Europe’s Last Summer Questions
Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started The Great War in 1914?, by David Fromkin
1. In detail identify and explain the three important claims made by Fromkin
2. Identify and explain the issues that worried and concerned Germany prior to 1914
3. How does Fromkin’s work support the thesis established by Fritz Fisher in the 1960’s
4. Identify 10 key players from the July Crisis of 1914
5. Who does Fromkin believe is responsible for starting the Great War? What evidence does he use to support his theory?
6. Why did Vienna believe Princip had committed the perfect crime?
7. How did Europe react to the news of the assassination?
8. What were Austria-Hungary’s motives for war in 1914? What were Germany’s motives for war in 1914 ?
9. How does the book portray the Kaiser during the crisis of 1914?
10. Identify the person or persons that you feel is most responsible for causing the war. Provide evidence to support your conclusion
Part Two: Introduction to your textbook and the Middle Ages
Your textbook for the AP European History course is The Western Heritage
(since 1300) by Donald Kagan, Steven Ozmet and Frank M. Turner.
Over the summer you will be required to read chapter 9 of the
book. You are required to complete chapter 9 questions.
This assignment is also due when we return to school in September.
Chapter 9 Questions
- What were the three greatest calamities of the late Middle Ages?
- What were the causes of the Hundred Years War?
- What were the major reasons forFrance’s weakness?
- What was the Estates General?
- The Hundred Years War had three stages. What were they?
- What was the significance of the Battle of Sluys? The Battle of Crecy?
- What was unrealistic about the provision of the Peace of Bretigny?
- Who were the leaders of the English version of the Jacquerrie?
- What were the provisions of the Treaty of Troyes?
- What was strategic about the location of Orleans?
- What ended the "disinheritance" of Charles VII?
- How did the French repay the "Maid of Orleans?"
- What were some of the reasons for the rapid growth of the European population between 1100 and 1300?
- Why was the European population so susceptible to the "Black Death?"
- List some of the most popular remedies for curing or treating victims of the plague.
- Define: the Decameron, the flagellants, scapegoats, taille
- What was the purpose for the passage of the Statute of Laborers?
- Following the plague, the prices on manufactured goods soared. Why?
- The Eastern Church was reunited with Rome according to what?
- The papacy reached its height under Pope Innocent III. What were some of his accomplishments?
- What was the Rota Romana?
- Why did Pope Gregory X begin the practice of sequestering cardinals?
- Who issued the Clericis Laicos? Why?
- Why was Bernard Saisset arrested?
- The Unam Sanctam issued November 18, 1302 by Pope Boniface VIII was a desperate act. Why?
- Why did Pope Clement move the papacy to Avignon?
- In order to raise funds, Pope Clement began what practice?
- Why was Pope John XXII in trouble with the Visconti and Emperor Louis IV?
- Be very familiar with the history of the Lollards and the Hussites.
- What ended the "Babylonian Captivity?"
- Who were the conciliarists?
- What was decided at the Council of Pisa? At the Council of Constance?
- What were the "Four Articles of Prague?"