Sweeping Ankle

Block (R) punch with (R) cross & (L) with (L) outer, go into throw. Lock by (L) arm back of head & kneel on, Figure 4 on other arm.

Double Ankle Shoulder Thrust

(R) outside block to (R) punch & (L) block to (L) back elbow. Punch kidneys & throw. Kick, pull back arms, step through, (R) leg round (R) arm, (L) leg over round neck & wrist lock.

Head, Hip & Knee

(L) S Block to (R) punch, throw, finish around neck, Figure 4.

Rear Throw

(L) S Block to (R) punch. Punch to stomach & throw. (R) leg round head & into armpit & arm lock.

Outer Winding

(L) S Block to (R) punch, (R) palm heel & over to throw. Finish arm round & under armpit & tuck arm in leg.

Inner Winding

(L) S block to (R) punch, strike body as going under to throw. Lock under his/her arm to jaw & tuck arm.

Crab Claw Scissors

(L) down block to (R) down punch & execute throw, punch to face & Figure 4.

Corner Throw

(L) S block to (R) punch & throw. Finish attempt shoulder lock, turn Uke over, back hammer & sit on top.

Rolling Ankle

(L) S Block to (R) punch, throw, come up to step over onto (L) arm & lock on (R) with shoulder arm lock.

Spring Hip

(L) S Block to (R) punch, throw & step over lock.

Hip Throw

(L) S Block & out to (R) for Hip Throw with shoulder arm lock.

Reclining Leg Throw with Strikes

(R) outside block to (R) punch, into throw, after strikes throw Uke’s (R) leg across, step on (R) arm & punch.

Rice Bale

(L) S Block to (R) punch. Punch midriff & encircle to throw. Roll over & punch head.

Lapel Shoulder

(L) S Block to (R) punch. (R) strike to clavicle & hold to throw. Finish arm across (L) leg & pull collar to choke.

Reverse Dropping Body Drop

(L) S Block to (R) punch & go into throw. Finish shoulder lock.


Counters to Throws

Hip Throw

  • Tori steps round with (L) leg & applies (L) Floating Hip, kick finish.
  • Tori allows throw & counters with Rear Throw & kick finish.

Drawing Ankle

  • Tori withdraws attacked (L) leg & turns to inside leg sweep.
  • Tori withdraws attacked leg & kicks with other leg to standing kick.

Shoulder Wheel

  • Tori pushes Uke’s arm away, encircles head, steps close with (R) foot & Rice Bale.
  • Tori steps back with (R) leg, pulls back on Uke’s (L) arm to apply lock. Tori’s (L) arm around back of head.

Full Shoulder

  • Tori pushes in small of back & applies choke, then double back hammers.
  • Tori pushes round, blocks second punch & applies sweeping hip.

Body drop

  • Tori pushes (L) arm across Uke’s front & scoops attacking leg.
  • Tori spins to apply counter of outside hock.

Reclining & Leg Throw

  • Tori pushes round, blocks second punch & applies falcon lock to throw to rear.
  • As reclining leg throw is applied Tori pushes round & blocks second punch, then applies dropping falcon throw & punch finish.

Outer Hook

  • Tori applies strong arm pull & push & uses attacked leg to throw.
  • Tori pre-empts & sit & apply stomach throw.

Stomach Throw

  • Tori brings (R) arm under attacking leg & applies leg throw by knee pressure, turn over, boston crab.
  • Take attacking leg to side & inside hock.

Half Shoulder

  • Push round, block second punch & other hock.
  • Push round, block second punch, strike upper muscle, go under, apply lock then rice bale.


Combinations (5)

f.Half Shoulder into Falcon Lock Throw, punch finish.

g.Hip Throw into Stamp Throw, patella lock finish.

h.Inside Hock/Minor Inside Hock, kick finish.

i.Full Shoulder to Dropping Full Shoulder, punch to zigomatic.

j.Body Drop to Crab Claw Scissors.


Lunge Punch, Reverse Punch to Body & Face (2)

Block punch with S Block, reverse to body & blocking arm to face on both sides.

Counter to Kicks (5)

  • (L) block – roundhouse, (R) hand to floor as (R) leg goes through & behind Uke’s (L) leg for scissors. Backfist to groin.
  • Walk into back kick movement to evade, sweep leg, turn over & punch.
  • (L) down block to back kick & (L) inside forearm to (L) punch with (L). Half shoulder.
  • Avoid crescent kick & place (L) arm under leg & push on pad to throw backwards.
  • Side step to crescent kick & swing (R) arm under & around. Use (L) arm to pressure knee to throw.

Attacking the Eyes & Ears

Due to violence of these moves, to be shown with strict control.

Three Punches to Body, Face & Body Again

(R) outer block to (R) punch, then (L) punch to floating ribs, (R) punch to face & a further (L) punch to body.

Palm Heel Block with Attack

Using palm heel to block attack, also to all vulnerable points with palm strikes.

Defence Against Sparring Partner who Kicks

Two facing, one hand on head, the other punching & kicking indiscriminately.

The Open Hand & it’s Uses

Blocking & striking with knife hand & also multiple strikes.

The Elbow & it’s Uses

All uses of elbows after blocking, including combinations. Show use of move by blocking double block to (R) then (L) punches, then use (L) & (R) elbows to ribs, (R) elbow to head. Uke now traps (R) arm, Tori goes under to do (L) hand back hammer & (R) elbow to high back.

The Bottom Fist

All uses from blocks, bringing back fist quickly & multiple blows.

Most Dangerous Throws

Pupil should know how each throw damages the body of an opponent.

The Four Most Used Kicks in Ju-Jitsu

Pupil must show good style front snap, side snap/thrust, roundhouse & back kicks.

Defence Against Side Snap Kick (2)

  • (L) leg deflects, (L) punch to kidneys & (R) punch to head.
  • (L) leg deflects, scissors & naked choke.

Knife Attacks (6)

  • (R) outside block to thrust to face. (L) elbow to head, encircle take down with knife arm over (R) knee.
  • (R) outside block to thrust to face. (L) palm heel to jaw & into winding to Figure 4. take down lock on.
  • X Block to down thrust, turning into back hammer & to floor.
  • (L) down block to down thrust taking on wrist hold. Kick to midriff & wrist throw & lock on floor.
  • (R) outside block to thrust to chest, (L) strike to medulla & taking (L) hand around to hold on collar, knife is turned in to Uke’s chest as taking down. (L) leg over his/her (L) arm.
  • (R) down block to down thrust, turning wrist to (R). (L) kick to chest & (L) leg over arm for wrist & shoulder lock.

Baton Defence (8)

  • (L) S Block & baton up for Figure 4.
  • (L) palm heel & baton to neck to strangle.
  • (R) outside block & baton round neck in (L) hand & strangle.
  • Block (R) punch & (L) back elbow, baton through legs for rear scoop.
  • Wrist grabbed to take baton, swing over to wrist lock.
  • As (above) but remove baton & back hammer with it.
  • Use baton to block down strike. Block (R) kick & use baton to leg twist throw.
  • Block two punches & baton under arm & to the throat to throw.

All pupils taking their black belt will also be asked questions on anatomy, which you will be expected to learn for yourself, also you must know all previous grade syllabus work.

Fenland Ju-Jitsu White to Black SyllabusPage 1 of 5