
The Governing Body of Heddon-on-the-Wall St. Andrew’s CE First School supports the use of school facilities in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays. The facilities will be only available for suitable activities and groups subject to the approval of the Headteacher and on receipt of an agreed fee based on the scale of charges. The fee should include all costs incurred by the school due to the letting.


  • The caretaker should be given at least 24 hours notice of any lettings.

(Midweek lettings are a contractual requirement of school caretakers and the site caretaker should perform all lettings on that site)

  • The lettings fee is a payment to the caretaker in respect of the loss of an entirely free weekend or evening.
  • The fee covers the setting out and putting away of any equipment required by the hirer. It also covers the cleaning of the first three rooms. Additional cleaning may be required if more than three rooms are used.
  • Lettings payments are to be claimed on Form C7.
  • When an employee is sick they will be entitled to the payment they would have normally received had they been working on any regular school letting. The claim, form C7, should be completed with signatures of Headteacher and hirer and should clearly state that the employee is sick.

During holiday periods when the Headteacher is unavailable the form should be submitted to Operational Services Management Team for authorisation.

  • Access payments – when access only is required the minimum lettings fee will be payable.
  • Additional cleaning – when additional cleaning is required this will be paid at the appropriate hourly rate.

Scale of Charges

Number of roomsAmount Payable

Up to and including 52.25 hours

6 to 122.50 hours

13 to 182.75 hours

19 or more3.00 hours

On weekdays there are two letting periods:

18.00 – 22.30

22.31 – 24.00

On Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays there are four letting periods:

06.00 – 12.00

12.01 – 18.00

18.01 – 22.30

22.31 – 24.00

A fee will be paid for each letting period based upon the hourly rate of the Caretaker at that time.

Additional Costs

Use of electricity and heating should also be included as should an estimate of costs for consumable materials (cleaning equipment, paper towels etc)

These costs will be calculated and agreed with the hirer prior to the letting taking place.

Use of School Facilities at times which do not require a letting fee

Use of school facilities during normal working hours (eg: during school holiday periods) will be charged to the hirer at a daily rate based upon the number of facilities used, duration of use and additional costs incurred.

The daily rate will be £40 per day for hall, toilets and main areas plus £10 per day for each additional classroom.


This policy will be reviewed annually to take into account any pay restructuring or additional costs due to price rises in utilities or other materials.

LETTINGS CHARGES July 2014 – July 2015



Weekdays 18.00 – 22.30

22.31 – 24.00

Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

06.00 – 12.00

12.01 – 18.00

18.01 – 22.30

22.31 – 24.00


£14.00Basic Charge (per session) plus £2.00 per hour or part thereof

St. Andrew’s Lettings Final Policy v1.2