December 7, 2010

10:00 AM


The meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM by Chairman Jerry Bretthauer. The meeting was broadcast via Tele Health to board members of Panhandle PET. The agenda for today’s’ meeting was published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald Newspaper as required. Reference was made by Chairman Bretthauer to the Open Meetings Act of which there is a posted copy at all of the satellite locations.


Gering site: Jerry Bretthauer, Emergency Management Region 22, Ray Richards, Scotts Bluff County Communications and Alex Moreno Scottsbluff Police Chief. Guest Kate Speck UNL Public Policy Center

Alliance site: None Chadron site: Everett Langford, Region 23 Based in Rushville working with Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office Sidney site: Jim Collins, Region 21 Emergency Management; Michell Kile, Cheyenne County Communications, John Hehnke, Public Service Director City of Sidney and John Jenkins of Cheyenne County Sheriffs Office

Guests today are Kate Speck of UNL PPC.

Moved by John Hehnke of Sidney to approve the mailed / emailed minutes of Nov 2, 2010

Second by Michell Kile of Sidney

Motion Passed

OLD Business.

Communications Interoperability and Grants Management

Chairman Bretthauer reminded the PET committee that the 2007 Work Plan funding must be expended by the extended date of December 31, 2010. Funding is still available in Project 2 – all other projects have been expended and paid.

n  2007 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHGP): The first two projects (1 & 2) were MOUd back to NEMA on our behalf. The remaining projects (3, 4, 5, & 6) were funded from the $266,160.00 for interoperability. The Alliance Fire Department Interoperability - $73,210 project was removed from the 2007 Work Plan and paid with Region 23 grant funds that remained in their 2005 Homeland Security Grant funds. Project #4 “Region 23 Chadron Communications Center Digital Repeater” has been purchased for $14,121.22, but it has not been installed yet because they were waiting on a Environmental History Survey to be completed. In talking with Tony Serbousek Monday 12-6-10 Chairman Bretthauer learned that the EHS is not needed. Chadron was reminded to have an invoice to Chairman Bretthauer before the end of year (12-30-10) showing that the equipment has been paid for. Failure to complete that part of the project will result in Chadron being responsible for ALL of the funding for those repeaters. Western Comm. will come to Chadron and complete the installation. Installation cost pending is $5,665.00. The total value is $344,680.00.

§  Panhandle Region Planning, Exercise and Training Program - $62,014.21. The Nebraska GMS shows the amount remaining as $14,758.41 as if the Project 2d for Leasing space for Equipment Storage - Twenty eight people attended the IS300 at the Gering Volunteer Fire Dept on Nov-20/21, 2010. IS400 class is scheduled for Dec 18/19, 2010 at Gering Volunteer Fire Dept. $3400 has been set aside by NEMA for IS300 and $2750 has been set aside by NEMA for the classes. When the actual figures are submitted for those expense NEMA and GMS will drawn down on those set aside amounts as needed. (This project is divided into sub-projects:

a. Design, Develop, Conduct and Evaluate an Exercise

§  MOUd $10,500.00 to NEMA on behalf of the Panhandle Region – 5 Model City TTXs were presented by NEMA staff and the cost for these projects is $2,367.67 (Travel - $637.97) (Salaries - $469.70) (Lodging - $1,260.00). There is a balance remaining is $8,132.60 that must be spent by Dec 30, 2010. RWMC was wanting to do a Comm exercise but no formal proposals have been brought forward.

b. Travel/per diem related to planning activities - $9,500.00. Balance is $9,115.00.

§  Attendance at the Training and Exercise Planning Workshop 10-21/22-10 at North Platte, NE by Jerry Bretthauer and Nan Gould {Jerry Bretthauer - Lodging - 2 nights X $77.00/night ($154.00) and Nan Gould - Lodging - 3 nights X $77.00/night ($231.00) = $385.00}.

c. Training Workshops and Conferences - $30,000.00

§  Cost to rent two Gering Civic Center rooms for Disaster Management for Water & Wastewater Utilities-MGT343 ($836.20)

§  Costs associated with lodging three ICS 300/400 participants in Sidney (Paid $490.00 to Holiday Inn); UPS charges for materials in November (Paid to NEMA in GMS $32.32), UPS charges for materials in December (Paid to NEMA in GMS $12.86 and $3.98); and two instructors/5 days plus expenses (Paid to NEMA in GMS $4,775.00) plus lodging (Paid to NEMA in GMS $700.00) for ICS 300/400 in Sidney.

§  Costs associated with Training and Exercise Planning Workshop in North Platte include lodging to Holiday Inn Express and Suites in North Platte for three emergency managers for one night at $70.00@ = $210.00; meals to Jerry Bretthauer ($18.21); and mileage to Nanette Thornton for 470 miles X $.50/mile = $235.00 for a total of $463.21.

§  Attendance at the NESCA Conference in Kearney by Michell Kile for lodging at the Ramada Inn in Kearney for $195.00 and NESCA registration for $85.00 and mileage for $250.00. A total of $530.00 was paid to Cheyenne County and NEMA has reimbursed Scotts Bluff County

§  Attendance at the National Academies of Emergency Dispatch 4-27-10 to 4-30-10 in Orlando, FL by Ray Richards, Dave Schnell, & Gay Warren {Airfare ($883.20) + Lodging ($972.00) + Registration ($1,425.00) + Backfill ($898.15) + Overtime ($759.60) + Meals ($254.32) = $5,192.27

§  Attendance at the Sleuth National Training Conference 9-26-10 in Albuquerque, NM by Nancy Neal {Denver Coach ($120.00) + Lodging ($243.00) + Airfare ($237.80) + Registration ($300.00) + Backfill ($675.32) + Overtime ($177.90) + Meals ($19.78) = $1,773.80} and by Rita Mills {Denver Coach ($120.00) + Lodging ($243.00) + Airfare ($237.80) + Registration ($300.00) + Overtime $243.80) + Meals ($119.65) = $1,264.25. Total is $3,038.05.

§  Attendance at the Tactical Dispatch Course 10-4-10 in Papillion, NE by Jamy Lawson {Fuel ($68.01) + Lodging ($350.00) + Registration ($300.00) + Backfill ($229.04) + Overtime ($731.04) + Meals ($93.04) = $1,771.13}.

§  Attendance at the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Certification Course, Part 1 6-5-10 at Indianapolis, IN by Ray Richards {Taxi ($36.00) + Mileage – 514 miles X $.50/mile ($257.00) + Airfare ($684.38) + Lodging – 5 nights X $94.00/night ($470.00) + Registration ($610.00) + Meals ($159.79 = $2,227.17

§  Attendance at the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Certification Course, Part 2 9-24-10 at Murfreesboro, TN by Ray Richards {Car Rental ($217.36) + Airfare ($473.40) + Luggage Fees ($25.00) + Lodging – 2 nights X $110.00/night ($330.00) + Registration ($500.00) + Meals ($58.96) = $1,604.72

§  Attendance at the Public Safety Facilities Planning Seminar 10-21-10 at Orlando, FL by Ray Richards {Taxi ($81.00) + Airfare ($897.40) + Luggage Fees ($45.00) + Lodging – 2 nights X $108.0/night ($216.00) + Registration ($395.00) + Meals ($63.40) = $1,697.40

§  Noon Meal for IS 100, IS 200, & IS 700 NIMS training at Fort Robinson State Park, Buffalo Soldiers’ Barracks {12 meals X $7.00 ($84.00) + coffee ($8.40) = $92.40}

§  IS300 at Gering VFD 11-20/21-10 ($3,400) is authorized

§  IS400 at Gering VFD 12-18/19-10 ($2,750.00) is authorized

§  We have spent $28,352.46 and the balance remaining is $1,647.54.

§  Working on reimbursement for Ray Richards attendance at APCO/NENA NG911 Seminar in Orlando FL 11-7/12-10. Preliminary estimate is $1,578.98. **

d. Leasing space for Equipment Storage - $12,014.00, which is actually a holding point for any additional equipment we might need. $12,000.00 was allocated to the Planning Academy. Scottsbluff Public Safety Building Mobile Controllers will be purchased with these funds, and the cost above this amount will be paid by Scottsbluff Fire.

§  Chief Dana Miller has solicited bids from Action Communications and First Wireless and is nearing completion of this project.

§  Received Action Communications quote 12-3-10 from Dana Miller for 6 mobile controllers ($11,070.00) – installation is out for bid –If there are any costs over $12,014.00 will be absorbed by Scottsbluff FD

2007 Citizen Corps Grant

§  We were allotted $1,980.00 on the original Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN), but that has been changed to $2,065.19. However, neither the PET chairman nor Al Berndt have signed this new GAN. The change was made to provide funding for the October 1 & 2, 2010 CERT class taught in Scottsbluff for that amount. Despite the fact that there is not a signed GAN, we have already PAID Panhandle Public Health and been reimbursed by NEMA.

All 2008 Work Plan projects have been paid for except:

Project #1, “Nebraska Law Enforcement IED and Response Planning – purchased a bomb magazine with locks from Tread Corporation ($10,389.40) – Reimbursed and PAID; purchased a digital x-ray machine from Logos Imaging LLC ($23,443.00) – Reimbursed and PAID Purchased radio assembly with case, power supply upgrade kit, camera sighting kit assembly from Northrop Grumman, Remotec Inc. ($57,625.00) - Reimbursed and PAID. Purchased two shelter gazebos from Walmart ($240.00) – Reimbursed and PAID. Purchased Mineral Water Bottle Disrupters and shock tube cutters from Cherry Engineering ($422.00) – Reimbursed and PAID - Purchased two dual laser sights from SWH, LLC for $1,220.00 – Reimbursed and PAID. – Purchased two Assy, Reel & Line Brakes from Allen-Vanguard Technologies Inc. ($2,100.00) – Reimbursed and PAID. AMOUNT LEFT IN PROJECT #1 IS $14, 283.51.

Project #5 “Chadron Point to Point” ($30,132.00) - project completed for $27,888.32 leaving a balance of $2,243.68 to be used to install the equipment.

Project #6 “Scotts Bluff County Communications UHF/Low Band Link was changed by NEMA to reflect exact quote of $25,136.00 instead of the original quote of $26,600 early in the process – therefore the project is complete and paid and there is no balance remaining.

Balances for projects costing less than the original quote are: Project #5 ($2,243.68); Project 7 ($1,192.70)*, and Project 10 ($29.60). These total $3465.98 PET is asking for ideas on creating a small project that these monies can be invested in.

2009 State Homeland Security Grant Program for the MOU Hazmat Team. $25,000.00 has been allotted. 75% of the award can be spent on equipment and 25% must be spent on planning, exercise and training. Chief Dana Miller must submit a plan on expenditures before any drawdown on the funds can occur. Note: An additional $25,000 will be awarded to the MOU Hazmat Team for 2011.

The 2009 Work Plan has been approved by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency. The target value was $336,107.00. At least two bids must be solicited for projects utilizing Scottsbluff communications vendors. We will continue to solicit training and exercise ideas to go along with the PET project. All training must be federally approved.

2009 State Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP): Initial allocation is $596,352.00. 25% (actually 20% after NEMA contributions to PET) must be spent on Planning, Exercise and Training (PET) and 25% (actually 28% after NEMA’s needs) must be spent on the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) with emphasis on Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Fusion Center. The Nebraska Emergency Management Agency will also heavily invest in PET, IED/Fusion Center. This means that the Panhandle Region PET Committee must spend $92,985.00 on PET and $167.260.00 on LETPP. The remaining grant funds ($336,107.00) can be spent on regional priorities allowed by the Authorized Equipment List (AEL). (Open for discussion)

n  Priorities for the 2009 Work Plan are:

1.  Planning, Exercise and Training MOU - $18,654.00 for PET and $74,385.00 MOU (Planning ($3,720,00); Exercise ($7,440.00); Training ($7,440.00); $54.00 for equipment to be purchased at a later date (Kept 20% of $92,985.00 or $18,597.00 – remainder divided as 20% Planning, 40% Exercise, and 40% Training). MOU’d $17,400.00 back to NEMA on our behalf for the Nebraska Agriculture Response and Recovery which is specifically agriculture related planning, exercise and training that will be provided by the State Department of Agriculture.

2.  Law Enforcement/Improvised Explosive Devices - $125, 445.00, which is 75% of the Law Enforcement Allocation Requirement for LE/IED and Fusion Center.

3.  Scottsbluff Public Safety Building Radio Tower - $40,950.00. Reimbursed and PAID.

4.  Panhandle Region Portables (Scottsbluff PD, Regional Cache, Sheridan County, Sidney PD Portable Radios - $102,011.00) or (Scottsbluff Police Department Portable Radios ($9,073.00) – Reimbursed and PAID; Panhandle Region Portable Radio Cache ($43,643.00) – Reimbursed and PAID; Sheridan County Portable Radios ($30,780.00) – Reimbursed and PAID; Sidney Police Department Portable Radios ($18,515.00)) – - Check being cut and reimbursement asked for from NEMA .

5.  Chadron Volunteer FD Pagers and Sheridan County Fire Road - $30,005.00 or (Chadron Volunteer Fire Department Pagers ($28, 567.00) – Reimbursed and PAID; Sheridan County Fire Road – ($1,431.00)) – Reimbursed and PAID.

6.  Nebraska Law Enforcement Fusion Center - $41,815.00; which is 25% of the Law Enforcement Allocation Requirement for LE/IED and Fusion Center. MOU’d this funding back to NEMA for the Nebraska State Patrol to continue the Fusion Center operations.

7.  Banner County Moving Old Repeater and Installing New Repeater - $22,380.00

8.  Scotts Bluff Detention Center Repeater and Portables - $48,556.00 – Reimbursed and PAID.

9.  Scottsbluff FD Portables - $12,123.00. Checks being cut to Motorola ($11,520.96) and First Wireless ($602.04) and reimbursement received.

10.  Morrill County Portables, Repeater, Mobile Control Centers - $52,383.00 Bayard Project – Bridgeport will not allow the antenna on their water tower – solution by Roger Wheeler a Cell Phone – Erickson G32 fixed wireless terminal cellular phone in at $500-$600 and the cell phone will call Bridgeport Communications – when cell phone is called it automatically calls Bridgeport Communications – checked the AEL and Cell Phone, Digital are allowed at 06 CC-1-CELL Digital; okayed by Nikki Weber of NEMA. Received two invoices from Comm. Source ($31,843.80 & $20.539.20, which meet the target value of $52,383.00) and will complete the project. Waiting for EHS to be completed and accepted and serial numbers. Roger Wheeler of First Wireless is providing additional photographs to complete the study.

11.  Hemingford PD Communications Project - $27,645.00. Have invoice from Comm. Source ($12,449.58) and writing for invoice from Motorola ($15,195.42) – Reimbursed and PAID