April 28, 2010

The Board of Directors meeting of the Bloomfield Club II Townhome Association was held at 7:08 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, 2010, at the Bloomfield Club Recreation Facility.

Attendance: Present: P. Chandler

Joyce Ruther

Leslie Eskildsen

Andrew Kozlow

Steve Elmore – EPI

Absent: Diane Keper

Guests -

There were no scheduled guests.

·  A unit owner had a question about water ponding behind his unit.

Minutes -

Motion – J. Ruther moved to approve the March 24, 2010 minutes, as presented. Seconded by L. Eskildsen. Motion was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report – J. Ruther reported the following as of March 31, 2010

·  Assets - $368,517.87

·  Liabilities - $ 23,025.77

·  Equity - $345,492.10

·  Total Liabilities and Equity - $368,517.87

Motion – Andrew Kozlow moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, as presented. Seconded by L. Eskildsen. Motion was unanimously approved.

Management Report –

·  Ash Tree Reduction Specs – Management reported that Landscape Committee is reviewing.

·  Concrete Driveway Replacements – Management presented six proposals ranging from $18,000 to $30,500. The proposals did not include sidewalks but that he would obtain the costs accordingly. Mr. Elmore stated that he would have to obtain the permits from the Village in order to save the Contractor charging the Association. Steve Elmore stated he would e-mail the Board the cost of including the sidewalks.

·  Motion – Leslie Eskildsen moved to accept the Presta Construction proposal to replace six driveways including the aprons and possibly the sidewalks for a total amount of $17,925.0 . Seconded by Andrew Kozlow. Motion was unanimously approved.

·  190 Benton Lane – Management presented two proposals for stabilizing the foundation and stated there would be one more received.

·  Garage Door Replacements – Management stated that the project should be completed within the next two weeks.

·  FHA Certification – Management reported that the new certification procedures does not apply to townhomes at this time, but only condominiums.

Miscellaneous Correspondence –

·  Lease Extension – There was a short discussion on how to proceed.

·  Hardship Lease Request – Extension granted for one year.

Sales -

No sales for this period.

Inspection Report –

·  Debris Behind 174SL – Management reported that the bins will not be filled to overflowing in the future.

Committee Reports –

·  Landscape – Bernadette Collins – Reported that Milieu had applied fertilizer/herbicides to all of the lawn areas and that the majority of the edging had been completed. Ms. Collins also stated that she would be meeting with a few unit owners to review modification requests.

·  Architectural Committee – Bob Anthony reported that there will be some deck modifications reviews within the next few weeks and that the committee would advise EPI accordingly.

·  Bloomfield Club Recreation – Mr. Chranko reported that the Board was evaluating putting on a storm sewer cover at the pond area. He reported that several of the parties had been successfully completed.

New Business –

There was no new business.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted –

EPI Management Co. LLC