Sunday 27th February, 2005 Greenwich

9.00 CRIPSIE AND CRIS together



Sidsel, Doug, Beth and Patrick, Hanne, Danny and Hugo, Rima and Lidija, Jan and Elsje (Groningen), Kajsa (Malmø)


Jim and Sophie, Turid and Inger-Mette, Carina, Steve and Dawn, Liz, Klaas and Yf, Trin, Tina, Ann, Arne and Gyri and Kirsten, Inga, Lisbeth

Welcomes – Sidsel and Doug


1. Revision of agenda.

2. Short feedback from each institution.


Linked with Cooper’s Lane. School involvement with the Short Exchange.

Doug applied for and received grants for Greenwich students to visit CRIPSIE institutions and have been working in Cooper’s Lane. Students have been working with children through feelings, drama, making small plays with children, which will be filmed at the University. Others working with children supporting a class newspaper linked to current news topics. Two looking at School Council and how it works. Each of the 6 students will be writing a report on the projects.


Linked with Collingwood Primary. Beth has joined in with Circle Time workshops with Collingwood staff.

Critical incidents – useful discussions with Jim, Patrick and Beth

Two Northumbria students from last year’s Greenwich exchange have been to Malmo and now one is going to Bergen.

Met with DAK members during their meeting in Newcastle and discussed the Conceptual Framework with them.

Patrick and Beth have piloted their workshop with students.


2 students to Greenwich and now students in with Klaas’ school

3 students from last year’s exchange now working in schools for their dissertation doing research around conflicts and philosophising re war and terrorism. Material will be ready by June – possibility of use for CRIPSIE.

ERASMUS students from central Europe and workshops re conflict


Have received students from Greenwich and have taken part in the short term exchange. Have received students from Northumbria.

3 students from Bergen in teaching practice for 3 weeks.


Sialius, teacher from school last year, is now taking part in the Greenwich exchange as a student.


School will take the Greenwich exchange students – focus – how to deal with conflicts.

Curriculum at Hanzehogeschool, where is CRIPSIE project best placed in the programme + possibility of student exchange.

Students have programmes and projects, so strong possibilities of building CRIPSIE into the programmes. Alternative outputs would be very desirable.


Participation in Greenwich exchange, doing work in schools re conflict, Hanne involved in that + in-service work. Hanne working with CRIS schools, having worked with them prior to the project.

Reflected on the process for future developments. Wanting to make a film in the kindergarten as a product for CRIS project, too. Hanne doing support input with the school.

School supporting workshop.


3 students in teaching practice to Cooper’s Lane and 3 students in Malmo ( democracy project school). Sidsel working with a colleague in kindergarten (DAK) focusing on ‘bullying’ in kindergartens. Regular communication with the two CRIS schools.

Minde skole to support workshop.

3. Short-term-exchange:

Student discussion Re War And Terrorism

Beth to collate responses and e-mail to everyone to analyse.

Short Term Exchange next year:

Dates 2005 – 06

Weeks 10 and 12

Peter Gregory is taking over from Doug.

Information about WORKSHOPS on Monday:


Win as Much as You Can.

working in pairs, based on negotiation and layers of neg. and decision making. Lots of ambiguity and making assumptions. Groups work through activity (approx. 30 minutes). Then everyone reflects on points. Tease out the issues in a plenary. Such as: importance of perceptions, trust, lack of trust, how this makes you behave, structures of conflicts. Starting to think about the different dimensions involved.

ACTION: Patrick to send electronically, to everyone


Cartoons concerning war and terrorism, Flemish and international. Themes emerging from newspapers. Questions for each cartoon – working in groups, could be used with children.


Listening skills in primary school, research data, what is good listening? How do you feel if not listened to? Present some theory – the good listener. Implementation in school – how to do it. Circle time; rules, games, breaks, discussion.

KAJSA (Malmø)

Children’s Rights – context: Malmo is a very segregated city, 98% from 28 different schools – lots of conflict and fighting. Everyone, however, should have the same rights. Introduction to background, then small installation – different countries. Take a paragraph and discuss the meaning for different countries. Decide on one answer – make a presentation (not language) in a box. Reflecting upon the discussion. Implementation in the classroom. Using art instead of words.


Aim: how to talk about war and terrorism in primary schools.

3 parts.

1. 9 pictures from Beslan from international press (all with children in the pictures). Discuss which pictures to use or not use in school.

Which affects most personally and which one not (comparing it to children’s feelings from his work).

2.  Philosophising with children about terrorism – let them choose to discuss in small groups.

3.  Some propositions to discuss (10) to discuss (agree/don’t agree) in terms of school. Then compare with other groups. Discuss the differences.



Non-violent communication – 2 ways to talk:

Wolf language -Blame, accusative

Giraffe Language - Positive language

Considering the meaning behind words. Reflect upon this (and teacher’s language). Too often negative language. Be more reflective, feelings and needs.

Theory (Hanne) then practice (Ann)

Discussion – possibilities for classroom practice, reflect upon own use of language is it wolf or giraffe. What are implications for children?


Run the workshop together with Gyri from Liland and Inger–Mette from Minde skole

Is there bullying in kindergartens? Working with 2 of the teachers in a kindergarten in Bergen. The primary school teachers focus on work and methods against bullying in their primary schools

In the workshop: Focusing on attitudes of the students – make 4 groups, each group get 3 statements to discuss – they need to choose one statement to focus on. Present their choice in plenary.

Discuss differences between bullying and conflict.

4. In-service Programme Belgium

Arranged for 40 people

5th – 12th November

Deadline for decision about whether course runs or not:

1st September

Decided to arrange an evaluation CRIPSIE meeting in Bruges in November

ACTION: Apply for an extension of the project – Sidsel

We also need to advertise the course more aggressively through fliers, through ETEN etc. All participants to try to encourage teachers.

Perhaps an in-service course in Belgium for teachers or run workshops for KATHO students in the event that the course doesn’t run.

Cost of Course will be 950 Euros

Sidsel highlighted the problems of confirming participants on COMENIUS courses, and we need to be aware of that. Do we need an alternative plan, in the case of not having enough participants?

We need to decide the minimum number of participants needed. Hugo to calculate.

JOBS/responsibilities for the In-Service Course:

It was decided that each aspect of the course should have a named person as

coordinator. Other members to put their names to areas of interest/input

1.  Hugo responsible for smooth running of everything.

2.  Sidsel introduction to course with clear aims + delegates’ expectations and responsibilities, action planning and evaluation + work with Hugo – catalogue

3.  Doug a) reflections of each day

b)linking the programme

c) pre-course tasks –

a)  3 images of own school context as a visual presentation

b)  critical incident – perhaps transcript (in English)

c)  children’s work communication, conflict in schools

d)  wider conflict/terrorism

4.  Beth Circle time

5.  Patrick + Beth Win as Much as You Can

6.  Danny Communication group – + Sven? Rima, Hanne, Sidsel, Beth

7.  Hugo – School visits, school system + visit to classes MUST be related to workshops.

Workshop leaders linked to specific schools? Danny and Hugo to see what possibilities there are and bring some proposals to Newcastle. Or use of video to be made by Danny, to use in the course.

8.  International conflicts (mediated by the media) – Hugo + Doug, Henning? Beth, Sven? Hugo would like to invite a war journalist Hugo to follow through

9 .Diksmuide visit Hugo

10.Practice in school – the peaceful school, Jan + a colleague or Gerri, Hanne, Beth (Highscope video).

Need to leaves time for the delegates to reflect and discuss. Because of possible language problems, we need to be careful with the pace.

Perhaps we need to provide choice of workshops or video delegates choose what would be relevant to them

11. Action planning + evaluation – Sidsel

12 .Friday afternoon – possible delegates’ presentation Sidsel + Doug – still to be finalised.


Hanne to check with Connie, Sidsel to check with Henning, Sven to let us know

Proposed programme: How can we better understand and deal with conflicts in our schools and kindergartens?

9.00 – 10.30 / 11.00 -12.00 / 1.00 – 2.30 / 2.45 –4.00 / Evening
Saturday 5th / Arrivals / Meal together
Sunday 6th / General Introduction
Circle Time – ice breaker
BETH / Win as Much as You Can
PATRICK / Sightseeing – minimum 3 hours
HUGO / Social Evening
Monday 7th / Pre-course tasks
DOUG / cont. / Conceptual Framework
PATRICK / Small Group – reflections (1 hour)
(1/2 hour)
Tuesday 8th / Workshops – Communication
DANNY +…. / cont.
Introduction to school visits
HUGO / School visits
HUGO / cont. / Follow up – POSSIBLY ‘Oh, What a Lovely War’ poems or…
Wednesday 9th / International Conflicts
HUGO / Cont. / Visit to Diksmuide
HUGO / 20.00 Menin Gate
Thursday 10th / Practice in Schools
JAN / Cont. / FREE / FREE / FREE
Friday 11th / Action Planning
SIDSEL / Delegates Presentations or role play /drama or… / Cont. / Farewell dinner

4.  June meeting in Newcastle.

Hotel in centre of Newcastle


Arrive Thursday 2nd June to Monday 6th


Meeting needs to include:

·  evaluation of project so far

·  how to improve working with the CRIS group

·  finalise planning for in-service course (collaborative working on workshops)

·  conceptual framework in Newcastle

ACTION - Patrick to complete conceptual framework – to e-mail to everyone prior to meeting.

·  alternative outputs of project (Each partner institution to take responsibility for some output)


1.  booklet – with some input from the CRIS group

2.  in-service course in partner countries

3.  short-term Greenwich exchange

4.  staff exchange

5.  articles (joint papers)

6.  presentations


NEED TO GET ‘OH, WHAT A LOVELY WAR’ with English subtitles

FIND TWO POEMS – wars positive and negative

Proposed timetable at the Newcastle meeting:

Thursday 2nd / CRIPSIE members arrive / Dinner together in hotel
Friday 3rd / Collaborative planning of workshops / Collaborative planning of workshops / Tapas (+ optional Ball for students+staff at UNN)
Saturday 4th / Meetings
Biscuit Factory? / Collaborative planning of workshops / Dinner Baltic
Sunday 5th / Meetings – hotel? / Tour options / Meal in pub on way home
Monday 6th / Collingwood Primary / Some CRIPSIE members to Milton Keynes (MK) / Hotel MK
Tuesday 7th / For those of the delegates who will be involved in a new project:
Meeting with Mary Kellett all day / Return home


Steve reporting on plans for coming year and any involvement from CRIPSIE


What are children afraid of….

Using those as contexts for explanation of what fear is, moving to wider world in year 3

What next – when we know what their fears are – how can they be addressed in school etc.

Future CRIS meetings:

Denmark, Outrup, December 2005 – exchange of experiences in schools and kindergartens

Norway, Bergen, February 2006 – evaluation of project - school visits

Lots of activities continuing in schools

Website now live:

Link between the 2 websites would be very useful

Sidsel asked the CRIS group to try to get participants for the DIPSIE and CRIPSIE and FUTURES course.

Doug offered the suggestion that CRIPSIE could offer in-service work in each country – a day’s course in each city. Good way to disseminate what both projects have been doing. Could be in one school for a whole school approach, or a day for local schools. Collaboration with CRIS would be useful.

Monday 28th February

University of Greenwich, Southwood site


Doug, Sidsel, Patrick, Beth, Danny, Jan, Hugo, Hanne, Rima, Lidija

Sidsel reminded everyone to claim expenses – using the form on the website + IBAN number + receipts


Main expenses to date have been:


- Travel

- Subsistence

- Accommodation.

The project partners to remember the possibility to claim for technology and equipment (not hardware), books, CD-ROMs, software – needed for working in the project and preparing for the in-service course. Receipts needed.

Admin costs (paper, internet, telephone etc.) for each institution:

Sidsel will calculate this and divide this between us. Meetings responsibilities will be taken into consideration: Greenwich and Siauliai this year.

Patrick pointed out that Sidsel needs to know where the administration costs money is to be sent. This banking information can be put onto the form where it mentions general administrative costs

According to the budget:

9.700 Euros for outside consultancy costs - nothing spent from this yet

5.600 Euros for books etc. Some of this has been claimed

We have put in the application that we would have an external evaluator. We need to decide about this. Could be someone to follow the in-service course? It has to be an EXTERNAL person. Someone from Belgium, as the course is in Belgium? Maybe a person from the Netherlands – to save on travelling costs.

The evaluation is part of the final accounting system to EU

We need to be clear what we are doing before we ask an external person to evaluate. Hanne’s video – share costs with CRIS and perhaps other sources.


The students have their specific programme

CRIPSIE participation in the official opening of the short-term-exchange week

CRIPSIE/CRIS partners to run workshops according to a specific plan

English students to go to partner institutions abroad in week 11.