Statewide Assessment B-3 Indicator Tamer,
State Target: AYP (98%), Participation (95%), Proficiency (varies)
Indicator Contact(s):
·  Replace with from experts this group and email addresses
Data Source(s): Count/Report:
·  None (all online) / Online Resource:
·  Data for Student Success
·  MI School Data
·  BAA Secure Site
Compliance indicators Only Possible source(s)/cause(s) of noncompliance (#15, VR, etc.):
·  None
Link to Determinations (if any):
·  Timely data
·  Valid/Reliable data
·  CAPs
·  Other: Apply for the 2% for alternative assessments
Are your special education students being exposed to the general education curriculum? (B-5 Indicator)
Gap Statement:
Ex: Our Fall 2010 MEAP Reading Proficiency for 6th grade students with IEPs was 53%m which was significantly below the district rate for 6th grade MEAP Reading Proficiency of 68% which was also below the MDE target of 83%.
Root Cause Hypothesis:
·  High percentages of transient population – few “matched students” from previous year
·  MEAP Access offered Fall 2009 – few “matched students” from previous year
·  Lack of universal screener/assessment for: Response to Intervention framework, potential intake process for foster children
·  Lack of co-teaching model
·  Lack of differential instruction
·  Lack of scope sequence, pacing guide, and vertical alignment of /for curricula across grades and subjects
·  Merit Core Curriculum causing difficulty for some special education students passing MEAP and getting diploma
·  Students with low Math MEAP scores qualified LD in math (8th grade-25% proficient. 7th grade-38% proficient)
·  New student to our district have not had time for interventions and strategies to “take effect”
·  Lack of exposure to general education curriculum
·  Across grade levels and across Reading and Math, the key areas tested are areas of deficit for students with disabilities
·  Math curriculum is not aligned with MEAP
·  Vocabulary/terminology for math not consistent across grade levels
·  Pull-out% if students with IEPs too high students with IEPs lack of exposure to general education curriculum
·  Transient population
·  Students with IEPs had been pulled out of the general education curriculum in Math for instruction in resource rooms
·  Special education teachers did not have general education curriculum materials
·  Special education teachers at elementary and middle school levels lack training in the general education curriculum
·  Paraprofessional lack of training in the general education curriculum
·  Reading strategies are not taught in 6th-12th grades
·  Upper grade level teachers have not received training in reading strategies and how to teach within other content areas
Root Cause Hypothesis / Possible Activities for CAPs / Links to Training Materials/Guidance
·  High percentages of transient population – few “matched students” from previous year
·  MEAP Access offered Fall 2009 – few “matched students” from previous year
·  Lack of universal screener/assessment for: Response to Intervention framework, potential intake process for foster children
·  Lack of co-teaching model
·  Lack of differential instruction
·  Lack of scope sequence, pacing guide, and vertical alignment of /for curricula across grades and subjects
·  Merit Core Curriculum causing difficulty for some special education students passing MEAP and getting diploma
·  Students with low Math MEAP scores qualified LD in math (8th grade-25% proficient. 7th grade-38% proficient)
·  New student to our district have not had time for interventions and strategies to “take effect”
·  Lack of exposure to general education curriculum
·  Across grade levels and across Reading and Math, the key areas tested are areas of deficit for students with disabilities
·  Math curriculum is not aligned with MEAP
·  Vocabulary/terminology for math not consistent across grade levels
·  Pull-out% if students with IEPs too high students with IEPs lack of exposure to general education curriculum
·  Transient population
·  Students with IEPs had been pulled out of the general education curriculum in Math for instruction in resource rooms
·  Special education teachers did not have general education curriculum materials
·  Special education teachers at elementary and middle school levels lack training in the general education curriculum
·  Paraprofessional lack of training in the general education curriculum
·  Reading strategies are not taught in 6th-12th grades
·  Upper grade level teachers have not received training in reading strategies and how to teach within other content areas / ·  Review proficiency subgroup data
·  Review cut scores (by grade level, etc.)
·  Compare all the subgroups (free-reduced lunch, gender, ethnicity, etc.)
·  District administration will utilize PLCs to ensure general and special education collaboration and use of best-practices
·  District administration will ensure district curricula are aligned with State content standards
·  District administration will develop and implement a Response to intervention framework including universal screeners
·  Implement/schedule planning and development time for collaboration for PLCs
·  Development of evaluation of co-teaching/teaming approach
·  Development and implementation of scope/sequence, pacing, vertical alignment of curricula
·  Development and implementation of Rtl and co-teaching strategies/framework
·  Implemented and will continue to co-teach for ELA and Math
·  Will implement credit recovery
·  Implemented and will continue after-school tutoring
·  Will hire LRE paraprofessional staff to support special education staff
·  Will implement summer school
·  Align IEP accommodations to MEAP needs
·  Staff will attend MEAP student/practices classes
·  Staff will implement co-teaching where appropriate and/or available
·  Staff will utilize differentiated instruction
·  We will implement co-teaching and differentiate instruction for math 7-8
·  We will utilize differentiated instruction in grades 2-5 for reading , math and writing
·  We will implement new math curriculum resource (Think Math K-5) and (Holt Math 6-8)
·  Summer school K-7 for reading and math
·  Small group and focused instruction for grades 2-8 Math on identifying concepts

Statewide Assessment B-3 Indicator Tamer Page 1