Running behind Katrina making sure that I kept her straight

She was presdiednt of the youth council in 77

I started going to st mary's hospital to the advisory board meetings


When they first asked me, I said I don't knjow anything about running this board!"

They told me, don't worry about a thing, we're going to wrok with you

After six months, they left me like a flower by myself

Being able to help people, help the patients that came through the hostpial and trying ot make it a place that when yhou came for your care that you felt secure and comfortable there

That board works with the hospital administration and it's a hand to hand administration

So many things because we had a representative from each dept and each month they had to let us know what was going on

It was just a nice family working relationship

1996 the board was disbanded but I was asked to remain as interim chairperson, right now I still hold the title even though there's no functioning board

everybody still tells people that I'm the board and I tell them they shouldn't do that

I wanted to get on that board a nd I found out that was a broader specrum of what I was doing

In fact I went to the meetings for one whole year to see if I would feel comfortable doing it

I applied and

Accepted in march 1994 and I've been there ever since

Some of the older people, ruthie lewis was on that board for maybe about 15 or 20 years

All of them they're gone, so it's mr. matthews and myself we have the two longerst tuneres

So far

I never thought I would last that long

Never thought I would stay there that long, but I think what happened with the more knowledgeg I got, the more mellow I become that I could just adapt

Administrative assistant

It's been four years, I do a little part time for the city on the weekends

But as a 9-5 I haven't

First heart attack in 2000, ever since then it's been going downhill but I've been hanging in with those board meetings

Ive' gotten eight perfect attendanace meetings

This year will be the first year that I haven't received a perfect attendance award

This year it was a rough year I lost my mother in February

It's just been kind of rough the rest of the year

Just had a 2nd mild heart attack

Again, helping people and having an impact on the things and the changes that take place in my community. Being a part of making history.

I see so many things, there's a light on my corner that I have put in

On the block I live on, prostepct and Utica, everybody needed a light on that corner

So I did the petitions, sent them in and the dept of dot sent me a letter that it would be put up the day after labor day

I went to my family reunion, When I came back, there was my light right there

I'm going to slow down a little bit because of my health

The next year I'm going to try to work

Getting the potholes fixed

It's not a lot of monumental things but a lot of little things that need doing in the community

It's also with a bank of knowledge, who do I call about such and such

And I say hold on go on

Just having the knowledge where to send somebody that's a big plus, it feels good when you can

To me it feels good when I can help somebody

It's just been a big rewarding experience

Each meeting it's a new experience, each time

Because each month there is something different that we have to deal with

Now we're fighting about that arena that's coming

I had no real summer vacation because that's all it was about

But it's inevitable it's going to be built,

It's not just an arena for the nets, it should have community participation in it

It's just a great feeling, eachmonth when you leave the meeting and if someone has asked for a liquor liscense and you know they don't deserve it or someone put in the community wanted to put a homless shelter right where you live a

It's nice to know that we accomplished something as a group

Because I don't think anything should be going on in backyard that I don't know about

Right now we're trying to get some changes with transit

I was hoping to attend the public hearing on the 10th, but I don't beliewve that


Close to 100 token booths in Brooklyn, what I want to do is to print a list off the othe internet and start make copies and pass them out

I don't want someone nto come out one night and there is no one in the toll booth

As soon as I hear these things, I'll tell people that there's such and such going to happen and no one knows it

They can't afaford to cut that bus off of the line

When you have that knowledge, you can let other people know

Those are my two babies:

Police and emergency

The fact being able to get the same training that nypd gets, we got it in a crash course, we received the same materials

To receive that responisiblity

You walk out this building and you see the building across the street on fire you assess the situation

You work out how many people eare in the building, you prep them for how many people they're going to run into there


June 2004

Three month class

Haven't use it yet

We did have a fire in my community

But so far I haven't used it

It's not only for fire, you can do the cpr and if I go out here and all these car accidents that are happening,

What the situation is, so they all know what kind of equipment to bring

I knew a couple of ppeople who went ot the class

At the time I really didn't understand the fullness of that class

Every now and then I run into somebody who say they had went throught he training

A girlfriend called me up and tol d

How'd you get that class? I want in on that class!

She'd tell me

Of course, nosy me, I was like I want to go in that class


The same girlfriend was at the

She was at the 77 precinct councnil meeting and the paper passed by and she grabbed it

And she said guess what I found out about ?

I said don't worry about it, I'll go

I said you came to the first class, she wasn't able to make it, and I said I'll complete the class

That's when I wanted to bring it into board 8 to get the same training

Because not only is it to just help emergency people it's something that you can use in your home. Learn how to take control of a siatuion

Grease fire or whatever

It's not a course that you really use to help anyone afterwards. It' more or less a personal training where you get to have a better insight

They give you all kinds of scenarios if there is a gay person that getes hurt, how you handle them

How you calm them down, the same thing with a normal person, they taught us about abuse

Different situations, they would take us into the auditorum for us to learn how to handle these situations

Stretch out on my couch and look at tv

That and cook sometimes

Sweet potato pie and greens



My husban's father passed and he wanted me to come back to ny and give brith to his great-neice in NY

Feb. 1973

When you're in Russia do like the Russians,

New york was kind of testy

There's so many different resources, if you can make it here you can go anywhere and make it

If you don't take advantage of the resources that are out there, you're lostWhen I was growing up my godfather raised me

When my daughter was little, I took her on sightseeing tours that people

We went up to the top

I used to take her on the friends out, prospect park

Jump rope

Christmas up to Rockefeller center, roller skate around

They had a game room there, we would leave there like 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning and go back to my house

I miss those days, I have to get me a foster child so I can do those things again

Daughter is how old 31

I'm 55.

I'm content what I'm doing and I think the council should be for someone her age


when I was growing up my godmother raised me

in Eastger she had an easter eggs hunt for us at the house every year

we always had brown bags with apples and oranges and candy

little things likek that

I guess that's where I got my start from

People got sick she would go and dow whatever she could for them

Like what people do today

I never really sat down and thought about it

I've always liked helping people period and this is like my niche.

My mother was young when she had me and my my greatgrandfather raised me until he got sick and died

At that point it w

What was going to become of me when I was 5

She asked my mother if she could raise me

I stayed with her but my mother still sent money for food and clothes

My baby sister got killed in California about maybe 15 years ago

He lives in Virginia

He's a nurse in a hospital in Norfolk

The pastor

We were always taught to look up to the pastor

When Katrina was growing up they were taught to look up to the police

The church down south that was the thing

The church, and if you couldn’t' believe in the minister, there was no place else to go

Religion was very strong back then, people tended to believe in religion very strong


Every Sunday

First Baptist of Crown Heights

Clarence Norman, Senior

I just changed my membership a year ago the first Sunday of this month but I've attended that church for 20 years

I'm an usher

My aunt was an usher when I was growing up and when I would come up in the summer to visit my mother I would go to church with my aunt

That was my love and I just continued straight on through.

One thing, I love my white uniform that I wear

Ushering is like the eastern stars. We have a society of our own and if you're not an usher, you just fill out of the loop. It's something special where you can get dressed on Sunday and put that uniform on because we're the first people that you see when you enter a church. And the way that we approach you determines how your day is going to go in that church. Because if you come in and I stand on the floor looking all mean and evil and you're having a bad day then I'm not helping on you at all

That starts filling you up and preparing you for the service that you're there for . it brightens your day, you could have had a thought of committing suicide but that changes your whole mental attitude.

I love it

I guess you really have to have faith because if you don't there's no margin that you are trying to get to. You're just floating with no purpose at all.

You know to be truthful, I wouldn't just say that my Baptist upbringing, it's just the upbringing period. No matter whether you're Baptist, catholic, muslim, there's only one god and one faith.

This is going to have a major impact on the things that I do.

I'm going to have to change my lifestyle altogether, I'm going to have to do a lot of slowing down. I'm going to slow down but I'm not going to pull out of the race altogether.

I'm going to be in my house on the telephone instead of running around going to meetings and going to seminars, but I'll still be out there.

Trust me, Katrina and I were arguing last night because we're having out NY State Memorial for the ushers on the weekend of the 13th

I said

I wanted to go to church

It's really going to be interesting because we're going to be fighting all the time. There's going to be things in November, there's an alzheimers conference at Jacob javis center. I RSVP'd a long time ago,

A lot of things I'llt ry to get Katrina to accompany me if not then I guess I won't be going.

Too close.

We've always been very close.

I lost one through optopic pregnancy and Katrina is the other.

Do you see a lot of yourself in her?

Yes and no.

She's every bit

Aries the ram and when they get a notion you can beat them

She gets that determination from me. I see that determiniation in her from me.

But she's very strong willed

Tomorrow when the surgery is over they'll put me in the CC unit

If everything stays stable then I'll come back on the floor with the general population

Possibly I'll be going home Sunday

When I go out I go out for the day

If I go out on Monday I might not be able to go out again until next week

Last year st. Mary's hospital which is right down the street from my house

Parts of it were closed

Being as I used to be the president of the amunatory board there

They called me to come in and help work with them

In trying to keep the hospital from closing



Doris Alexander who is my District Manager

You can contact Clarine Mill, we have been friends for at least 25 years


Kingston and St. John's

I met her when Katrina and her grandchild when to Brown Woods together

Bernice Canadate, 3 or 4 years


Donna Williamson, Friend


We used to party together

Katrina adopted her as her godmother and we used to hang out together all the time

She got married and I came into doing my community work but we're still friends

Husband passed away in 1988

Single mom



Where the election has been neck to neck

For any election they should provide something

It's 32 people on this floor, there are 10 floors in this hospital

Let's say 300 that means 300 votes

We're talking maybe 4 or 500 people who are not going to be able to vote

That's my next campaign for the next election, they got to provide hospitals

The medical facilities hospitals, they've got to do something

If things work out ok, sept. in fact we need it for the primary also

I'll what I can't get going.

I'm like "I want my vote to be counted tomorrow."