
Sports Funding Action Plan 2017/18

Total number of pupils on roll
Total Number of pupils eligible for PE sports grant / 156
Total amount of funding for this academic year / £16780
PE and Sports Grant Overview
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2020 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – has been allocated to primary school headteachers. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE, physical activity and sport in schools.
Objectives for 2017/18
  • Employ the PE Coordinator to work alongside our teachers when teaching PE in order to strengthen teaching and learning in this subject across the school.
  • Support and engage the least active children in physical activities.
  • Develop strategies to increase physical activities linked to other curriculum areas (from EYFS to year 4)
  • Increase pupils’ participation in sports and physical activities.
  • Provide opportunities for participation in sports and activities outside the curriculum. (including after-school clubs)
  • Improve resources to support the development of the subject.
  • Further develop a playground leaders and Huff and Puff store scheme for key stage 2 children.
  • For all pupils to be baseline assessed in physical activities.

Action Plan for 2017/18
Project / Cost / Objectives / Outcomes/Impact
AuditPE equipment and order new. / Sainsbury’s vouchers +
£ / Provide/replace PE resources to support positive playtimes and PE lessons.
To purchase a service off Progressive Sports where they will support and advise our school in ways to benefit our pupils and give them the opportunities of participating in sports that they may not have come across before. / Club 360 Package (£3719) / To give pupils the opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities such as lunch time clubs and after school clubs on an everyday basis.
To purchase a service off Progressive Sports where they will support and advise our school in ways to benefit our pupils and give them the opportunities of participating in sports that they may not have come across before. / Club 360 package (£3719) / To give pupils the opportunity to represent the school in external competitions and create more teams in various sports.
To purchase a service off Progressive Sports where they will support and advise our school in ways to benefit our pupils and give them the opportunities of participating in sports that they may not have come across before. / Club 360 package
(£3719) / To provide intervention groups and Gifted and Talented groups to pupils to help them improve on their current ability and broaden the experiences that the pupils are already being given.
To purchase a service off Progressive Sports where they will support and advise our school in ways to benefit our pupils and give them the opportunities of participating in sports that they may not have come across before. / Club360 Package / To provide evening training to teachers to improve their knowledge and confidence in areas that they feel needs improving. This will collated from staff surveys and team teaching sessions.
To purchase a package off progressive Sports called ‘The Supercoach. This package will provide pupils with the opportunity to deliver a variety of services on a Thursday Afternoon. / Supercoach service (£3781) / To baseline assess all pupils at school from KS1 & KS2. These results will be used to then deliver intervention groups to both pupils who need assistance and for those gifted and talented pupils.
To purchase a package off progressive Sports called ‘The Supercoach. This package will provide pupils with the opportunity to deliver a variety of services on a Thursday Afternoon. / Supercoach service
(£3781) / To deliver enrichment days to all pupils which will provide all pupils the chance of participating in a sport they may not have done before.
To purchase a package off progressive Sports called ‘The Supercoach. This package will provide pupils with the opportunity to deliver a variety of services on a Thursday Afternoon. / Supercoach / To deliver a healthy eating programme to KS2 classes.
Equipment / £130 / To purchase a sound system that will be used at lunch times.
Equipment / £200 / Equipment was purchased for pupils to use at lunchtimes.
Recipe 4 change ( L/T supervisor training / £500 / To send our lunch time supervisors on half a day lunch time training on how to help pupils be more active at lunch times.
Hockey / £ / Establish links with Cannock Hockey Club with a view to providing an after-school club.
Three Hammers Golf Club / £240 / Provide a 6 week after-school program for Y2 pupils.
Maths of The Day / £500 / Develop pupils’ physical participation in maths lessons.
Xplorers / £300 / Develop pupils’ physical participation in EYFS.
Play leaders / Supply/TA cover.
£ / PE and Play Leader coordinators to meet and plan/develop/appraise play leader programme each term.
Proposed spending 2016/17 / £
Funding spent so far / £
Funding remaining / £