
Child Poverty and Prevention Council Meeting

Thursday, December 13, 2007

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Legislative Office Building, Room 2B

Hartford, Connecticut

I.  Welcome and Introductions

II.  Review of Recommendations of the Expert Panel

a.  Acceptance of Report

b.  Next Steps – Ed Schmidt

c.  Future Steps – Charter Oak Group

III.  Review of Agency Prevention Reports

a.  Children’s Trust Fund

b.  Department of Developmental Services

c.  Department of Children and Families

d.  Department of Public Health

e.  Department of Education

f.  Department of Social Services

g.  Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

h.  Office of Policy and Management

IV.  Review of Draft Annual Report

V.  Next Meeting – Wednesday, March 19 at 2:00 p.m.

Child Poverty and Prevention Council Meeting

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Members Present: Robert Genuario (Chair), Karen Foley-Schain, Paul Flinter for George Coleman, Patricia Downs, Devon Conover for Norma Gyle, Rudy Brooks for Susan Hamilton, Senator MaryAnn Handley, Christine Keller, Dennis King, Dianne Harnad for Thomas Kirk, Valerie Lewis, Patrick Hynes for Mary Marcial, John McCarthy, Peter O’Meara, Kevin Loveland for Michael Starkowski, Carolyn Treiss for Cristine Vogel, Faith VosWinkel, and Elaine Zimmerman.

Agenda Item / Discussion/Action
Welcome and Introductions / Chair Robert Genuario welcomed members and introductions were made by those in attendance. The Chair introduced Ronald Schack and Bennett Pudlin of the Charter Oak Group as the Child Poverty Prevention Results Based Accountability Consultant and Edmund Schmidt as a Consultant to the Child Poverty and Prevention Council.
Review of Recommendations of the Expert Panel / Board members reviewed and discussed the recommendations made by the panel of national experts on December 7.
A motion to accept the recommendations of the expert panel to the Child Poverty and Prevention Council was made by John McCarthy and seconded by Senator MaryAnn Handley. The motion passed with one opposed (Christine Keller).
Charter Oak Group - Research Based Accountability Consultant / The Charter Oak Group consultants reviewed an example of a Child Poverty and Prevention Results-Based Accountability Schematic. A subcommittee will be established to assist in the development of indicators, strategies and system measures for the results-based accountability framework for the Council.
Review of the Agency Prevention Report / Agency prevention reports will be presented at the January 2008 meeting.
Review of Draft Annual Report / A motion made by Senator MaryAnn Handley to accept the draft annual report with the provision that comments will be sent to Anne Foley was seconded by Peter O’Meara. The motion passed with one opposed (Christine Keller).
Public Comments / Members from Vecinos Unidos were given the opportunity to respond to the recommendations made by the Panel of Experts.
Next Meeting / The next Council meeting will be held in January 2008.