College Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2015 12:15 pm
LSci 165, Moos 1-450
College Board Website:
Approval of Agenda y,y
Approval of Minutes y,y
Old Business
New Business
Link to Presentation
Welcome Back2’
●Welcome to 2nd semester!
Fall Recap5’
●Already starting to plan Duluth Days and White Coat Boat for next year.
○For more information on Duluth Days, contact Megan Neuberg ()
●Pharmacy College Board is now a member of PSG instead of GAPSA.
○We got more funding than anticipated. Yay!
●Town Hall meeting was a success. We had a lot of good ideas brought up.
○Main 4 things:
■Test Interruptions: Currently formulating a letter to policy department in order to push for a recommendation or policy for reviewing tests
■Posting Slides Late: Currently formulating a letter to policy department in order to push for an update to slide posting policy
■Lack of Study/Lounge Space: Still determining the cause of the overcrowding so that we can determine how to handle to problem
■Lack of Communication between Student Orgs: Looking to facilitate a meeting of organization presidents in order to help alleviate some of the problems that have arisen due to overlap of organizations
Semester Outlook10’
●Jan 27th: Deans Speedie/Seifert (discussing Melendy lecture). Come to this meeting to give input on what topic you’d prefer!
●Feb 24th: CB President-Elect Election
●Feb 24th: PSG Supreme Court Justice Election
●Mar 30th: 2016-2017 CB E-Board Election
●Apr 29th: Pharmacy Day
●TBD: PSG Events (Twins Game), Melendy Lecture, Committee Meetings, etc.
○Pharmacy Day: will be doing Kickball Tournament again, Minute to Win It Challenges, food, and more activities
○If you’d like to help with Pharmacy Day, contact Bethany Sutton ()
Treasurer Update5’
●Current Balance is $10,722.26
●Still have plenty of funds for Event Development (~$2,000) and Travel Reimbursement
○Funds are also available from PSG
○have not received our $4500 from PSG for Spring Semester funding
KE Update2’
●KE Blanket Funding
○Successfully made 11 tie blankets for recently homeless people. These were finished just before Christmas, so were available as gifts.
Organization Announcements5’
●Pharmacy Gala is coming up on February 6th. Open to all students. Located at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Downtown Minneapolis (7th floor) at 8pm. The goal of the Gala is to raise money for the Michelle Mentzer Scholarship (in remembrance of a 1st year pharmacy student who passed away from leukemia). Tickets go on sale today $25 early for students ($30 for alumni, faculty, friends, and tickets at the door).
●MPSO (TC) will be having their first meeting this Friday. They will be having a roundtable for Festival of Nations and discuss other events. The meeting will be over the lunch hour in Moos 5-125.
●MPSA will be having its first meeting of the semester. The topic is Script Your Future and Medication Adherence. The meeting will take place over lunch in Moos 1-450 and LiSci 165
●MSHP Annual Meeting will take place April 14-15th. Watch for emails.
Open Microphone
●(TC) Wi-Fi is being worked on. This is mainly is affecting Apples. Try turning off your wi-fi/device and then turning it back on. This should hopefully take care of the problem
●Expect more information in the near future about lounge/commons cleaning information.
●APhA Annual Meeting will take place March 4-7th. Make sure sure you sign up soon, as early registration is closing soon!
Closing of Meeting y,y