US History -Semester I Exam Benchmark – Burrows, Shivers, Smith

(Describe the event that corresponds with the date)

Growth of Self Government

Document – Date / Significance of Document
Magna Carta – 1215 / Establishes rule of law- monarchs must obey law
Provides basic rights to citizens
Must consult parliament to raise taxes
Mayflower Compact - 1620 / First instance of self-government
Establish just and fair laws for the good of the colony
“civil body politic”- a group of people coming together as a law making body
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - 1636 / First written constitution in the colonies
Establish voting rights to all white landowners
Basic plan of government for Connecticut
Thomas Hooker
English Bill of Rights - 1689 / Protect basic rights of citizens in England
Precursor to the American Bill of Rights
Amendment 2- right to bear arms
Amendment 4 – Protection from search and seizure
Amendment- 6 right to trial by jury
Amendment 8- Protection from cruel and unusual pun.
Habeas Corpus-

Colonial Era: Draw a line matching the English colony in America to its correct description.

Virginia Roger Williams

Plymouth, Massachusetts William Penn

Rhode Island 1st successful English colony

Georgia Fundamental Orders

Connecticut Haven for debtors

New York Toleration Act of 1649/Catholics

Pennsylvania Formerly New Netherland

Maryland Puritans and Pilgrims

French and Indian War: Who fought who? Fill in the boxes below.

Outcome: Draw a star in the box of the winner of this war.

Proclamation of 1763: colonists were forbidden to settle west of the ______.

Events leading to war: The following events are in the correct order leading up to the American Revolution. In the boxes, write a quick description of what they were.

Revolutionary Era: Fill in the blanks below using the word bank.

Yorktown Saratoga Common Sense Unalienable Rights 1776

Because of the events above, Americans fought a revolution to break away from England and become its own, independent country. Due to the publishing of ______written by Thomas Paine in 1776, Americans were encouraged to fight for independence. On ______, the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. This was a statement that listed natural or ______(those granted to people from birth that cannot be taken away), British wrongdoings and grievances against King George III, and declaring they were a free and independent country. The turning point of the American Revolution was at the ______, when the French decided to help the Americans. The last major battle was the battle of ______.

Republic Era: Creating a Government: Fill in the blanks below using the word bank.

Constitution Articles of Confederation Constitutional Convention

Anti-Federalists 1787 Northwest Ordinance

The first American constitution, written in 1777 was the ______. It created a very loose alliance of 13 independent states and a weak central government. The ______set up a government for the Northwest Territory, guaranteed basic rights to settlers, and outlawed slavery. Because of some of the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, delegates came together at the ______to revise the Articles. Rather than revising it, the delegates ended up making a whole new document called the ______. The Federalists supported the Constitution as it was written. The ______were concerned it didn’t do enough to protect individual rights. It was ratified in ______, when it included a bill of rights.

Semester I Exam Review

Below is a concept bank with phrases and concepts. Write the phrase/ concept that answers the question along with the letter below the question. Concept Bank for Questions 1-15 (Must write both phrase and letter)

A. They used ‘reason’ and ‘logic’ to improve their ‘New World’
B.  2- Moderate
C. protection from cruel and unusual punishment
D. Amendment of the U.S Constitution
E. resented the limits it imposed on Westward Expansion
F. port cities
G. The Puritans developed a form of representative self-government
H. He spied for the patriot military
I. established a method for admitting new states to the Union
J. Parliament passes the Intolerable Acts
K. freedom is worth dying for
L. The American victory at the Battle of Yorktown.
M. he spied for General Washington, he was caught and hung
N. new ways to reach the riches of Asia
O. angering colonists who believed that their civil liberties had been violated

1. British Colonists objected to the Proclamation of 1763 because they… ? (Example)

E. resented the limits it imposed on Westward Expansion

2. Which sentence best completes the diagram above ?

3. How were the colonies affected by the spread of new ideas called Enlightenment?


Colonies / Resources / Climate / Product
Northern / Deep Harbors / Cold / 1
Middle / Rich Farmland / 2 / Livestock
Southern / 3 / Warm / 4

Which characteristic is correctly matched with a number in the table … ?

5. Boston and New Orleans were both founded as… ?


Parliament passes the Tea Act of 1773 / → / Colonist dump tea into Boston Harbor / → / ?

Which of these completes this graphic organizer ?

7. The Northwest Ordinance is considered a historical milestone because it… ?

8. What is Patrick Henry’s message in this excerpt ?

A.  only the free can survive “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

B.  freedom is worth dying for Patrick Henry, 1775

C.  free people live longer


E.  people must die to gain freed

9. How did James Armistead help the Americans during the American Revolutionary War ?


“America may boast that she has accomplished what no power before her ever did, contending with Britain—Captured two of their celebrated Generals and each an Army of thousands of veteran Troops to support them.”
Abigail Adams, letter to John Adams, December 9, 1781

To which of the following is Abigail Adams referring in this excerpt ?


Which of the following completes the diagram ?


♣ Sugar Act
♠ Quartering Act
♥ Stamp Act

These Acts contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War by… ?

13. Why did England, France, and the Netherlands seek a Northwest Passage to Asia ?

14. How did Nathan Hale, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”,

help the Americans during the American Revolutionary War ?


15. Which Right best completes the diagram above ?

Below is a concept bank with phrases and concepts. Write the phrase or concept that answers the question along with the letter or letters below the question. Concept Bank for Questions 16-30

P. The Bill of Rights
Q. Declaration of Independence
R. Checks and Balance
S. For Religious Freedom
T. First Amendment
U. to protect individual freedoms from the federal government
V. allowed believers to own more land and build new churches
W. a portion of the slave population was counted for legislative representation
X. Washington surrounded and trapped Cornwallis in Virginia
Y. Gave voting power to all former English citizens
Z. the profitability of cash-crop agriculture
AB. “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.”
AC. “The existing national government lacks the power to perform essential functions.”
AD Saratoga
AE. Freedom of the Press


‘The President…shall have Power, by and with the advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.’

US Constitution, Article II, Section 2

This excerpt above provides one example of which constitutional principle ?


“Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall…otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion…”
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Which document was most influenced by this statue ?

18. All but which are true about the Great Awakening’s affect the colonies ?

19. How did the Americans and French defeat the British at the Battle of Yorktown ?

20. JUNE

♪ The Continental Congress appoints a committee to prepare a document.
♪ The committee selects Thomas Jefferson to compose a draft.
♪ The draft is reviewed and revised by the committee.


♯ Congress debates and revises the document.
♯ Congress officially approves the document.

This sequence of events resulted in the adoption of the… ?

21. A certain small town has many choices for people who want to attend religious services,

including two churches, a synagogue, a cathedral, a mosque, and a temple.

These choices are protected by the … ?

22. In a debate over the ratification of the US Constitution, which point would have been made by a Federalist ?

23. Which correctly describes the Three-Fifths Compromise… ?


‘Here in autumn of 1777, American forces met, defeated, and forced a major British Army to surrender. This crucial American victory in the Battle of ___?___ renewed Patriots’ hopes for Independence, secured essential foreign recognition and support, and forever changed the face of the world.’
“A Crucial American Victory” US National Park Service {accessed December 2015}

Which best completes this excerpt ?

25. Why did the Puritans decide to leave England ?

26. All but which was included in the English Bill of Rights signed by William and Mary of New Netherlands in 1689 ?


Which constitutional guarantee did this act violate ?

28. Which excerpt from the Declaration of Independence best explains why colonist were

unhappy about their lack of representation in the British Parliament ?

29. The Colonial Transatlantic “Triangular” Trade between the 1500s and the 1800s brought an

estimated 10 million enslaved Africans to the Americas. From England and Spain to the West Coast of Africa to the Americas and back to Europe to start all again.

Which factor most encouraged the growth of this unique trade between Continents ?

30. Why did the Anti-Federalists demand that a bill of rights be added to the U.S. Constitution ?

Below is a concept bank with phrases and concepts. Write the phrase or concept that answers the question along with the letter below the question. Concept Bank for Questions 31-45

A. excessive surveillance by the government
B. he secretly supplied medicine and gunpowder to the Patriots
C. “Jurors Return Verdict in Hit and Run Case”
D. Thomas Paine
E. Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both houses
F. Sixth Amendment
G. The US Constitution
H. economic policies imposed by Great Britain following the French and Indian War
I. colonies did not want to give up any power to a central council
J. Having a stronger central government will make the country more stable and prosperous.
K. …extended voting rights beyond church members.
L. natural harbors provided access to markets
M. Plymouth was founded as a refuge from religious persecution, while Jamestown was founded for commercial profit
N. defined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence
O. he rode from Boston to warn colonist that the British were coming


“It is essential to the freedom and security of a free people, that no taxes be imposed upon them but by their own consent, or their representatives.”
The Sons of Liberty, address to the public, New York, December 15, 1773

The excerpt above reflects the dissatisfaction of American colonists with the… ?

32. How did Wentworth Cheswell help the Americans during the American Revolutionary War ?


Θ And excessive bail hath been required of persons committed in criminal
case to elude the benefit of the laws made for the Liberty of the Subjects:
Θ And excessive fines have been imposed;
Θ And illegal and cruel punishments inflicted…

Which US document was created to guarantee protection against these injustices ?

34. Why did Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union not get approved ?

35. When citizens report for Jury Duty, they are helping uphold a constitutional right guaranteed by the… ?

36. With which of the following arguments would the authors of The Federalist Papers

most likely have agreed ?


…He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good…
Declaration of Independence, 1776

Which provision of the U.S. Constitution reflects this grievance ?


** LIFE **




The rights listed above were…?


☻ Immigrated to North America

☻ Became a Revolutionary writer and philosopher

☻ Wrote the influential pamphlet “Common Sense”

☻ Wrote a series of essays titled Crisis

☻ Supported the French Revolution

Which prominent Revolutionary figure is described above ?


In 1636, Thomas Hooker . . . established the first English settlement in Connecticut. Convinced that government should rest on free consent.
He did ______{what ?}
Steven Mintz, “Colonization: Dimensions of Change in Colonial New England,”
Digital History, (accessed September 12, 2011)

Which of the following completes the sentence above ?

41. Which newspaper headline provides the best example of civic duty ?

42. How did geography influence the early economic development of

New York, Boston, and Charleston ?

43. How did Bernardo de Galvez help the Americans during the American Revolutionary War ?

44. Which statement accurately describes the reasons for establishing Plymouth and Jamestown ?

45. The constitutional amendment excerpted above protects people in the United States from… ?

Below is a concept bank with phrases and concepts. Write the phrase or concept that answers the question along with the letter below the question. Concept Bank for Questions 46-60