University of Toronto
Major Modification Proposal:
New Specialist or Major where there is an Existing Major or Specialist
This template should be used to bring forward all proposals for major modifications of this type for governance approval under the University of Toronto’s Quality Assurance Process. It is designed to ensure that all evaluation criteria established by the Quality Council are addressed in bringing forward a proposal for academic change. Please submit in MS Word format.
What is being proposed:Please specify exactly what is being proposed, E.g., A Specialist or Major where there is an existing Major or Specialist / [E.g., a new Specialist in Media Studies (BA)]
Existing associated program / [E.g., Major in Media Studies]
Start date of the program: / April 1, 2018
Department / Unit where the program will be housed:
Discipline Area/ Calendar Section:
Faculty / Academic Division: / University of Toronto Scarborough
Faculty / Academic Division Contact: / Annette Knott, Academic Programs Officer
Department/Unit Contact:
Date of this version of the proposal:
1 Summary
· Please provide a brief summary of what is being proposed. Your summary should include the following elements:
o A description of what is being proposed and a clear statement of the relationship of this to any existing Specialist or Major.
o The impetus for its development, including: academic need, student demand, and societal need
o How the proposed fits with the Unit’s academic plans.
2 Academic Rationale
· Describe what is being proposed and why:
o If relevant, describe the mode of delivery (including online) and how it is appropriate to support students in achieving the learning objectives of the program.
o Context:
§ Discuss how the program addresses the current state of the discipline or area of study. Identify pedagogical and other issues giving rise to the creation of this program; in other words, what academic need or gap does the proposed program fill? Where appropriate speak to changes in the area of study or student needs that may have given rise to this development.
§ Describe the consistency of the program with the University’s mission and unit/divisional academic plan and priorities.
§ Describe how the program structure and delivery methods reflect universal design principles and/or how the potential need to provide mental or physical health accommodations has been considered in the development of the program
§ Describe any elements that enhance the program’s diversity.
o Distinctiveness
§ Identify any distinctive/innovative aspects of the proposed program.
§ To what extent is what is being proposed “the norm.” As appropriate, speak to similar offerings elsewhere at the University of Toronto or at other universities.
3 Need and Demand
· Provide a brief description of the student need and societal demand for the proposed program focusing, as appropriate, on student interest, employment opportunities for prospective graduates, interest expressed by potential employers, professional associations, government agencies or policy bodies.
· Give some indication of the anticipated enrolments by completing the Undergraduate Enrolment Projections Table.
Table 1: Undergraduate Enrolment ProjectionsProvide details regarding the anticipated yearly in-take and projected steady-state enrolment target including a timeline for achieving it. (Please adjust the table as necessary)
Level of study / Academic year / Academic year / Academic year / Academic year / Academic year / Academic year / Academic year
1st year / # / # / # / # / # / # / #
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
Total enrolment
Please note when the program expects to reach steady state
4 Program Requirements and Description
CM Questions
Question / ResponseIs the program being offered in association with any other U of T Division? If yes, which one?
Is the program being offered in association with any other UTSC academic unit? If yes, which one?
What Program Area does the proposed Minor fall into: Arts, Science, or BBA?
Calendar Description
· Provide a brief description of the proposed program that will appear in the Calendar.
Enrolment Requirements
· Will the proposed program be limited enrolment? If yes, describe the enrolment requirements.
Completion Requirements
· Describe the course requirements for the proposed program.
This program requires students to complete a total of X.X credits as follows:
Relationship of Enrolment and Completion Requirements to Existing Program
· Describe how the enrolment and completion requirements of the proposed program compare to the requirements for the existing Major or Specialist program.
Complete List of Associated Courses
· Provide a complete Calendar description for all courses that are explicitly included in the proposed program as required or optional.
5 Program Structure, Learning Outcomes, and Degree Level Expectations
· Describe how the design, structure, requirements and delivery of the program support the program learning outcomes and degree level expectations.
· Address how the Learning Outcomes for the proposed Specialist or Major will extend or contract the Learning Outcomes for the existing Major or Specialist.
Degree Level Expectations / Clearly describe how the Program Learning Outcomes will support the degree level expectations. Indicate how the learning outcomes for the proposed program differ from the learning outcomes for the existing program(s).· Program Learning Outcomes describe what students will know or be able to do at the completion of the program.
· Program learning outcomes should support the Degree Level Expectations. / Clearly describe how the program design/structure will support the program learning outcomes.
1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge
Depth of Knowledge: is attained through a progression of introductory, core and specialized courses. Specialized courses will normally be at the C and D levels.
Breadth of Knowledge: students will gain an appreciation of the variety of modes of thinking, methods of inquiry and analysis, and ways of understanding the world that underpin different intellectual fields. / Depth and breadth of knowledge is understood in [PROGRAM NAME] as …
This is reflected in students who are able to: / The program design and requirement elements that ensure these student outcomes for depth and breadth of knowledge are:
2. Knowledge of Methodologies
Students have a working knowledge of different methodologies and approaches relevant to their area of study. They are able to evaluate the efficacy of different methodologies in addressing questions that arise in their area of study.
3. Application of Knowledge
Students are able to frame relevant questions for further inquiry. They are familiar with, or will be able to seek the tools with which, they can address such questions effectively.
4. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge
Students gain an understanding of the limits of their own knowledge and an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits to our collective knowledge and how these might influence analyses and interpretations.
5. Communication Skills
Students are able to communicate information, arguments, and analyses accurately and reliably, both orally and in writing. They learn to read and to listen critically.
6. Autonomy and Professional Capacity
The education students receive achieves the following broad goals:
· It gives students the skills and knowledge they need to become informed, independent and creative thinkers
· It instils the awareness that knowledge and its applications are influenced by, and contribute to, society
· It lays the foundation for learning as a life-long endeavour
6 Consultation
· Describe the consultation that has taken place within the academic unit.
· Will the proposed program have any impact on other UTSC or UofT academic units? If yes, describe your consultation with these units.
· Please outline any consultation with students.
7 Resources
Academic units are cautioned that any new or additional resources needed to support the proposed program must be secured before the proposal can be moved forward to governance. Submit your requests to the Vice-Dean Undergraduate, and copy the Academic Programs Officer, as early as possible. The Vice-Dean will review the request and make a decision regarding it.
7.1 Faculty requirements
· Include a brief statement to provide evidence of the participation of a sufficient number and quality of faculty who will actively participate in the delivery of the program.
· Discuss the role of any adjunct or contractual faculty.
· Comment on the provision of supervision of experiential learning opportunities, as appropriate.
· If relevant, describe the plan to provide additional faculty resources to support the program.
· Give details regarding the nature and level of TA support required by the program.
Table 2: Detailed List of Committed Faculty
Faculty name and rank / Home unit / Area(s) of Specialization /7.2 Space/Infrastructure
· Address any unique space/infrastructure requirements including information technology, laboratory space and equipment, etc.
8 Governance Process:
Levels of Approval Required / DatesDepartmental Curriculum Committee
Decanal Sign Off
DUCC (Undergraduate)
UTSC Academic Affairs Committee
Submission to Provost’s Office
Report to AP&P
Report to Ontario Quality Council
Major Modification Proposal – Type B: Major or Specialist where there is an existing Specialist or Major Page 4 of 7