Rev.05/15 LIPSCOMB UNIVERSITY Catalog Year: 2015-16


Please Print English Teaching (7-12)

Name Student ID Number ______

Last First Middle Maiden (L#)

Date GPA Total Hours (Including hours transferred from )

List all required courses. List grades for completed courses. Where grade space is circled the requirement is yet to be completed.

I. General Education Requirements
Bible 1073, 1083, 1093______( ) ( ) ( )
Bible 3213 or 3433 or 4213______( )
LUEG 3xn3(ENGAGEMENTS) and1 elective Bible_____( ) ( ) Elective Bible Credit will be awarded for Student Teaching Seminar
LU Seminar: LU 1103 or EN 1113 ______( )
Communications CO 1003andEN 1313 ______( ) ( )
MA 1043 Fundamentals of Mathematics______( )
*LUMS 2003 Power of Science I: Biology & Chemistry ( )
*LUMS 2093 Power of Science II: Physics & Entertainment ( )
PE 2012Lifetime Wellness or 2 different activity courses ( ) ( ) / EXPLORATIONS(12 sem hrs required-6 must be integrated courses)
EN 2153 World Lit I______( )
LUHI 2093 West Heritage I: Ancient World ______( )
PS 3243 Human Development & Learning or LUSS 2003 Integrated Social Science______( )
PS 1113 Introduction to Psychology ______( )
SALT I, II______( ) ( )
II. B.A. Requirements
B.A. Degree:Foreign Language(8 hrs) ______( ) ( )
Registrar Date ______

III. Professional Education Courses:IV. Major Courses

ED 2313 ( )
Schooling in America / EN 2163 ( )
Survey of World Literature II / EN 2xx3 ( )
Literature Elective / English Teaching Majors are strongly encouraged, but not required, to take the following courses:
ED 3343 ( )
Cultural Perspectives / EN 2903 ( )
Introduction to Literary Studies / EN 3713 or 3723 ( )
Fiction as GenreorPoetry as Genre / EN 3033 ( )
History of the English Language
EN 4203 ( )
Literary Theory & Criticism
ED 3323 ( )
Planning for Learning / EN 300V( )
Writing Practicum / EN 3733 ( )
ED 3636 ( )
Clinical Practice I / EN 3013 ( )
Advanced Composition & Rhetoric / EN 4053 ( )
Methods of Teaching English / For ESL ENDORSEMENT
EN 3033 ( )
History of the English Language
FL 4514 ( )
Introduction to Teaching Foreign and Second Languages: Theory & Practice
In addition, candidates seeking the ESL add-on endorsement must pass the ESL Praxis II exam # 5631 and complete a field placement in an ESL/ELL classroom during Clinical Practice III
ED 3649 ( )
Clinical Practice II / EN 3023 ( )
English Grammar / EN 46n3 ( )
Seminar in American Literature
ED 474C ( )
Clinical Practice III / EN 3053 ( )
Literature for Young Adults / EN 4992 ( )
Senior Capstone
ED 4403 ( )
Student Teaching Seminar
Bible Credit / EN 2xx3 ( )
Literature Elective

Signature of Department Chair ______Date______

Signature of Director of Teacher Education______Date______

Praxis II Tests Required: PLT (# 5624) andEnglish Language Arts: Content Knowledge (# 5038); For Test registration – go to

All Praxis II Tests must be taken prior to Clinical Practice III

English Language Arts: Content Knowledge test must be passed before Clinical Practice III

I understand that I must meet all the course requirements listed on thisform and have at least126 semester hours before I may be consideredfor graduation. I also understand that any changes in the major-minor declaration will require written permission from the department chair.


Signature of Student Date Name (has been assigned as advisor) L Number