March 12, 2008
MARCH 12, 2008
Fran Borcalli, floodSAFE Yolo Tim O’Halloran, YCFCWCD
Warren Westrup, Yolo County Panos Kokkas, Yolo County
Mark Cocke, City of Woodland Mark Deven, City of Woodland
Donna Gentile, WRA
1. Review Action Items from PAC Meeting on February 13, 2008
a. Tim, Warren, and Fran will wordsmith the first bulleted item on the Program Summary at the end of this meeting, so it can be posted to the floodSAFE Yolo Website.
b. The second meeting with the Cache Creek Interviewees was canceled due to limited attendance. Fran met with Nancy Lea and Brenda Cedarblade together. He gave them the informational binder, discussed the pilot program and answered questions. Fran has offered to meet with any of the original interviewees on a one-on-one basis to give them the informational binder, discuss the program, and listen to their input.
c. Fran prepared and distributed a memorandum on the justification for implementing selected work plan tasks (dated March 12, 2008). He used the format approved at the PAC meeting on January 6, 2008, for presenting the justification for early implementation of the respective tasks (results, measure of success, relative significance, description, budget, duration, and schedule). The selected tasks are:
Task C. Flood Emergency Preparedness
Cache Creek: Task 1 – Update Hydrology
Task 4 –Obtain Regional Topographic mapping
Sloughs, Canals & Creeks: Task 1 – Develop City-County Drainage Manual
Task 2 – Update the YCFCWCD Hydrologic Model for Willow Slough Watershed
Fran presented an estimated budget for each task:
Cache Creek: Task 1 – $100,000
Task 4 – $50-60,000
Sloughs, Canals & Creeks: Task 1 – $90-100,000
Task 2 – $40-50,000
Tim O’Halloran will create a budget spreadsheet with Fran’s input. Mark Deven and Tim will set-up a meeting with Sharon Jensen of Yolo County to discuss the priority tasks in the Work Plan.1 A formal presentation to the Board of Supervisors on the pilot program was recommended. Fran advised that, to date, approximately $58,000 has been expended from the total pilot program budget. Fran will send the electronic file of the memorandum to Mark and Tim.
d. Fran provided information on the DWR/FloodSAFE California program’s multi-faceted process to improve public safety through integrated flood management. In February 2008, DWR launched the initial phase of the Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation Project, which will collect data through a series of surveys on ground topography and aerial photography. Fran distributed a map detailing the planned survey area and three areas (delineated in color) that Yolo County would like to include in the survey (Cache Creek Task 4 – Obtain Regional Topographic Mapping). Fran has already been in contact with the data collection contractor to include these extra areas independent of DWR’s survey. An agreement will be executed between the YCFCWCD and the surveying contractor.2 Fran received approval from the MOU partners to move forward on this task utilizing floodSAFE Yolo program funds. Collecting this data in conjunction with the scheduled survey will provide cost-effective and valuable information for the floodSAFE Yolo program.
e. Fran distributed a summary of the February 28 meeting with DWR, USACE, Woodland, Yolo County, and the YCFCWCD (attached). DWR scheduled a follow-up meeting on March 6 and another meeting is scheduled for March 20 with the same agencies. These meetings are establishing productive partnerships among the agencies to highlight issues of concern for Yolo County regarding flood issues related to Cache Creek and the Cache Creek Settling Basin.
f. The Work Plan budget is pending further development by Fran and Tim.3 The memorandum presented in Item 1 c. above outlines some of the initial priorities by task. Tim reiterated that there are several key areas to still develop for the program that include a public outreach plan and continuing program administration/funding beyond the 2-year pilot period. Fran and Tim will continue budget development.
g. Appropriation request letters for 2008-09 were sent to Congressmen Herger and Thompson on behalf of floodSAFE Yolo program. Fran has a meeting scheduled with Congressman Herger on March 21 to learn more about the program and answer any questions. Fran is coordinating with Petrea Marchand, Yolo County, to prepare and send letters to Senators Boxer and Feinstein. Although earmarks for 2009 are not considered likely, it is still important that our California representatives are aware of the pilot program for potential earmarks in 2010. Fran agreed to brief Petrea and others attending the CAP-to-CAP beginning April 5 regarding the appropriations request. Fran and Petrea will verify the appropriate Washington, DC contact person.4
h. A 2x2x2 meeting is scheduled on March 27 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the YCFCWCD for City, County, and YCFCWCD representatives. The agenda will focus on briefing and updating these in attendance on the floodSAFE Yolo pilot program. Tim will prepare a presentation to explain the program’s vision, budget, and work plan.5 Mark Deven will be responsible for briefing attendees at the City/County 2x2 meeting scheduled on March 26 regarding floodSAFE Yolo highlights for CAP-to-CAP.6
i. February 13 PAC meeting notes were sent via email with today’s agenda.
j. Development of a presentation for MOU Councils/Boards will be developed by Tim after feedback from the meeting in Item 1 h. above.
2. Review meeting with DWR on March 6, 2008
This item was covered by Fran’s meeting summary distributed above.
3. Notice of Preparation USACE/SAFCA Project EIR
The first public meeting was held requesting comments on the project EIR. Fran and Mark Cocke will prepare a briefing paper to analyze the project elements that relate to Yolo County (specifically the Fremont Weir and the Cache Creek Settling Basin). Comments are due in April 2008. Fran will also draft a response to the EIR for review by the PAC.7 The project objective is to improve flood protection for Sacramento by raising and strengthening the levees. The PAC agreed that potential impacts on the Cache Creek Settling Basin need to be studied as part of the Fremont Weir work related to the levee improvements. Mark Deven will share information about this project at the City Managers meeting on March 21 and how this project could potentially affect Willow Slough and the City of Davis.
4. Coordination with Yolo Bypass and Sacramento River West Bank Integrated Projects
MBK Engineers briefed the Yolo County Board of Supervisors on regional flood management related to the Sacramento River Flood Control Project on March 11. A follow-up presentation is scheduled for March 18 at 10:00 a.m. The topics will be water, flooding, and the Delta. The Conservation Strategy Group of Sacramento will be presenting.
5. DWR Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation Program
This item was discussed in Item 1 d.
6. Other
Tim O’Halloran mentioned that the tasks for the Sloughs, Canals, and Creeks should not be forgotten. Fran advised that tasks for this action are included in the March 12 Memorandum.
Fran and Mark Cocke will also prepare comments to submit to the Regional Water Quality Control Board project related to controlling methyl mercury in the Delta. Fran will contact the program manager, Patrick ______prior to drafting comments.
Action Items noted within text:
1 Tim will create a budget spreadsheet for the selected work plan tasks with Fran’s input. Mark Deven and Tim O’Halloran will meet with Sharon Jensen, Yolo County, to discuss the priority tasks of the Work Plan. Fran will send the electronic file of the memorandum to Mark and Tim.
2 Fran will contact the topo survey contractor to survey the additional Yolo County areas independent of DWR’s survey, as approved by the MOU partners. An agreement will be executed between the YCFCWCD and the surveying contractor.
3 Fran and Tim will continue developing the Work Plan budget in conjunction with the program priorities established.
4 Fran will coordinate with Petrea Marchand to brief Yolo representatives attending the CAP-to-CAP in April 2008, on the appropriations request. Fran and Petrea will verify the appropriate Washington, DC contact person.
5 Tim will prepare a presentation to explain the program’s vision, budget, and Work Plan for the March 27 2x2x2 meeting.
6 Mark Deven will brief the City/County at a 2x2 meeting scheduled on March 26 regarding floodSAFE Yolo highlights for the CAP-to-CAP.
7 Fran and Mark Cocke will prepare a briefing paper on the USACE/SAFCA EIR. Fran will prepare a statement from floodSAFE Yolo on the EIR to submit within the comment period deadline in April 2008.
Next Meeting
April 9, 2008, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m., YCFCWCD Board Room, Woodland.
Submitted by:
Fran Borcalli, Program Manager
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