110 Smith Circle

P. O. Box 366

Cameron, LA 70631

Board Members

Clifton Cabell, President Dwight Savoie

Jimmy Brown, Vice- President Howard Romero

Greg Wicke, Secretary Wendell Wilkerson

Terry Hebert, Treasurer Ricky Poole



June 28, 2011

The West Cameron Port Harbor & Terminal District met in regular session on Tuesday,June 28, 2011 at the South Cameron Memorial Hospital,Cameron, Louisiana at 6:00o'clock PM.

Present: Ernest Carol Trahan, Cliff Cabell, Wendell Wilkerson, Dwight Savoie, Jimmy Brown

Howard Romero

Absent: Charles “Terry” Hebert, Greg Wicke, Ricky Poole

Guest: Vanessa Brower, Chadd Mudd, Ted Falgout, Marc Rogers Sr., Paula Rome,

Thomas Hunter, Sacha Garber, Stewart Breslin, Norm Gosa

Parish Agencies: Tunie Dunaway, Cameron Parish Police Jury

Ernie Broussard, Cameron Parish Planning & Development

Abby Gotte, Cameron Parish Planning & Development

Thomas McDaniel, Police Juror District #4

The meeting was called to order by ChairmanCliff Cabell.

Ernest Carol Trahanled the Pledge of Allegiance and Jimmy Browngave the invocation.

On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried the board approved the May31, 2011 regular meeting minutes.

On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Brown and carried the board approved the Audit and Treasurer’s report.

On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried the board agreed to pay the following bills: Cameron Telephone- $77.52-June, 2011, phone bill, Cameron State Bank Visa-June, 2011-$1874.10, Cornellia B. Dunaway-June 2011-$100.00-Travel Expense.

The port board reviewed the following correspondences: (i) an Annual Financial Statement and Independent Accounts’ Compilation Report; (ii) a letter from Cameron Parish Planning and Development to Gulf Coast Development LLC regarding West Cameron Port property development; (iii) Request for publications from Louisiana State Documents Depository Program.

Mr. Broussard gave a general report on the status of the Calcasieu Loop and East Fork dredging 90% complete; Final selection and committee recommendation for both the GIS, and Port Feasibility; Cameron Fisheries update-contract signing scheduled for June 30, 2011 at 10:30 A.M., Master Lease agreement with property owners, Target marketing initiative for Cheneire and Bechtel for housing and retail services in support of Cheniere expansion, Economic Development, numerous viable interest due to dredging, presentation to International group in New Orleans this week, Maxum Industries-Environmental Management Group; Summit meeting with Port and Parish delegation with Representative Hensgens; Attempting a pre-emptive meeting with newly appointed members of the Lake Charles Port through Johnny LeBlanc; Attendance at the Lantern Award Ceremony-Max Brake was recipient of this award for their innovation and entrepreneurship in the 5 parish IMCAL region. Discussion followed.

Mr. Romero reported on the meeting with Representative Hensgen and several Police Jurors along with Mr. Wilkerson and Mr. Trahan to discuss Cameron Parish issues. Mr. Wilkerson stated Representative Hensgen requested advance notice of issues so he could be educated on the issues before he addresses the other legislators. Mr. Romero also informed the board that the Cameron Fisheries contract signing was scheduled for Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 10:30 A.M. at Mr. Tom Barrett’s office.

Mr. Savoie asked if legal fees will be reimbursed by Cameron Fisheries and Mr. Romero stated the port board will receive $25,000.00 dollars a year from Cameron Fisheries that will replenish what was used by the West Cameron Port for legal fees. Mr. Savoie commented on the spoil placement from the dredging discussed the value of the port property for the audit requested by Mr. Greg Wicke who was not in attendance. Discussion followed.

Mr. Marc Rogers with T Baker Smith addressed the board on the presentation to work on the Port Feasibility and GIS Study. He stated Port Bienville and Port Fourchon were good models to use for the Port Feasibility Study. The time frame for completion of the Port Feasibility will be 8 to 12 months. Mr. Falgout , a contractor is working with T Baker Smith along with Tom Hunter with URS Corp, an international firm, working on marketing analysis for the port project. Miss Paula Rome will work with the marketing group. Mr. Hunter discussed with the board other projects he had worked on. Mt. Falgout discussed the development similarities between Port Fourchon and West Cameron Port. He explained the need for the Port Feasibility Study and the port master plan. Mr. Mudd requested clarification of the Port Feasibility Study and types of work West Cameron Port can compete for. Discussion followed.

Mr. Broussard, and Mr. Mudd, with Gulf Coast Development LLC discussed with the board potential projects for the port, the original lease of the port property on the east and west side of the Calcasieu River, and to explore the possibility to get the port property released from option to lease by Cheniere Energy for future port projects. Mr. Broussard stated 3 million dollars was available for public improvement, possibly bulk head, etc. Mr. Mudd stated if the port board could secure funding he would secure funding and would be willing to enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement to work with the port on the projects. He requested 2 or 3 board members to meet with him at his office regarding the cooperative endeavor agreement. He also asked the board to decide whether or not to ask Cheneire Energy for release from the option to lease. Mr. Savoie commented that a plan should be in place before an attempt be made to be released from the option to lease with Cheniere Energy. Discussion followed.

Mr. Norm Gosa, with Maxum Industries LLC , informed the board they were interested in building a facility in Cameron to process cuttings. Chemical oxidation cleans 1000 tons of contaminated sand-soil in a ten hour period. The unit will have 10 people working 12 hour shifts 24 hours a day. The cuttings will come from offshore drilling companies. He plans to put 4 units with 10 workers per unit. He was requesting emergency permits so the facility could be operational within 30 days instead of 2 years. The board discussed the emergency permitting process. Discussion followed on Maxum Industries LLC with Police Juror Thomas McDaniel.

The next regular meeting will be scheduled forJuly 26, 2011,6:00 P.M. at the Grand Lake Parish Barn, Grand Lake,Louisiana.

There being no further business and upon motion of Mr. Savoie, seconded by Mr. Trahanand carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.


_s/Cliff Cabell______Cliff Cabell, Chairman



_s/Greg Wicke______

Greg Wicke, Secretary