Name ______

Science Review Packet

1.  Can two parents with brown eyes have a blue eyed child? How could this be genetically possible? (HINT: use a Punnett square to help you answer this!)

2.  Explain the concept of incomplete dominance vs. co-dominance.

3.  In genetics, what do the terms homozygous and heterozygous mean?

4.  If a blue-eyed man has kids with a gray eyed woman, how many of their kids will have blue eyes? How many will have gray eyes? Blue eyes are dominant to gray eyes. The man is heterozygous for his blue eyes, and the woman is homozygous for her gray eyes (USE A PUNNETT SQUARE).

5.  What is a genotype? What is a phenotype?

6.  There are two ways that plants can reproduce. What are they, and how are these types of reproduction different?

7.  If a purebred blue flower is crossed with a purebred white flower, and their offspring are light blue, what is this an example of?

8.  Why do some plants have flowers? GIVE TWO REASONS!

9.  Draw a Punnett square to show the chances (ratio, fraction, percent) that the offspring of a male and a female is half female, half male.

10.  How many chromosomes do you have? How many copies of those chromosomes do you have? Which chromosome number determines your gender?

Digestive and Excretory Systems

1. What is the main function of the digestive system?

2.  Name, in order, the organs through which food passes as it moves through the digestive tract:








3.  What substance is made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder?

4.  What is the function of the Excretory System?

5. What are the 4 ways in which wastes are excreted from our bodies?

a. c.

b. d.

6. What is the function of the Urinary System?

7. List the four major parts of the Urinary System labeled and their functions:





Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

1.  What two gases are exchanged through respiration?

2.  Which one do you exhale?

3.  Starting with your nose and mouth, list all structures through which air travels from the time you inhale until oxygen molecules actually diffuse into your bloodstream.

Mouth and Nose à ______à ______à ______à ______à ______à ______à Blood stream

4.  What is the diaphragm?

5.  How does the diaphragm control breathing?

6.  What happens to your lungs when your diaphragm contracts?

7.  What happens to your lungs when your diaphragm expands?

8.  List three functions of the circulatory system.

a.  b.


Reproduction and Hormone Control through the Endocrine System

1.  Define/describe the following terms associated with reproduction.

A.  Asexual - ______

B.  Sexual - ______

Energy, Photosynthesis & Respiration

1. Define the terms autotroph and heterotroph.




2. Diagram a simple food chain and label the following parts; producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, and quaternary consumer. J

3. Explain why the arrows on food chain point in a specific direction.




4. Describe the 10% rule and how it applies to food chains.




5. Using your food chain, design and solve one 10% rule problem for your food web.

6. What types of organisms can photosynthesize?




7. Write out the chemical and the word equation for photosynthesis. (Memorize this!)

8. What type of energy transformation occurs during photosynthesis?

9. Write out the chemical and the word equation for respiration. (Memorize this!)

10. What is energy? What can it change?



11. Energy can be classified into which two categories: potential and kinetic. Describe the differences between these two categories.




12. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state?




13. What is an energy transformation? Give two examples.




14. What happens to most of the energy during an energy transformation? (90%)

1.  Pond Grass

2.  Grasshopper

3.  Shrimp

4.  Bass

5.  Heron

6.  Shrew

7.  Owl/Hawk

8.  Duck

9.  Songbird

10. Sandpiper

15. In the above food web, identify a:

Producer: ______

Primary Consumer: ______

Secondary Consumer: ______

Tertiary Consumer: ______

16. At which level is there the greatest amount of available energy? ______

17. Explain the difference between a food web and a food chain.

18. What organisms would potentially suffer if the grasshopper population greatly decreased due to harmful pesticides? How might this change impact the overall food web?





1.  Define the following words:

A.  parasitism - ______

B.  mutualism - ______

C.  commensalisms - ______

D.  predation - ______

E.  niche - ______

F.  habitat - ______

G.  species - ______

H.  population - ______

I.  community - ______

J.  producer - ______

K.  decomposer - ______

L.  consumer - ______

M.  conservation - ______

N.  biome-______

O.  fossil fuels- ______

2. What is a climax community? ______

3. What is a limiting factor? ______

4. Describe the steps of ecological succession. Use the words climax community, pioneer species, and

equilibrium in your explanation. ______


5.  Explain the differences between renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible resources. ______



6.  Give examples of each of the following:

A.  renewable resources - ______

B.  nonrenewable resources - ______

C.  inexhaustible resources - ______

7.  What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?

8.  Where can Primary Succession occur? ______

9.  When can Secondary Succession occur? ______

10.  What are the 3 “R’s” of conservation?

11.  What are fossil fuels? Give 3 examples. ______

Example Questions:

Know what each metric unit represents and name for each abbreviation.

  1. Convert time from one unit to another

a)  234 minutes = ______days

b)  20,450 sec = ______years

  1. Convert from one metric unit to another…

a)  12 hg = ______kg

b)  0.5 dL = ______cL

c)  111 cm = ______m

d)  54 cm = ______mm

e)  0.45 dag = ______g

f)  7 cL = ______kL

  1. Convert from one temperature unit to another…

a)  54ºF = ____ ºC = ______K

b)  24ºC = ______ºF = ______K

c)  214 K = ______ºF = ______ºC

  1. Know the Scientific Method steps forward and backwards.
  2. Be able to describe what each step does.
  3. Which groups:

a)  React easily with gases

b)  Are malleable

c)  Are good conductors

d)  Are shiny

7.  Define Gravity.

8.  What is the difference between balanced forces and unbalanced forces?

9.  Define Kinetic energy.

10.  Define Potential energy.

11.  Where would an object have the most potential energy?

12.  Where would an object have the most kinetic energy?

13.  Define projectile motion.

14.  Where are electrons located?

15.  Where are neutrons located?

16.  Where are protons located?

17.  List four safety precautions used in labs.

18.  What is the formula for speed?

19.  Where are periods on a periodic table?

20.  Where are groups on a periodic table?

21.  How are elements arranged on the periodic table?

22.  Which tool would you use to measure the volume of a block of wood?

23.  What does Newton’s third law of motion state?

24.  To describe the length of a grain of rice, you would use what metric unit?

25.  Rust is an example of how some metals can ______.

26.  Inertia is used when explaining Newton’s ______.

27.  Using Newton’s second law of motion, what is a skater’s acceleration when a 50 kg skater pushes off from a wall with a force of 200 N?

28.  What tool would you select to measure the volume of liquid?

29.  What explains why you should always aim above the bull’s eye when playing darts?

30.  An appropriate SI unit for density would be ___.

31.  Why do astronauts float in the space shuttle?

32.  Use a diagram to demonstrate how air resistance and gravity affect the acceleration of falling objects.

33.  On a ramp, where is there the most potential energy?

34.  When working with unknown powders, what is the safest way to identify it?

35.  Take this moment to practice reading a graduated cylinder!

36.  What is the ratio of hydrogen atoms to chlorine atoms in HCl2?

37.  How many elements are in Na2HCl6?

38.  What is a chemical property of wood?

39.  Take this moment to practice reading triple beam balance.

  1. I would encourage you to make sure you understand all of the vocabulary used in class!

Meter / Area / Volume / Mass / Density
Temperature / Model / Theory / Law vs. Theory / Scientific Method
Observation / Inference / Hypothesis / Data / Matter
Solid / Liquid / Gas / Law of Conservation of Mass / Physical Property
Chemical Property / Physical Change / Chemical Change / Atom / Element
Proton / Neutron / Electron / Kinetic Energy / Potential Energy
Acceleration / Velocity / Free Fall / Projectile Motion / Inertia