications / Education
Action: PCBIA Staff to create a New Member Welcome Package for the PCBIA Website.
Action: Ellen and Jim to arrange meeting with Bob Sawsey and Kay Matthews for a Board Governance session.
Action: Ellen to share TABIA Governance video with the PCBIA Board.
Action: Ellen and Executive Committee to create Succession Plan for Ellen’s retirement in 2019.
Branding and Marketing
PCBIA Board supports investigating creating districts in Port Credit
Action:PCBIA staff and board decide how to best create district names.
Action: PCBIA staff to investigate creative banners that can represent these districts.
Consider opportunities for tourism development.
Action: Create a Tourism Subcommittee under the Marketing and Promotions Committee.
Action: Tourism SWAT analysis.
Action: Reach out to Marina and City Staff for visitor data- how can we better collaborate?
Boundary Expansion
Action: Beautification Committee to investigate how to create an impact upon entering and leaving Port Credit BIA
Jim suggests 2020 boundary expansion of Port Credit BIA to Etobicoke Creek Action: Board members and PCBIA members to join Boundary Expansion Committee, (Jim to be heavily involved.)
Action: Review Port Credit and Lakeview Master Plans.
In terms of budget the pervious Boundary Expansion was not done correctly Action: Executive committee to create a strategy the best integrates the possible expansion into the budget.
Create inventory list – investigate drone technology.
Business Retention and Outreach
Investigate a Virtual Port Credit for online economy and app in support of digital main street.
Action:PBCIA to have Nigel Roberts from City of Mississauga and PCBIA web developer Loyalty Solutions attend February board meeting to present and discuss.
Look into the opportunity of having a summer student from a planning/analysis background to data mine PCBIA businesses, as well as visitor demographics and habits.
Action: PCBIA staff to apply for a student grant. Action.
Health, Safety and Risk Management
Action: Policies Committee to develop a harassment policy
2:30 pm / Board Engagement and Committee Structure(See attached for 2017 Committee Structure.)
Action: Board members to recommit and join committees -, resign if unable to fully engageto make room for members with more time and interest.
3:30 pm / Wrap up and adjourn

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