Dear parent/carer

I am writing to inform you of an important policy change which the school is making to ensure that all our students continue to learn as well as possible, both academically and socially.

My staff and I have become increasingly concerned about the negative impact mobile technologies, particularly mobile phones, are having on students’ day-to-day experience in school. After a great deal of careful consideration, along with many headteachers both locally and nationally, I have decided that the school will no longer permit the use of mobile phones during the school day.

I do not believe that mobile technology is inappropriate or unacceptable. It is important that our children learn to use such technologies wisely and constructively, and schools have a role to play in this respect. However there are a number of reasons why, on balance, I have come to this decision:

·  In the last few years we have noticed that mobile phones have been the principal channel through which bullying has occurred in school.

·  There is a mounting body of evidence to suggest that excessive reliance on technology for interaction, and particularly an obsession with social media, is one of the root causes for the increase of the number of students who experience mental health issues.

·  Reports state that researchers have found the presence of a phone on a desk reduces focus, productivity and the quality of interactions

·  School staff are spending a disproportionate amount of time on issues which have arisen from the inappropriate use of phones, including several occasions in which lessons have been filmed without permission

·  Research by LSE (Beland&Murphy, 2015) found, following a ban on phones, student attainment increased, particularly among disadvantaged students

Students will be allowed to bring phones and other mobile devices (e.g. iPods) into school, but these must be switched off and be in their bags. If a student is seen using a mobile device in school it will be confiscated as explained in the accompanying procedure.

I understand that mobile phones enable quick and simple contact to be made between parents and students. Although this is sometimes beneficial to some students, whilst children are at school they are under the school’s care, and must focus on their learning. If you need to make contact with your child in an emergency during the school day, please contact the relevant College at the school in the usual way. Similarly, children who need to contact you may do so through the College. This will also allow the school to investigate any incidents or medical issues which may occur during the day without causing you any unnecessary concern.

Our intention is to start this new policy on Monday 5th June 2017. Students will be informed of the new procedure to be followed during assemblies next week. Please contact me if you require any clarification, wish to raise an unforeseen consideration or to confirm your support for this policy change.

Whilst I understand that some students may find this change difficult initially, I hope I can count on your support as we work together to provide a safer, healthier and more productive school environment for your child where they can focus on their learning and develop healthy and fulfilling friendships.

Yours sincerely,

Jez Bennett