Nancy S. Jecker - 1




Stanford University, Department of Philosophy, Stanford, California, B.A., 1982

Stanford University, Department of Philosophy, Stanford, California, M.A., 1982

University of Washington, Department of Philosophy, Seattle, Washington, M.A., 1984

University of Washington, Department of Philosophy, Seattle, Washington, Ph.D., 1986


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Professor, Department of Bioethics and Humanities (Formerly the Department of Medical History

and Ethics)

Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy

Adjunct Professor, School of Law


George Mason University, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy

Affiliate Professor

January 2011-Present

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Associate Professor, Department of Medical History and Ethics

Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and School of Law


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Assistant Professor, Department of Medical History and Ethics

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and School of Law


University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington

Visiting Instructor, Department of Philosophy


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Teaching Assistant and Teaching Associate, Department of Philosophy



Technology Teaching Fellow. University of Washington, Office of the Provost and Center for Teaching and Learning. 2013-2014.

Faculty Grant, “Teaching About Global Health Inequities,” University of Washington College of Arts and Sciences, Center for Curriculum Transformation, Seattle, Washington, 2006

Principal Investigator, Sierra Health Foundation Research Grant, “Ethical Issues in Managed Care,” January 1997-December 1998

John Kinsman Visiting Professor, Oregon Health Sciences University, Center for Ethics in Health Care, Portland, Oregon, April, 1994

Visiting Fellow, Princeton University, DeCamp Program in Ethics and the Life Sciences, Princeton, New Jersey, June-July 1993

Faculty Grant, “Justice in Health Care,” University of Washington Royalty Research Fund, Seattle, Washington, 1992-1993

1992 Book of the Year Award for the Field of Geriatrics, American Journal of Nursing, Awarded for Aging and Ethics: Philosophical Problems in Gerontology (Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press, 1991)

Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, Center for Biomedical Ethics,Stanford, California, June-July 1991

Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, Institute for Research on Women and Gender (now the Clayman Institute for Gender Research), Stanford, California, June-July 1991

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Center for the Study of Society and Medicine, New York, New York. Institute on "Medicine and Western Civilization, " Director: David Rothman, June 1990

Rockefeller Resident Fellowship, University of Texas Medical Branch, Institute for the Medical Humanities, Galveston, Texas, June-September 1989

Visiting Researcher, Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Washington, D.C., June-July 1988

Rockefeller Resident Fellowship, University of Maryland, Center for Philosophy and Public Policy, College Park, Maryland, 1987-1988

Visiting Scholar, The Hastings Center, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York April-May 1986

Finalist, Charlotte Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation 1986

Dissertation Fellowship, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1985

Teaching Fellowship, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1982-1986



Jecker, Nancy S., Jonsen, Albert R., Pearlman, Robert A., editors,2011, 2007, and 1997. Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice, 2nd edition. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice,3rdd edition. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker, Nancy S., 2011 and 1995. Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients, and Futile Treatment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients, and Futile Treatment, 2nd edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Jecker, Nancy S.,editor, 1991. Aging and Ethics: Philosophical Problems in Gerontology. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press. Distributed internationally by J. Wiley and Sons (Chichesler, W. Sussex, England) and by Chapman and Hall (London).

Journal Articles

Jecker, Nancy S., 2014 (Forthcoming). “Why There Isn’t A Duty to Die.” Virtual Mentor: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, Thematic issue on geriatric medicine

Jecker, Nancy S., 2013. “Justice Between Age Groups: An Objection to the Prudential Lifespan Approach.’” American Journal of Bioethics, Target Article,13(8): 3-15.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2013. “The Problem with Rescue Medicine.” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy38(1): 64-81.

Jecker, Nancy S. 2012. “The Right Not to be Born: Reinterpreting the Nonidentity Problem.” American Journal of Bioethics 12(8): 34-35.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2011. “Medical Futility and the Death of a Child.” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry8(2): 133-139.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2011. “Toward a New Model of Autonomy: Lessons from Neuroscience.” AJOB Neuroscience 2(3): 1-3.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2010. “The Ethics of Substituting Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Residents for Attending Physicians” American Journal of Bioethics10(8): 11-18.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2009. “Physician-Assisted Death in the Pacific Northwest” American Journal of Bioethics9(3).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2008. “A Broader View of Justice.” American Journal of Bioethics, Target Article, 8(10): 2-10.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2008. “Just Health Care For Combatants.” American Journal of Bioethics 8(2).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2007. “The Role of Standpoint in Justice Theory.” The Journal of Value Inquiry 41(4): 165-182and erratum published in The Journal of Value Inquiry 42(2): 269.

Jecker, Nancy S. 2007. “Medical Futility: A Paradigm Analysis.” HEC Forum 19(1): 13-32.

Jecker, Nancy S. 2005. “Health Care Reform: What History Doesn’t Teach.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26: 277-305.

Jecker, Nancy S. 2004. “Protecting the Vulnerable.” American Journal of Bioethics 4(3).

Jecker, Nancy S. 2004. “The Theory and Practice of Professionalism.” American Journal of Bioethics 4(2).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2003. “Sources of Normativity: How Multicultural Values Emerge.” American Journal of Bioethics 3(2).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2003. “New Challenges for Ethics Consultation: Combining Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Caring.” Public Affairs Quarterly17(2): 83-95.

Self, Donnie J., Jecker, Nancy S., Baldwin, DeWitt C., 2003. “The Moral Orientations of Justice and Care Among Young Physicians.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (1): 54-60.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2002. “Taking Care of One’s Own: Justice and Family Caregiving.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23: 117-133.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2002. “Exploiting Subjects in Placebo-Controlled Trials.” American Journal ofBioethics 2(2).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2001. “Uncovering Cultural Bias in Ethics Consultation.” American Journal of Bioethics 1(4).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2001. “Dividing Loyalties: Caring for Individuals and Populations.” Yale

Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics 1: 177-186.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2001. “Family Caregiving: A Problem of Justice.” International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, vol. 11: Aging: Caring for Our Elders, D.N. Weisstub, D.C. Thomasma, S. Gauthier, F.F. Tomossy, eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 19-28.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1999. “Justice in the Distribution of Health Care and Scarce Medical Resources.” Advances in Bioethics, vol. 5: Bioethics for Medical Education, Rem B. Edwards and E. Edward Bittar, eds., 285-299.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1998. “Is It Natural to Die in Old Age?” American Journal of Ethics and Medicine 6(1): 10-13.

Jecker, Nancy S., Jonsen, Albert R., 1997. “Managed Care: A House of Mirrors.” Journal of Clinical Ethics 8(3): 292-303.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1997. “Principles and Methods of Ethical Decision Making in Critical Care Nursing.” Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America 9 (1): 29-33.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker, Nancy S., Jonsen, Albert R., 1996. “Medical Futility: Response to Critiques.” Annals of Internal Medicine 125(8): 669-74.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1996. “Caring for ‘Socially Undesirable’ Patients.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5(4): 500-10.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker Nancy S., 1996. "Should a Criminal Receive a Heart Transplant?" Theoretical Medicine 17(1): 33-44.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker, Nancy S., 1996. “Is the Treatment Beneficial, Experimental, or Futile?” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5(2): 248-56.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1995. “Medical Futility and Care of the Dying Patient.” Western Journal of Medicine 163: 287-91.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1995. "Is Refusal of Futile Treatment Unjustified Paternalism?" Journal of Clinical Ethics 6(2): 133-37.

Jecker, Nancy S., Emanuel Linda, 1995. "Are Acting and Omitting Morally Equivalent?: A Re-Appraisal." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 43: 1-6.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1995. "Business Ethics and the Ethics of Managed Care." Trends in Health Care, Law, and Ethics 10: 53-55, 66.

Jecker, Nancy S., Jonsen, Albert R., 1995. "Health Care as a Commons." Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4(2): 207-16.

Jecker, Nancy S., Carrese, Joe A., Pearlman, Robert A., 1995. "Caring for Patients in Cross-Cultural Settings." Hastings Center Report 25(1): 6-14.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1995. "Judging Medical Futility: An Ethical Analysis of Medical Power and Responsibility." Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4(1): 23-35.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1995. "When Families Request that 'Everything Possible' Be Done." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20: 145-63.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1994. "Managed Competition and Managed Care: What are the Ethical Issues?" Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 10(3), Greg A. Sachs, Christine K. Cassel, eds., 527-540.

Jecker, Nancy S., Meslin, Eric A., 1994. "United States and Canadian Approaches to Justice in Health Care." Theoretical Medicine 15: 181-200.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1994. "Justice and the Private Sphere." Public Affairs Quarterly 8: 255-266.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1994. "Calling It Quits: Stopping Futile Treatment and Caring for Patients." Journal of Clinical Ethics 5: 138-142.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1994. "Physician Assisted Death in the Netherlands and the United States: Ethical and Cultural Aspects of Health Policy Development." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 42: 672-678.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Faber-Langendoen Kathy, Jecker, Nancy S., 1994. "Beyond Futility to an Ethic of Care." American Journal of Medicine 96: 110-114.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1994. "Is Dying Young Worse than Dying Old?" The Gerontologist 34: 66-72.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "Founding A Family: Ethical Reflections on Compulsory Contraception." Biomedical Ethics Reviews 10, James Humber, Robert Almeder, eds.: 127-143.

Self, Donnie J., Skeel, Joy D., Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "The Influence of Philosophical Versus Theological Education on the Moral Development of Clinical Medical Ethicists." Academic Medicine 68: 848-852.

Self, Donnie J., Skeel, Joy D., Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "A Comparison of the Moral Reasoning of Physicians and Clinical Medical Ethicists." Academic Medicine 68: 852-855.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "Can An Employer-Based Health Insurance System Be Just?" Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 18: 657-674.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1993. "An Ethical Analysis of the Use of 'Futility' in the 1992 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care." Archives of Internal Medicine 153: 2195-2198.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "Genetic Testing and the Social Responsibility of Private Health Insurance Companies." Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21: 109-116.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "Futility in Practice." Archives of Internal Medicine 153: 437-441.

Pearlman, Robert A., Cain, Kevin C., Patrick, Donald L., Starks, Helene E., Appelbaum-Maizel, Malka, Jecker, Nancy S., Uhlman, Richard F. 1993. "Initial Insights Pertaining to Patient Assessments of States Worse than Death." Journal of Clinical Ethics 4: 33-41.

Jecker, Nancy S. 1993. "Being A Burden On Others" Journal of Clinical Ethics 4: 16-20.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1993. "Privacy Beliefs and the Violent Family: Extending the Ethical Argument for Physician Intervention." Journal of the American Medical Association 269: 776-780.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1993. "Medical Futility: The Duty Not To Treat." Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2: 149-157.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J. 1992. "Ceasing Futile Resuscitation in the Field: Ethical Considerations." Archives of Internal Medicine 152: 2392-2397.

Jecker, Nancy S., Pearlman, Robert A., 1992. "Medical Futility: Who Decides?" Archives of Internal Medicine 152: 1140-1144.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1992. "Intergenerational Justice and the Family." The Journal of Value Inquiry 26: 495-509.

Jecker, Nancy S., Schneiderman, Lawrence J., 1992. "Futility and Rationing." American Journal of Medicine 92: 189-196.

Jecker, Nancy S., Pearlman, Robert A., 1992. "An Ethical Framework for Rationing Health Care." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17: 79-96.

Jecker, Nancy S., Berg, Alfred O., 1992. "Allocating Medical Resources in Rural America: Alternative Perceptions of Justice." Social Science and Medicine 34: 467-474.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1991. "Age-Based Rationing and Women." Journal of the American Medical Association 266: 3012-3015.

Self, Donnie J., Jecker, Nancy S., DeWitt, Baldwin C., Shadduck, John A., 1991. "Moral Orientations of Justice and Care Among Veterinarians Entering Veterinary Practice." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 199: 569-573.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1991. "Giving Death A Hand: When The Dying and the Doctor Stand In A Special Relationship." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 39: 831-835.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1991. "Knowing When To Stop: The Limits of Medicine." Hastings Center Report 21: 5-8.

Pearlman, Robert A., Uhlmann, Richard F., Jecker, Nancy S. 1991. "Spousal Understanding of Patient Quality of Life: Implications for Accurate Surrogate Decisions." Journal of Clinical Ethics 3: 114-121.

Jecker, Nancy S., Self, Don J., 1991. "Separating Care and Cure: An Analysis of Historical and Contemporary Images of Nursing and Medicine." The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16: 285-306.

Jecker, Nancy S., Self, Don J. 1991. "Medical Ethics in the Twenty First Century: Respect for Autonomy in Care of the Elderly Patient. Journal of Critical Care 6: 46-51.

Schneiderman, Lawrence J., Jecker, Nancy S., Jonsen, Albert R., 1990. "Medical Futility: Its Meaning and Ethical Implications." Annals of Internal Medicine 112:949-954.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "Conceiving a Child to Save a Child: Reproductive and Filial Ethics." Journal of Clinical Ethics 1: 99-103.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "Adult Moral Development: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Paths." Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging 14: 19-24.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "Anencephalic Infants and Special Relationships." Theoretical Medicine 11: 333-342.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "Integrating Professional Ethics with Normative Theory: Patient Advocacy and Social Responsibility." Theoretical Medicine 11: 125-139.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "Appeals to Nature in Theories of Age Group Justice." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33: 517-527.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "The Role of Intimate Others in Medical Decision Making." The Gerontologist 30:65-71.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1990. "The Moral Status of Patients Who Are Not Strict Persons." Journal of Clinical Ethics 1: 35-38.

Jecker, Nancy S. and Pearlman, Robert A., 1989. "Ethical Constraints on Rationing Medical Care by Age." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 37:1067-1075.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1989. "Towards a Theory of Age-Group Justice." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14:655-676.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1989. "Should We Ration Health Care?" Journal of Medical Humanities 10:77-90.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1989. "Are Filial Duties Unfounded?" American Philosophical Quarterly 26:73-80.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1988. "Disenfranchising the Elderly from Life-Extending Medical Care." Public Affairs Quarterly 2:51-68.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1988. "The Extended Nonidentity Problem." Auslegung 14:185-196.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1988. "Do Possible Persons Have Rights?" Southwest Philosophical Studies X: 57-63.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1987. "Reproductive Risk Taking and the Nonidentity Problem." Social Theory and Practice 13:219-235.

Jecker, Nancy S., 1987. "The Ascription of Rights in Wrongful Life Suits." Law and Philosophy 6:149-165.

Book Chapters

Jecker, Nancy S. Forthcoming. “Health Care Ethics.” In Brit Holbrook, Carl Mitcham, eds.,Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: An International Resource, 2nd Edition. Macmillan Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S. 2013. “Advance Care Planning and the Problem of Overtreatment.” In Susana McCune and Leah Rogne, editors, Advance Care Planning: Communicating About Matters of Life and Death (Springer Publishers).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2013. “Justice.” In: Bruce Jennings, Editor-in-chief, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 4th Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S.,2013. “Aging and the Aged: HealthCare for the Aging.” In: Bruce Jennings, Editor-in-chief, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 4th Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2013, 2004, and 1995. "Aging and the Aged: Societal Aging." In: Bruce Jennings, Editor-in-chief, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 4th Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company; Warren T. Reich, editor, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company: 101-104; Warren T. Reich, editor, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 2nd Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company: 91-94.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2013, 2007 and 2001. “Euthanasia.” In In Elizabeth A. Capezuti, Eugenia L. Siegler, and Mathy D. Mezey, editors, The Encyclopedia of Elder Care, Third Edition and Elizabeth A. Capezuti, Eugenia L. Siegler, and Mathy D. Mezey, editors, The Encyclopedia of Elder Care, Second Editionand The Encyclopedia of Elder Care. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2012. “When the Patient Cannot Afford Care: Guidelines for Ethics Committees,” in Micah Hester, Toby Schonfeld, eds.,Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees (New York: Cambridge University Press): 122-129.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2011, 2007, 1997. “Methods of Ethical Reasoning: Philosophical, Clinical, and Cultural Dimensions,” in Nancy S. Jecker, Albert R. Jonsen, Robert A. Pearlman, eds.,Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods and Practice, Third EditionandBioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods and Practice, Second Edition, Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, and (in modified form) “Applying Ethical Reasoning: Philosophical, Clinical, and Cultural Challenges,” in Nancy S. Jecker, Albert R. Jonsen, Robert A. Pearlman, eds., Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods and Practice, Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2010. “Animal Subjects Research: Do Animals Have Rights?” In Gail Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum and Susan K. Palmer, eds.,Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook (Cambridge University Press).

Jecker, Nancy S., 2008. “Reasoning in Ethics.” In D. Micah Hester, ed., Ethics By Committee: A Textbook on Consultation, Organization, and Education for Hospital Ethics Committees, New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 27-47.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2007 and 1996. "Ethics and Euthanasia." In James E. Birren, editor, Encyclopedia of Gerontology, Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 505-08; and in James E. Birren, editor, Encyclopedia of Gerontology, 2nd edition, Oxford, England: Elsevier Ltd.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2006. “Managed Care as Good Management.” In George F. Tomossy, David N. Weisstub, Tom Campbell, eds.,Medicine and Industry: Changing Paradigms in Health Law, Policy, and Ethics, The International Library of Medicine, Ethics, and Law,,Ashgate Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2006, 2001, and 1995. "Euthanasia." In George L. Maddox, ed., Encyclopedia of Aging, Second Edition, New York: Springer Publishing Company: 338-39; and in George L. Maddox ed., Encyclopedia of Aging, Third Edition, New York: Springer Publishing Company; and in George L. Maddox ed., Encyclopedia of Aging, Fourth Edition, New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2005. “Challenging Fidelity: The Physician’s Role in Rationing.” In Lorry R. Frankel, Amnon Goldworth, William Silverman, eds.,Ethics Dilemmas in Pediatrics: Cases and Commentaries. New York: Cambridge University Press: 267-276.

Jecker, Nancy S., 2004, 1999, 1995, and 1993. "The Individual and Family Issues: Abortion." In Michael L. Richardson, Karen K. White, editors, Ethics Applied, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.: 175-213; and inMichael L. Richardson, Karen K. White, editors, Ethics Applied, 2nd edition, New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc.: 255-296; and in Michael L. Richardson, Karen K. White, editors, Ethics Applied, 3rd edition, New York: Simon and Schuster Inc.; and in Don Addis, Keith Goree, eds., Ethics Applied, 4th edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.