Kennet Valley Primary School

Carter’s Rise, Calcot, Reading, Berkshire RG31 7YT

Telephone: 0118 941 4410 Fax@ 0118 945 4891



Headteacher: Ms Deirdre Devine

Breakfast Club Terms and Conditions 2017

  1. All fees must be paid in advance or on the day of booking. Payment methods are detailed on the Booking Form.
  2. If a cancellation is made, a minimum of 24 hours notice must be given or payment made in lieu of notice.
  3. Breakfast Club is open to any pupil who is already registered at Kennet Valley Primary School. However, the Terms and Conditions must be signed by parents and returned to the Breakfast Club before a child can be accepted into the club on a regular basis.
  4. Persistent late or non-payment of fees may jeopardise a child’s place at the club.
  5. Breakfast Club staff cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  6. Breakfast Clubstaff will inform the parent/guardian of any significant incidents involving their child.
  7. When a child is ill or absent from school, the parent must notify the school office in the usual way and draw the attention of the School Admin Manager to their child’s place in Breakfast Club. In order to meet our duty of care, any child that has a place in a session where they do not appear will be presumed missing and parents/guardians will be contacted.
  1. Breakfast Clubreserves the right to exclude any child from the club whose behaviour is disruptive and prevents them from providing a safe, stimulating and happy environment for other children. This option will only used in extreme circumstances and as a last resort after extensive consultation with parents/guardians, the Headteacher and the child concerned.
  2. The Governing Board of Kennet Valley Primary School has overall responsibility for the all matters relating to the Breakfast Club. The day-to-day oversight of the club is delegated to the Headteacher. Therefore, the Breakfast Club will be subject to the same policies and procedures as Kennet Valley Primary School. These are available on the school website and parents should familiarise themselves with these policies, in particular the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, the Behaviour and anti-Bullying Policy, the Complaints Procedure and the Policy for the Use of Images of Pupils.
  3. Breakfast Clubhas a duty of care for the welfare of the child and will share concerns with the Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or SENCo as appropriate.

I agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Breakfast Club.



The Terms and Conditions must be signed by parents and returned to the Breakfast Club before a child can be accepted into the club on a regular basis.