KY Tech District Improvement Plan 2010-2012 Page 3 of 3


Department for Workforce Investment

Office of Career and Technical Education




With high expectations and strong partnerships, Kentucky Tech will actively engage all students in the mastery of academic and technical skills needed to be ready for college and a career.


1.  Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.

2.  Students learn best when our staff maintains high expectations for learning.

3.  Students are motivated to learn when classroom instruction is related to real-world applications.

4.  All students in our school need to have an equal opportunity to learn.

5.  A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning.

6.  Students learn best when instruction incorporates both academic and technical skills.

7.  Effective school leaders engage in practices that support the ongoing improvement of teaching and student performance.

8.  Teachers, administrators, parents and the community share the responsibility for helping students learn.




The Kentucky Tech District Continuous Improvement Plan is based on the Vision and Beliefs developed by KY Tech teachers, principals and central office staff and representatives from business and industry. The Vision and Beliefs are aligned with AdvanED Accreditation Standards for Quality School Systems and supported by the Program Assessment Standards.

Information from Program Assessment data, Perkins Performance Indicators, school improvement plans from the 54 area technology centers and recommendations from central office branch managers was used to prepare the plan. While it is important to identify areas of concern, it is equally important to include only the top priorities in the plan. This allows time and efforts to be concentrated toward the top priorities of the district.

Using the Implementation and Impact Checklist, the plan will be monitored and reviewed at least at the end of each school year—Year 1 to check progress and revise as needed; Year 2 to again check progress and prepare a new two-year plan.

Belief 2. Students learn best when our staff maintains high expectations for learning.

Program Assessment Standards: Curriculum, Lesson/Unit Plans, Student Achievement, Postsecondary Links, Perkins Performance Measures, Student Organization and Work-Based Learning

Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person(s) / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
▪  Develop curriculum guides for all courses in all programs.
▪  Revise the lesson plan database to align with the new Kentucky Core Academic Standards and to include math and science integration, problem solving, soft skills and industry certifications tasks. / ▪  Teachers will be more effective and students will stay on task when a curriculum map/pacing guide is used to drive instruction.
▪  Seventy-five percent of teachers will have curriculum maps as measured by Program Assessment.
▪  KOSSA scores will improve by 2% as measured by TEDS. / Steve Bennett / 8/10 / 7/12 / No additional
▪  Allocate funds no greater than 25% of local Perkins dollars to purchase industry-recognized exams. / ▪  Students’ passage rate on industry-recognized exams will increase by 2% as measured by TEDS. / Debora Almgren / 8/10 / 7/12 / No additional

Belief 3. Students are motivated to learn when classroom instruction is related to real-world applications.

Program Assessment Standards: Curriculum, Lesson/Unit Plans, Student Achievement, Perkins Performance Measures, Student Organization, Industry Certification, Work-Based Learning and Technology

Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person(s) / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
Give assistance to programs and schools where WBL scored below 3.0 as measured by Program Assessment. / WBL will increase by .3 on a 0-4 scale as measured by Program Assessment. / Mike Kindred / 8/10 / 6/12 / No additional

Other District Improvement Initiatives beyond the Scope of the District Improvement Plan

1. / Belief 1. Student organizations
2. / Belief 3. Career pathways
3. / Belief 4. Distance Learning
4. / Belief 4. Career coaches have been hired. This goal was identified on the draft improvement plan and will be documented on the IIC.
5. / Belief 4. Enrollment
6. / Belief 6. Integration of academics
7. / Belief 7. Monitoring of the SACS Standards
8. / Belief 7. Perkins performance measures
9. / Belief 8. Dual credit is being enhanced by the “Close the Deal” initiative and will be documented on the IIC.

Equal Education and Employment Opportunities

